Class TermSequenceParser

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class TermSequenceParser
    extends Object
    implements Parser
    Parses a sequence of both Terms and Operators.

    This does not parts importants or broadcast a PropertyValue.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • TermSequenceParser

        public TermSequenceParser()
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public boolean parse​(Source source,
                             Grammar grammar,
                             Broadcaster broadcaster)
        Description copied from interface: Parser
        Parse from the current position of the given source, notifying the given Broadcaster of any applicable events and data.

        Necessary grammar tokens and other parsers should be retrieved from the provided Grammar instance.

        Specified by:
        parse in interface Parser
        source - The source to parse.
        grammar - The grammar.
        broadcaster - The broadcaster.
        True if we parsed something (excluding whitespace and comments), false otherwise. Note that a return value of true does not indicate that the parsed content was completely valid syntax (unknown for some units until refinement).
        See Also:
        #parse(Source, Grammar, Broadcaster, Boolean)