Class AdminAppsApprovedListRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AdminAppsApprovedListRequest
extends Object
implements SlackApiRequest
  • Method Details

    • builder

    • getToken

      public String getToken()
      Authentication token bearing required scopes.
      Specified by:
      getToken in interface SlackApiRequest
    • getCursor

      public String getCursor()
      Set cursor to next_cursor returned by the previous call to list items in the next page
    • getLimit

      public Integer getLimit()
      The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
    • getEnterpriseId

      public String getEnterpriseId()
      Org Id.

      Note: enterprise_id and team_id cannot be used together. Passing enterprise_id will return the list of org-wide approved apps. Passing team_id will return the apps approved for that specific workspace.

    • getTeamId

      public String getTeamId()
      Workspace Id.

      Note: enterprise_id and team_id cannot be used together. Passing enterprise_id will return the list of org-wide approved apps. Passing team_id will return the apps approved for that specific workspace.

    • setToken

      public void setToken​(String token)
      Authentication token bearing required scopes.
    • setCursor

      public void setCursor​(String cursor)
      Set cursor to next_cursor returned by the previous call to list items in the next page
    • setLimit

      public void setLimit​(Integer limit)
      The maximum number of items to return. Must be between 1 - 1000 both inclusive.
    • setEnterpriseId

      public void setEnterpriseId​(String enterpriseId)
      Org Id.

      Note: enterprise_id and team_id cannot be used together. Passing enterprise_id will return the list of org-wide approved apps. Passing team_id will return the apps approved for that specific workspace.

    • setTeamId

      public void setTeamId​(String teamId)
      Workspace Id.

      Note: enterprise_id and team_id cannot be used together. Passing enterprise_id will return the list of org-wide approved apps. Passing team_id will return the apps approved for that specific workspace.

    • equals

      public boolean equals​(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object