Class DialogOpenRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getDialog

        public Dialog getDialog()
        The dialog definition. This must be a JSON-encoded string.
      • getDialogAsString

        public String getDialogAsString()
      • getTriggerId

        public String getTriggerId()
        Exchange a trigger to post to the user.

        Apps can invoke dialogs when users interact with slash commands, message buttons, or message menus. Each interaction will include a trigger_id.

        As apps can only open a dialog in response to such a user action, the trigger_id is a required parameter.

        See Also:
        Implementing dialogs
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        Authentication token. Requires scope: `none`
      • setDialog

        public void setDialog​(Dialog dialog)
        The dialog definition. This must be a JSON-encoded string.
      • setDialogAsString

        public void setDialogAsString​(String dialogAsString)
      • setTriggerId

        public void setTriggerId​(String triggerId)
        Exchange a trigger to post to the user.

        Apps can invoke dialogs when users interact with slash commands, message buttons, or message menus. Each interaction will include a trigger_id.

        As apps can only open a dialog in response to such a user action, the trigger_id is a required parameter.

        See Also:
        Implementing dialogs
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object