

package scruffy

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CacheSupport extends AnyRef

  2. abstract class CacheType extends AnyRef

    Public - may be cached in public shared caches.

  3. class EntityWriter extends StrictLogging

    Writes out a response to a byte array taking into account the content type.

  4. case class FilterHolder(path: String, filter: HttpFilter) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class GroupExtractor extends AnyRef

  6. case class HttpEndpoint(method: HttpMethod, url: String, pipeline: Pipeline) extends Product with Serializable

  7. trait HttpEndpointProvider extends ResponseBuilder with ResponseImplicits with DefaultProcessors with Processors

    A trait that provides the entry point to the DSL.

  8. trait HttpFilter extends AnyRef

  9. trait HttpListener extends AnyRef

    A listener can register for callbacks at various times in the scruffy lifecycle, for example on startup, shutdown, and when endpoints are registered.

  10. case class HttpRequest(uri: Uri, method: HttpMethod, entity: Array[Byte] = scala.Array.emptyByteArray, headers: List[Header] = immutable.this.Nil, response: HttpResponse = HttpResponse.ok, properties: Map[PropertyKey[Any], Any] = ..., context: ScruffyContext = ScruffyContext.apply()) extends Product with Serializable

  11. case class HttpResponse(status: Int, entity: Any = scala.Array.emptyByteArray, cookies: List[Cookie] = immutable.this.Nil, headers: List[Header] = immutable.this.Nil, properties: Map[PropertyKey[Any], Any] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  12. trait Inferrable[T] extends AnyRef

  13. class PathFilter extends HttpFilter

  14. case class Pipeline(f: (HttpRequest) ⇒ Future[HttpResponse], filters: List[HttpFilter]) extends Product with Serializable

  15. trait Processors extends AnyRef

  16. case class PropertyKey[+T](value: String) extends Product with Serializable

  17. final case class RequestId(value: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

  18. trait RequestIdGenerator extends AnyRef

  19. trait ResponseBuilder extends AnyRef

  20. trait ResponseImplicits extends ResponseBuilder with Processors

  21. case class ScruffyContext(endpoints: List[HttpEndpoint], listeners: List[HttpListener], filters: List[HttpFilter], errorHandler: ErrorHandler, notFoundHandler: (HttpRequest) ⇒ HttpResponse, sessionManager: Option[SessionManager], sessionConfig: SessionConfig, requestIdGenerator: Option[RequestIdGenerator], scalper: Scalper) extends StrictLogging with Product with Serializable

    Contains the configuration etc for a scruffy managed set of endpoints.

  22. trait SimpleHttpFilter extends HttpFilter

  23. trait SimpleHttpRequestFilter extends SimpleHttpFilter

  24. trait SimpleHttpResponseFilter extends SimpleHttpFilter

  25. class StaticFileEndpoint extends HttpEndpointProvider

Value Members

  1. object CacheType

  2. object ContentTypeInferrer

  3. object ErrorHandling

  4. object HttpResponse extends ResponseBuilder with Serializable

  5. object NotFoundHandling

  6. object ParamMapper

    Instantiates and populates a case class from the query parameters in a

  7. object Processors extends Processors

  8. object PropertyKeys

  9. object RequestIdGenerator

  10. object ResponseBuilder extends ResponseBuilder

  11. object ResponseImplicits extends ResponseImplicits

  12. object ScruffyContext extends Serializable

  13. object UserAgents

  14. package cache

  15. package filters

  16. package internal

  17. package processors

  18. package session

  19. package util
