

package scruffy

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. scruffy
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class Applicative extends AnyRef

  2. trait CacheSupport extends AnyRef

  3. abstract class CacheType extends AnyRef

    Public - may be cached in public shared caches.

    Public - may be cached in public shared caches. Private - may only be cached in private cache. No-Cache - may not be cached. No-Store - may be cached but not archived.

  4. class DefaultHttpHandler extends Logging with HttpHandler

  5. class DynamicParameterUnknownException extends RuntimeException

  6. trait EndpointContainer extends Logging

    An EndpointContainer is a holder for the structures generated by the DSL.

    An EndpointContainer is a holder for the structures generated by the DSL. That is, a container will contain a collection of endpoints, filters, and listeners.

    Your EndpointProviders will register with an instance of an endpoint container, which is typically a server instance, such as ScruffyOnNetty (runs on Netty), ScruffyOnGrizzly (runs on Grizzly) or a ScruffyServlet (runs inside a servlet container).

  7. class EntityWriter extends Logging

    Writes out a response to a byte array taking into account the content type.

  8. trait Filter extends AnyRef

  9. case class FilterHolder(path: String, filter: Filter) extends Product with Serializable

  10. class GroupExtractor extends AnyRef

  11. case class HttpEndpoint(method: HttpMethod, url: String, pipeline: Pipeline) extends Product with Serializable

  12. trait HttpEndpointProvider extends ResponseBuilder with ResponseConversions with DefaultProcessors

    A trait that provides the entry point to the DSL.

    A trait that provides the entry point to the DSL.

    Classes / objects that contain the endpoints for your application should extend this trait and call the get/post/delete/etc methods, providing the path to match on and the function chain.

  13. trait HttpHandler extends AnyRef

  14. trait Inferrable[T] extends AnyRef

  15. trait Logging extends AnyRef

  16. class PathFilter extends Filter

  17. case class Pipeline(p: (Request) ⇒ Future[Response], filters: List[Filter]) extends Product with Serializable

  18. case class PropertyKey[+T](value: String) extends Product with Serializable

  19. case class Request(uri: Uri, method: HttpMethod, entity: Array[Byte], ipAddress: String, headers: List[Header], properties: Map[PropertyKey[Any], Any], session: Option[Session] = None, principal: Option[Principal] = None, response: Response = Response.ok, marshallers: Iterable[Marshaller] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

  20. case class Response(status: Int, entity: Any = Array.emptyByteArray, cookies: List[Cookie] = Nil, headers: List[Header] = Nil, properties: Map[PropertyKey[Any], Any] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable

  21. trait ResponseBuilder extends AnyRef

  22. trait ResponseConversions extends ResponseBuilder

  23. trait ScruffyListener extends AnyRef

    A listener can register for callbacks at various times in the scruffy lifecycle, for example on startup, shutdown, and when endpoints are registered.

  24. case class ScruffyOnNettyConf(_port: Int = 8080, _compression: Boolean = true, _maxContentLength: Int = 4048576, _keepAlive: Boolean = true, _bossThreads: Int = 1, _workerThreads: Int = ..., _socketBacklog: Int = 512, _dateHeader: Boolean = true, _security: Option[() ⇒ SSLEngine] = None, _requestLogging: Boolean = true, _marshallers: Seq[Marshaller] = ..., _notFound: (Request) ⇒ Response = req => Response.notFound) extends Product with Serializable

  25. case class WebsocketEndpoint(url: String) extends Product with Serializable

  26. trait WebsocketEndpointProvider extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object CacheType

  2. object Constants

  3. object ContentTypeInferrer

  4. object EntityCastException extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

  5. val Localhost: String

  6. object ParamMapper

    Instantiates and populates a case class from the query parameters in a request.

  7. object ParamMappingException extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

  8. object PropertyKeys

  9. object Response extends ResponseBuilder with Serializable

  10. object ResponseBuilder extends ResponseBuilder

  11. object ResponseConversions extends ResponseConversions

  12. object ScruffyOnNettyConf extends Serializable

  13. package filters

  14. package processors

  15. package session

  16. package util

Deprecated Value Members

  1. implicit def context2future[E, P](context: Request): Future[Request]


    (Since version 1.8) should not be needed anymore

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
