
Interface DataStoreConfiguration

public interface DataStoreConfiguration
Provides runtime configuration parameters for CdsDataStore implementations. The string constants in this class are configuration keys consumed by implementations of this interface.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      String getProperty(String key)
      Get the property value for a given key.
      key - the key of the configuration property
      the value for the provided key or null
    • getProperty

      default String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue)
      Get the property value for a given key. If no value is present for the key it returns the provided default value.
      key - the key of the configuration property
      defaultValue - the default value if no value is present for the provided key
      either the value for the provided key or the default value
    • getProperty

      default boolean getProperty(String key, boolean defaultValue)
      Get the property value for a given key. If no value is present for the key it returns the provided default value.
      key - the key of the configuration property
      defaultValue - the default value if no value is present for the provided key
      either the value for the provided key or the default value
    • getProperty

      default int getProperty(String key, int defaultValue)
      Get the property value for a given key. If no value is present for the key it returns the provided default value.
      key - the key of the configuration property
      defaultValue - the default value if no value is present for the provided key
      either the value for the provided key or the default value