Interface CqnGroupByTransformation

All Superinterfaces:

@Beta public interface CqnGroupByTransformation extends CqnTransformation
Transformation that groups the result set according to specified dimensions and applies given transformations to each group. The result set is the grouped input set after applying the transformations. Two scenarios are common: 1. the list of transformations is empty -> the output set contains the distinct values of the dimensions 2. a single aggregate transformation is specified -> the output set contains the aggregated values per dimension
  • Method Details

    • dimensions

      List<CqnElementRef> dimensions()
      Returns the dimensions by which the input set is grouped.
      the dimensions by which the input set is grouped.
    • transformations

      default List<CqnTransformation> transformations()
      Returns the pipeline of transformations, which is applied to the grouped input set.
      the pipeline of transformations
    • kind

      default CqnTransformation.Kind kind()
      Description copied from interface: CqnTransformation
      Returns the kind of this transformation
      Specified by:
      kind in interface CqnTransformation
      the kind of this transformation