Class Text

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Text
    extends Object
    implements Serializable

    Allows the inclusion of a text transcript, closed captioning, or lyrics of the media content. Many of these elements are permitted to provide a time series of text. In such cases, it is encouraged, but not required, that the elements be grouped by language and appear in time sequence order based on the start time. Elements can have overlapping start and end times. It has 4 optional attributes.

     <media:text type="plain" lang="en" start="00:00:03.000"
            end="00:00:10.000"> Oh, say, can you see</media:text>
            <media:text type="plain" lang="en" start="00:00:10.000"
            end="00:00:17.000">By the dawn's early light</media:text>

    type specifies the type of text embedded. Possible values are either 'plain' or 'html'. Default value is 'plain'. All html must be entity-encoded. It is an optional attribute.

    lang is the primary language encapsulated in the media object. Language codes possible are detailed in RFC 3066. This attribute is used similar to the xml:lang attribute detailed in the XML 1.0 Specification (Third Edition). It is an optional attribute.

    start specifies the start time offset that the text starts being relevant to the media object. An example of this would be for closed captioning. It uses the NTP time code format (see: the time attribute used in <media:thumbnail>). It is an optional attribute.

    end specifies the end time that the text is relevant. If this attribute is not provided, and a start time is used, it is expected that the end time is either the end of the clip or the start of the next <media:text> element.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Text

        public Text​(String value)
        Creates a text object.
        value - value of the text
      • Text

        public Text​(String type,
                    String value)
        type - type of text
        value - value of text
      • Text

        public Text​(String type,
                    String value,
                    Time start,
                    Time end)
        Creates a text object with start and end times
        type - type of text
        value - value of text
        start - start time
        end - end time
    • Method Detail

      • getEnd

        public Time getEnd()
        End time of the text
        End time of the text
      • getStart

        public Time getStart()
        Start time of the text
        Start time of the text
      • getType

        public String getType()
        type of the text
        type of the text
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Value of the text
        type of the text
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object