Class WorkflowsUpdateStepRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getToken

        public String getToken()
        Authentication token bearing required scopes.
        Specified by:
        getToken in interface SlackApiRequest
        token string value or null
      • getWorkflowStepEditId

        public String getWorkflowStepEditId()
        A context identifier provided with view_submission payloads used to call back to workflows.updateStep.
      • getInputs

        public Map<String,​WorkflowStepInput> getInputs()
        A JSON key-value map of inputs required from a user during configuration. This is the data your app expects to receive when the workflow step starts. Please note: the embedded variable format is set and replaced by the workflow system. You cannot create custom variables that will be replaced at runtime.
      • getInputsAsString

        public String getInputsAsString()
      • getOutputs

        public List<WorkflowStepOutput> getOutputs()
        A JSON array of output objects used during step execution. This is the data your app agrees to provide when your workflow step was executed.
      • getOutputsAsString

        public String getOutputsAsString()
      • getStepImageUrl

        public String getStepImageUrl()
        An optional field that can be used to override app image that is shown in the Workflow Builder.
      • getStepName

        public String getStepName()
        An optional field that can be used to override the step name that is shown in the Workflow Builder.
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        Authentication token bearing required scopes.
        Specified by:
        setToken in interface SlackApiRequest
      • setWorkflowStepEditId

        public void setWorkflowStepEditId​(String workflowStepEditId)
        A context identifier provided with view_submission payloads used to call back to workflows.updateStep.
      • setInputs

        public void setInputs​(Map<String,​WorkflowStepInput> inputs)
        A JSON key-value map of inputs required from a user during configuration. This is the data your app expects to receive when the workflow step starts. Please note: the embedded variable format is set and replaced by the workflow system. You cannot create custom variables that will be replaced at runtime.
      • setInputsAsString

        public void setInputsAsString​(String inputsAsString)
      • setOutputs

        public void setOutputs​(List<WorkflowStepOutput> outputs)
        A JSON array of output objects used during step execution. This is the data your app agrees to provide when your workflow step was executed.
      • setOutputsAsString

        public void setOutputsAsString​(String outputsAsString)
      • setStepImageUrl

        public void setStepImageUrl​(String stepImageUrl)
        An optional field that can be used to override app image that is shown in the Workflow Builder.
      • setStepName

        public void setStepName​(String stepName)
        An optional field that can be used to override the step name that is shown in the Workflow Builder.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object