

package common

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AdminCommandFailedException extends RuntimeException

  2. class BrokerNotAvailableException extends RuntimeException

  3. case class ClientIdAndBroker(clientId: String, brokerInfo: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Convenience case class since (clientId, brokerInfo) pairs are used to create SyncProducer Request Stats and SimpleConsumer Request and Response Stats.

  4. case class ClientIdAndTopic(clientId: String, topic: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Convenience case class since (clientId, topic) pairs are used in the creation of many Stats objects.

  5. trait Config extends Logging

  6. class ConsumerRebalanceFailedException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a request is made for broker but no brokers with that topic exist.

  7. class ControllerMovedException extends RuntimeException

  8. class FailedToSendMessageException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates a producer pool initialization problem

  9. class InvalidConfigException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates that the given config parameter has invalid value

  10. class InvalidMessageSizeException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates the client has requested a range no longer available on the server

  11. class InvalidOffsetException extends RuntimeException

  12. class InvalidTopicException extends RuntimeException

  13. class KafkaException extends RuntimeException

    Generic Kafka exception

  14. class KafkaStorageException extends RuntimeException

    Kafka exception caused by real IOs.

  15. class LeaderElectionNotNeededException extends RuntimeException

    This exception is thrown when new leader election is not necessary.

  16. class LeaderNotAvailableException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a request is made for partition, but no leader exists for that partition

  17. class MessageSizeTooLargeException extends RuntimeException

  18. class NoBrokersForPartitionException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a request is made for broker but no brokers with that topic exist.

  19. class NoEpochForPartitionException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a get epoch request is made for partition, but no epoch exists for that partition

  20. class NoReplicaOnlineException extends RuntimeException

    This exception is thrown by the leader elector in the controller when leader election fails for a partition since all the replicas for a partition are offline

  21. class NotLeaderForPartitionException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a request is made for partition on a broker that is NOT a leader for that partition

  22. class OffsetOutOfRangeException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates the client has requested a range no longer available on the server

  23. class QueueFullException extends RuntimeException

  24. class ReplicaNotAvailableException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a request is made for partition, but no leader exists for that partition

  25. class RequestTimedOutException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a produce request times out - i.

  26. class StateChangeFailedException extends RuntimeException

  27. case class TopicAndPartition(topic: String, partition: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Convenience case class since (topic, partition) pairs are ubiquitous.

  28. class TopicExistsException extends RuntimeException

  29. class UnavailableProducerException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates a producer pool initialization problem

  30. class UnknownCodecException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates the client has requested a range no longer available on the server

  31. class UnknownException extends RuntimeException

    If we don't know what else it is, call it this

  32. class UnknownMagicByteException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates the client has requested a range no longer available on the server

  33. class UnknownTopicOrPartitionException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates an unknown topic or a partition id not between 0 and numPartitions-1

Value Members

  1. object ErrorMapping

    A bi-directional mapping between error codes and exceptions x

  2. object KafkaZookeeperClient

  3. object Topic
