
package scalatags

ScalaTags is a small XML/HTML construction library for Scala. See the Github page for an introduction and documentation.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. scalatags
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class Attr extends AnyRef

    Wraps up a HTML attribute in an untyped value with an associated type; the := operator takes Strings.

  2. case class AttrPair(attr: Attr, value: String) extends Modifier with Product with Serializable

    A key value pair representing the assignment of an attribute to a value.

  3. trait Attrs extends AnyRef

    Trait containing the contents of the Attrs module, so they can be mixed in to other objects if needed.

  4. case class Cls(name: String) extends Modifier with Product with Serializable

    Represents a single CSS class.

  5. trait DataConverters extends AnyRef

    Trait containing the contents of the DataConverters module, so it can be mixed in to other objects as needed.

  6. implicit class ExtendedString extends AnyRef

    Provides extension methods on strings to fit them into Scalatag fragments.

  7. type HtmlTag = TypedHtmlTag[_]

  8. sealed trait Mod extends AnyRef

    Things that a modifier is allowed to do to a node.

  9. trait Modifier extends AnyRef

    Represents a value that can be nested within a Node.

  10. trait Node extends Modifier

    A general interface for all XML types which can appear in a ScalaTags fragment.

  11. case class RawNode(v: String) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A scalatags.Node which contains a String which will not be escaped.

  12. implicit class SeqModifier[A] extends Modifier

    Allows you to modify a HtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

  13. case class StringNode(v: String) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A which contains a String.

  14. abstract class Style extends AnyRef

    A Style that only has a fixed set of possible values, provided by its members.

  15. case class StylePair(style: Style, value: String) extends Modifier with Product with Serializable

    A key value pair representing the assignment of a style to a value.

  16. trait Styles extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains the contents of the Styles object, so they can be mixed in to other objects if needed.

  17. trait Tags extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains the contents of the Tags object, so they can be mixed in to other objects if needed.

  18. case class TypedAttr[T](name: String) extends Attr with Product with Serializable

    Wraps up a HTML attribute in a statically-typed value with an associated type; overloads the := operator to also accept values of that type to convert to strings, allowing more concise and pseudo-typesafe use of that attribute.

  19. case class TypedHtmlTag[T](tag: String = "", children: List[Node], attrs: SortedMap[String, String], void: Boolean = false) extends Node with Product with Serializable

    A single HTML tag.

  20. case class TypedStyle[T](jsName: String, cssName: String) extends Style with Product with Serializable

    A Style that takes any value of type T as a parameter; overloads the := operator to also accept values of that type to convert to strings, allowing more concise and pseudo-typesafe use of that style.

  21. case class UntypedAttr(name: String) extends Attr with Product with Serializable

  22. case class UntypedStyle(jsName: String, cssName: String) extends Style with Product with Serializable

    A Style which does not have a particular type, and takes strings as its values

Value Members

  1. implicit def ArrayModifier[A](xs: Array[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Modifier): SeqModifier[A]

    Allows you to modify a HtmlTag by adding an Array containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

  2. object Attrs extends Attrs

    Module containing static bindings for common HTML attributes.

  3. object DataConverters extends DataConverters

    Module containing convenient ways of constructing CSS data types

  4. object DataTypes

    Contains the trait and case class definitions for the most commonly used CSS data types.

  5. object Escaping

    Utility methods related to validating and escaping XML; used internally but potentially useful outside of Scalatags.

  6. val HtmlTag: TypedHtmlTag.type

  7. object Mod

  8. implicit def NumericModifier[T](u: T)(implicit arg0: Numeric[T]): StringNode

    Lets you put numbers into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.

  9. implicit def OptionModifier[A](xs: Option[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Modifier): SeqModifier[A]

    Allows you to modify a HtmlTag by adding an Option containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

  10. object Styles extends Styles

    Module that contains bindings for commonly-used CSS styles.

  11. object Styles2

    Contains CSS styles which are used less frequently.

  12. object SvgStyles

    Contains CSS styles which are only used for SVG.

  13. object SvgTags

    Contains Tags which are only used for SVG.

  14. object Tags extends Tags

    Module containing static definitions for common HTML5 tags.

  15. object Tags2

    Contains HTML tags which are used less frequently.

  16. implicit def UnitModifier(u: Unit): Modifier

    Lets you put Unit into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.

  17. object all extends Attrs with Styles with Tags with DataConverters

    Convenience object to help import all Tags, Attrs, Styles and Datatypes into the global namespace via import scalatags.all._

  18. def raw(s: String): RawNode

    Mark the given string as "raw", meaning it will not get escaped when the Scalatags fragment is serialized.

    Mark the given string as "raw", meaning it will not get escaped when the Scalatags fragment is serialized. This makes it easy to open up XSS holes and other vulnerabilities, but is sometimes necessary and useful.

  19. object short extends Tags with DataConverters

    Convenience object to help import all Tags, and DataConverters, while aliases Attrs as attr and Styles as css.

  20. implicit def stringNode(v: String): StringNode

    Allows you to modify a HtmlTag by adding a String to its list of children

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
