Typeclass to execute a search for a given type of Elasticsearch request.
Represents something which can iterate the results from a query.
Represents something which can iterate the results from a query.
In practice this means concatenating several requests into a single iterable, so that the next request is only made when required when the iterable is advanced.
(Since version 5.2.0) ElasticClient is now TcpClient
(Since version 5.2.0) use the equivalent methods on TcpClient
Typeclass to execute a search for a given type of Elasticsearch request.
is the elastic4s request definition type
is the type returned by the Elasticsearch java client for this type.
is the type returned by Elastic4s to the user for this request type. If the particular implementation of this typeclass doesn't return a pimped/scala/rich response type, then R and Q will be the same.