Interface XsuaaUserInfo

All Superinterfaces:

public interface XsuaaUserInfo extends UserInfo
This interface extends the common UserInfo with XSUAA specific getters.

Given a UserInfo instance userInfo you can obtain an instance of XsuaaUserInfo by calling

  • Method Details

    • getEmail

      String getEmail()
      Returns the email of the user if present.
      The email if present.
    • getOrigin

      String getOrigin()
      Returns the user origin. i.e. the user store the user comes from. Platform users have origin "uaa".

      Might be null in case this JWT was not created with OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow.

      the user origin if present.
    • getGivenName

      String getGivenName()
      Returns the given name of the user if present. ext_attr.given_name claim takes precedence before given_name claim.
      the given name if present.
    • getFamilyName

      String getFamilyName()
      Returns the family name of the user if present. ext_attr.family_name claim takes precedence before family_name claim.
      the given name if present.
    • getSubDomain

      String getSubDomain()
      Returns the subdomain of the user's tenant.
      the subdomain of the tenant.