

package kafka

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AkkaBatchConsumer[Key, Msg, Out, BatchOut] extends AnyRef

  2. case class AkkaBatchConsumerProps[Key, Msg, Out, BatchOut](system: ActorSystem, actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory, zkConnect: String, topicFilterOrTopic: Either[TopicFilter, String], group: String, streams: Int, keyDecoder: Decoder[Key], msgDecoder: Decoder[Msg], msgHandler: (MessageAndMetadata[Key, Msg]) ⇒ Out, batchHandler: (IndexedSeq[Out]) ⇒ BatchOut, receiver: ActorRef, connectorActorName: Option[String], batchSize: Int = 1000, batchTimeout: Timeout = ..., startTimeout: Timeout = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  3. class AkkaConsumer[Key, Msg] extends AnyRef

  4. case class AkkaConsumerProps[Key, Msg](system: ActorSystem, actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory, zkConnect: String, topicFilterOrTopic: Either[TopicFilter, String], group: String, streams: Int, keyDecoder: Decoder[Key], msgDecoder: Decoder[Msg], msgHandler: (MessageAndMetadata[Key, Msg]) ⇒ Any, receiver: ActorRef, connectorActorName: Option[String], maxInFlightPerStream: Int = 64, startTimeout: Timeout = ..., commitConfig: CommitConfig = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class BatchConnectorFSM[Key, Msg, Out, BatchOut] extends Actor with FSM[BatchConnectorState, Int]

  6. class BatchStreamFSM[Key, Msg, Out] extends Actor with FSM[BatchStreamState, Int]

  7. case class CommitConfig(commitInterval: Option[FiniteDuration] = ..., commitAfterMsgCount: Option[Int] = scala.Some.apply[Int](10000), commitTimeout: Timeout = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  8. class ConnectorFSM[Key, Msg] extends Actor with FSM[ConnectorState, Int]

  9. class StreamFSM[Key, Msg] extends Actor with FSM[StreamState, Int]

Value Members

  1. object AkkaBatchConsumerProps extends Serializable

  2. object AkkaConsumer

  3. object AkkaConsumerProps extends Serializable

  4. object BatchConnectorFSM

  5. object BatchStreamFSM

  6. object ConnectorFSM

  7. object StreamFSM
