Class ConversationsInfoRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getToken

        public String getToken()
        Authentication token. Requires scope: `conversations:read`
        Specified by:
        getToken in interface SlackApiRequest
      • getChannel

        public String getChannel()
        Conversation ID to learn more about
      • isIncludeLocale

        public boolean isIncludeLocale()
        Set this to `true` to receive the locale for this conversation. Defaults to `false`
      • isIncludeNumMembers

        public boolean isIncludeNumMembers()
        Set to true to include the member count for the specified conversation. Defaults to false
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        Authentication token. Requires scope: `conversations:read`
      • setChannel

        public void setChannel​(String channel)
        Conversation ID to learn more about
      • setIncludeLocale

        public void setIncludeLocale​(boolean includeLocale)
        Set this to `true` to receive the locale for this conversation. Defaults to `false`
      • setIncludeNumMembers

        public void setIncludeNumMembers​(boolean includeNumMembers)
        Set to true to include the member count for the specified conversation. Defaults to false
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object