Class AdminConversationsSearchRequest

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AdminConversationsSearchRequest
    extends Object
    implements SlackApiRequest
    • Method Detail

      • getCursor

        public String getCursor()
        Set cursor to next_cursor returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
      • getLimit

        public Integer getLimit()
        Maximum number of items to be returned. Must be between 1 - 20 both inclusive. Default is 10. Default: 10
      • getQuery

        public String getQuery()
        Name of the the channel to query by.
      • getSearchChannelTypes

        public List<String> getSearchChannelTypes()
        The type of channel to include or exclude in the search. For example private will search private channels, while private_exclude will exclude them. For a full list of types, check the Types section.
      • getSort

        public String getSort()
        Possible values are relevant (search ranking based on what we think is closest), name (alphabetical), member_count (number of users in the channel), and created (date channel was created). You can optionally pair this with the sort_dir arg to change how it is sorted Default: member_count
      • getSortDir

        public String getSortDir()
        Sort direction. Possible values are asc for ascending order like (1, 2, 3) or (a, b, c), and desc for descending order like (3, 2, 1) or (c, b, a) Default: desc
      • getTeamIds

        public List<String> getTeamIds()
        Comma separated string of team IDs, signifying the workspaces to search through.
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
        Authentication token bearing required scopes.
      • setCursor

        public void setCursor​(String cursor)
        Set cursor to next_cursor returned by the previous call to list items in the next page.
      • setLimit

        public void setLimit​(Integer limit)
        Maximum number of items to be returned. Must be between 1 - 20 both inclusive. Default is 10. Default: 10
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(String query)
        Name of the the channel to query by.
      • setSearchChannelTypes

        public void setSearchChannelTypes​(List<String> searchChannelTypes)
        The type of channel to include or exclude in the search. For example private will search private channels, while private_exclude will exclude them. For a full list of types, check the Types section.
      • setSort

        public void setSort​(String sort)
        Possible values are relevant (search ranking based on what we think is closest), name (alphabetical), member_count (number of users in the channel), and created (date channel was created). You can optionally pair this with the sort_dir arg to change how it is sorted Default: member_count
      • setSortDir

        public void setSortDir​(String sortDir)
        Sort direction. Possible values are asc for ascending order like (1, 2, 3) or (a, b, c), and desc for descending order like (3, 2, 1) or (c, b, a) Default: desc
      • setTeamIds

        public void setTeamIds​(List<String> teamIds)
        Comma separated string of team IDs, signifying the workspaces to search through.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object