Class AdminAnalyticsGetFileResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • AdminAnalyticsGetFileResponse

        public AdminAnalyticsGetFileResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • isOk

        public boolean isOk()
      • getError

        public String getError()
      • getFileStream

        public InputStream getFileStream()
        This method is almost completely unlike other Web API methods you encounter. It doesn't return application/json with the traditional "ok": true response on success, though you'll find "ok": false on failure.

        Instead, it returns a single file, often very large, containing JSON objects that are separated by newlines and then compressed with application/gzip.

      • setOk

        public void setOk​(boolean ok)
      • setError

        public void setError​(String error)
      • setResponseMetadata

        public void setResponseMetadata​(ResponseMetadata responseMetadata)
      • setFileStream

        public void setFileStream​(InputStream fileStream)
        This method is almost completely unlike other Web API methods you encounter. It doesn't return application/json with the traditional "ok": true response on success, though you'll find "ok": false on failure.

        Instead, it returns a single file, often very large, containing JSON objects that are separated by newlines and then compressed with application/gzip.

      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object