Interface CqnHierarchySubsetTransformation

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CqnAncestorsTransformation, CqnDescendantsTransformation

@Beta public interface CqnHierarchySubsetTransformation extends CqnTransformation
  • Method Details

    • hierarchyReference

      CqnStructuredTypeRef hierarchyReference()
      Returns a reference, which identifies the entities that form a recursive hierarchy. The entity is annotated with RecursiveHierarchy with a qualifier whose value is given by the hierarchyQualifier() method.
      a reference, which identifies the entities that form a recursive hierarchy
    • hierarchyQualifier

      String hierarchyQualifier()
      Returns the qualifier of the RecursiveHierarchy annotation
      the hierarchy qualifier
    • nodeProperty

      CqnElementRef nodeProperty()
      Returns a reference to the property that identifies the nodes of the hierarchy.
      a reference to the node property
    • transformations

      List<CqnTransformation> transformations()
      Returns the transformations, which are applied to the input set before the ancestors/descendants are determined. Typically, a filter or a search transformation is applied.
      the transformations
    • distanceFromStart

      int distanceFromStart()
      Returns the maximum distance between start nodes and ancestors or descendants
      the maximum distance between start nodes and ancestors or descendants
    • keepStart

      boolean keepStart()
      Returns whether the start nodes, i.e. the nodes after applying the transformations, should be included
      true, if the start nodes should be include; false, otherwise