Class ChatScheduleMessageRequest

    • Method Detail

      • isAsUser

        public Boolean isAsUser()
      • setAsUser

        public void setAsUser​(Boolean asUser)
      • getChannel

        public String getChannel()
        Channel, private group, or DM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name. See below for more details.
      • getPostAt

        public Integer getPostAt()
        Unix EPOCH timestamp of time in future to send the message.
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Text of the message to send. See below for an explanation of formatting. This field is usually required, unless you're providing only attachments instead. Provide no more than 40,000 characters or risk truncation.
      • getAttachments

        public List<Attachment> getAttachments()
        A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • getAttachmentsAsString

        public String getAttachmentsAsString()
        A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • getBlocks

        public List<LayoutBlock> getBlocks()
        A JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • getBlocksAsString

        public String getBlocksAsString()
        A JSON-based array of structured blocks as a String, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • isLinkNames

        public boolean isLinkNames()
        Find and link channel names and usernames.
      • getParse

        public String getParse()
        Change how messages are treated. Defaults to none. See below.
      • isReplyBroadcast

        public boolean isReplyBroadcast()
        Used in conjunction with thread_ts and indicates whether reply should be made visible to everyone in the channel or conversation. Defaults to false.
      • getThreadTs

        public String getThreadTs()
        Provide another message's ts value to make this message a reply. Avoid using a reply's ts value; use its parent instead.
      • isUnfurlLinks

        public boolean isUnfurlLinks()
        Pass true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.
      • isUnfurlMedia

        public boolean isUnfurlMedia()
        Pass false to disable unfurling of media content.
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        Authentication token. Requires scope: `chat:write`
      • setChannel

        public void setChannel​(String channel)
        Channel, private group, or DM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name. See below for more details.
      • setPostAt

        public void setPostAt​(Integer postAt)
        Unix EPOCH timestamp of time in future to send the message.
      • setText

        public void setText​(String text)
        Text of the message to send. See below for an explanation of formatting. This field is usually required, unless you're providing only attachments instead. Provide no more than 40,000 characters or risk truncation.
      • setAttachments

        public void setAttachments​(List<Attachment> attachments)
        A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • setAttachmentsAsString

        public void setAttachmentsAsString​(String attachmentsAsString)
        A JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • setBlocks

        public void setBlocks​(List<LayoutBlock> blocks)
        A JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • setBlocksAsString

        public void setBlocksAsString​(String blocksAsString)
        A JSON-based array of structured blocks as a String, presented as a URL-encoded string.
      • setLinkNames

        public void setLinkNames​(boolean linkNames)
        Find and link channel names and usernames.
      • setParse

        public void setParse​(String parse)
        Change how messages are treated. Defaults to none. See below.
      • setReplyBroadcast

        public void setReplyBroadcast​(boolean replyBroadcast)
        Used in conjunction with thread_ts and indicates whether reply should be made visible to everyone in the channel or conversation. Defaults to false.
      • setThreadTs

        public void setThreadTs​(String threadTs)
        Provide another message's ts value to make this message a reply. Avoid using a reply's ts value; use its parent instead.
      • setUnfurlLinks

        public void setUnfurlLinks​(boolean unfurlLinks)
        Pass true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.
      • setUnfurlMedia

        public void setUnfurlMedia​(boolean unfurlMedia)
        Pass false to disable unfurling of media content.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object