

package couchbase

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CBExtension extends Extension

  2. trait CBFormat[T] extends CBReads[T] with CBWrites[T]

    A convenient trait that mix CBReads & CBWrites

  3. trait CBJson[T] extends CBJsonReads[T] with CBJsonWrites[T]

    This trait implement method CBReads.

  4. trait CBJsonReads[T] extends CBReads[T]

    This trait implement method CBReads.

  5. trait CBJsonWrites[T] extends CBWrites[T]

    This trait implement method CBWrites.

  6. trait CBReads[T] extends WithCB

    This trait implement methods get, getBulkImpl, getBulkOptionImpl based on a need-impl method reads: Object => T

  7. trait CBWrites[T] extends WithCB

    This trait implement methods set, setBulkImpl based on a need-impl method writes: T => String

  8. trait HasKey1[A] extends AnyRef

    This trait has a method to map a param of type A to a CB key

  9. trait HasKey2[A, B] extends AnyRef

    This trait has a method to map 2 param of type A, B to a CB key

  10. trait Key1[T, A] extends ReadsKey1[T, A] with WritesKey1[T, A]

    This trait mix ReadsKey1 with WritesKey1

  11. trait Key2[T, A, B] extends ReadsKey2[T, A, B] with WritesKey2[T, A, B]

    This trait mix ReadsKey2 with WritesKey2

  12. trait ReadsKey1[T, A] extends HasKey1[A] with CBReads[T]

    This trait extends HasKey1 and contains some method to read CB documents

  13. trait ReadsKey2[T, A, B] extends HasKey2[A, B] with CBReads[T]

    This trait extends HasKey2 and contains some method to read CB documents

  14. trait WithCB extends AnyRef

    Base trait to interact with CouchbaseClient

  15. trait WritesKey1[T, A] extends HasKey1[A] with CBWrites[T]

    This trait extends HasKey1 and contains some method to write/ delete CB documents

  16. trait WritesKey2[T, A, B] extends HasKey2[A, B] with CBWrites[T]

    This trait extends HasKey2 and contains some method to write/ delete CB documents

Value Members

  1. object CBExtension extends ExtensionId[CBExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider

  2. object CbFutureAsScala

    implicit convert [T extends net.
