All Classes and Interfaces

Data structure to represent a Java annotation and its parameters.
Data structure to represent a parameter of a Java annotation.
Implementations of this interface instruct the VDM generator on which annotations to apply to the generated Java code.
Builder for the ODataToVdmGenerator, gathering all relevant parameter or providing default values for unspecified ones.
Default implementation of AnnotationStrategy that applies the necessary annotations for the full set of generated VDM classes (POJOs, fluent helpers, service classes, etc.), which uses the SAP Cloud SDK to access OData services.
NameFormattingStrategy used by default in the NamingContext.
Data structure representing an OData entity or complex type.
Data structure representing an OData property of an entity or complex type.
The NameFormattingStrategy used when processing an entity's properties.
Wrapper for the LoggerFactory, collecting all logged messages.
NameFormattingStrategy that can be used in the NamingContext in the OData VDM generator.
Data structure representing an OData navigation property.
Custom runtime exception that is thrown in cases of unrecoverable errors.