Class FilesListRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        Filter files created by a single user.
      • getChannel

        public String getChannel()
        Filter files appearing in a specific channel, indicated by its ID.
      • getTsFrom

        public String getTsFrom()
        Filter files created after this timestamp (inclusive).
      • getTsTo

        public String getTsTo()
        Filter files created before this timestamp (inclusive).
      • getTypes

        public List<String> getTypes()
        Filter files by type:\n\n* `all` - All files

        `spaces` - Posts\n* `snippets` - Snippets `images` - Image files `gdocs` - Google docs `zips` - Zip files `pdfs` - PDF files

        You can pass multiple values in the types argument, like `types=spaces,snippets`. The default value is `all`, which does not filter the list.

      • getCount

        public Integer getCount()
      • getPage

        public Integer getPage()
      • isShowFilesHiddenByLimit

        public boolean isShowFilesHiddenByLimit()

        In order to gather information on tombstoned files in Free workspaces, so that you can delete or revoke them, pass the show_files_hidden_by_limit parameter. While the yielded files will still be redacted, you'll gain the id of the files so that you can delete or revoke them.

      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        Authentication token. Requires scope: `files:read`
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(String user)
        Filter files created by a single user.
      • setChannel

        public void setChannel​(String channel)
        Filter files appearing in a specific channel, indicated by its ID.
      • setTsFrom

        public void setTsFrom​(String tsFrom)
        Filter files created after this timestamp (inclusive).
      • setTsTo

        public void setTsTo​(String tsTo)
        Filter files created before this timestamp (inclusive).
      • setTypes

        public void setTypes​(List<String> types)
        Filter files by type:\n\n* `all` - All files

        `spaces` - Posts\n* `snippets` - Snippets `images` - Image files `gdocs` - Google docs `zips` - Zip files `pdfs` - PDF files

        You can pass multiple values in the types argument, like `types=spaces,snippets`. The default value is `all`, which does not filter the list.

      • setCount

        public void setCount​(Integer count)
      • setPage

        public void setPage​(Integer page)
      • setShowFilesHiddenByLimit

        public void setShowFilesHiddenByLimit​(boolean showFilesHiddenByLimit)

        In order to gather information on tombstoned files in Free workspaces, so that you can delete or revoke them, pass the show_files_hidden_by_limit parameter. While the yielded files will still be redacted, you'll gain the id of the files so that you can delete or revoke them.

      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object