Class TeamAccessLogsRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getToken

        public String getToken()
        Authentication token. Requires scope: `admin`
        Specified by:
        getToken in interface SlackApiRequest
        token string value or null
      • getBefore

        public Integer getBefore()
        End of time range of logs to include in results (inclusive).
      • getCount

        public Integer getCount()
      • getPage

        public Integer getPage()
      • getTeamId

        public String getTeamId()
        Required for org-wide apps.
      • getLimit

        public Integer getLimit()
        The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached. If specified, result is returned using a cursor-based approach instead of a classic one.
      • getCursor

        public String getCursor()
        Parameter for pagination. Set cursor equal to the next_cursor attribute returned by the previous request's response_metadata. This parameter is optional, but pagination is mandatory: the default value simply fetches the first "page" of the collection.
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        Authentication token. Requires scope: `admin`
        Specified by:
        setToken in interface SlackApiRequest
      • setBefore

        public void setBefore​(Integer before)
        End of time range of logs to include in results (inclusive).
      • setCount

        public void setCount​(Integer count)
      • setPage

        public void setPage​(Integer page)
      • setTeamId

        public void setTeamId​(String teamId)
        Required for org-wide apps.
      • setLimit

        public void setLimit​(Integer limit)
        The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached. If specified, result is returned using a cursor-based approach instead of a classic one.
      • setCursor

        public void setCursor​(String cursor)
        Parameter for pagination. Set cursor equal to the next_cursor attribute returned by the previous request's response_metadata. This parameter is optional, but pagination is mandatory: the default value simply fetches the first "page" of the collection.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object