Add the element at the given index
Add the element at the given index
Harshad Deo
Type of the element to be added
Type of the resultant collection
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).add(lh, u)(ev)
Add the element at the given index
Add the element at the given index
Harshad Deo
Type of the element to be added
Type of the resultant collection
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).add(lh, u)(ev)
Element at the index
Element at the index
Harshad Deo
Type of the element
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).apply(lh)(ev)
Element at the index
Element at the index
Harshad Deo
Type of the element
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).apply(lh)(ev)
Size of the collection
Size of the collection
Harshad Deo
Typelevel representation of the size of the collection
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).size(ev0, ev1)
Size of the collection
Size of the collection
Harshad Deo
Typelevel representation of the size of the collection
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).size(ev0, ev1)
Converts the collection to a map
Converts the collection to a map
Harshad Deo
Type of the resultant map
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).toMap(ev)
Converts the collection to a map
Converts the collection to a map
Harshad Deo
Type of the resultant map
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).toMap(ev)
Update the element at the index
Update the element at the index
Harshad Deo
Resultant type of the element at the index
Resultant type of the collection
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).updated(lh, u)(ev)
Update the element at the index
Update the element at the index
Harshad Deo
Resultant type of the element at the index
Resultant type of the collection
(nonEmptySI: SiOps[NonEmptySI[MP, T]]).updated(lh, u)(ev)
Implementation of a non-empty StringIndexedCollection, equivalent to a cons cell of a list
Harshad Deo
Type of the DenseMap that stores the indices
Type of the elements of the collection