Interface CdsMojoLogger

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCdsMojo, AddIntegrationTestMojo, AddSampleMojo, AddTargetPlatformMojo, AutoBuildMojo, BuildMojo, CdsMojo, CleanMojo, GenerateMojo, InstallCdsdkMojo, InstallNodeMojo, NpmMojo, NpxMojo, VersionMojo, WatchMojo

public interface CdsMojoLogger
This interface provides access to the logger used by all CDS Mojos.
See Also:
  • ""
  • Method Details

    • logDebug

      void logDebug(String message, Object... args)
      Writes a debug message to log.
      message - the message
      args - the arguments
    • logDebug

      void logDebug(Throwable error)
      Writes a debug message to log.
      error - the exception causing this debug entry
    • logError

      void logError(String message, Object... args)
      Writes an error message to log.
      message - the message
      args - the arguments
    • logError

      void logError(String message, Throwable error, Object... args)
      Writes an error message to log.
      message - the message
      error - the exception causing the error
      args - the arguments
    • logError

      void logError(Throwable error)
      Writes an error message to log.
      error - the exception causing the error entry
    • logInfo

      void logInfo(String message, Object... args)
      Writes a debug message to log.
      message - the message
      args - the arguments
    • logWarn

      void logWarn(String message, Object... args)
      Writes a warning message to log.
      message - the message
      args - the arguments
    • logWarn

      void logWarn(String message, Throwable error, Object... args)
      Writes a warning message to log.
      message - the message
      error - the exception causing the warning
      args - the arguments
    • logWarn

      void logWarn(Throwable error)
      Writes a warning message to log.
      error - the exception causing the warning