All Classes and Interfaces

The list of accounts a user is signed into has changed
Represents the type of action (e.g Message button or message menu)
This app event notifies your app when a user has entered into the App Home space—that's the place where a user exchanges DMs with your app.
This app event allows your app to subscribe to message events that directly mention your bot user.
This Events API-only event is sent via subscription whenever a Slack app is completely uninstalled.
Base block element for adding interactive components to Slack messages.
The bot_added event is sent to all connections for a workspace when an integration "bot" is added.
The bot_changed event is sent to all connections for a workspace when an integration "bot" is updated.
If a Call has been shared with a user in DM (and unfurled with the help of the link_shared event, this event is sent if the user rejects the Call.
The channel_archive event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a channel is archived.
The channel_created event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a new channel is created.
The channel_deleted event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a channel is deleted.
A channel_history_changed event is sent to all clients in a channel when bulk changes have occurred to that channel's history.
The channel_joined event is sent to all connections for a user when that user joins a channel.
The channel_left event is sometimes sent to all connections for a user when that user leaves a channel.
The channel_marked event is sent to all open connections for a user when that user moves the read cursor in a channel by calling the channels.mark API method.
The channel_rename event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a channel is renamed.
The channel_shared event is sent to all event subscriptions when a new shared channel is created or a channel is converted into a shared channel.
The channel_unarchive event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a channel is unarchived.
The channel_unshared event is sent to all event subscriptions when an external workspace has been removed from an existing shared channel.
The commands_changed event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a slash command for that workspace is added, removed or changed.

Specific interface to make context layout blocks' elements type-safe, because ContextBlock can only contain ImageElement and TextObject elements.
Represents a conversation as used with the conversations API
Filter object for conversation lists Provides a way to filter the list of options in a conversations select menu or conversations multi-select menu.
Represents a type of conversation such as a public channel or IM.
Represents a Slack Modal Dialog
Represents the type for an DialogSelectElement
A dialog Form DialogElement such as text, textarea, or select or select.
A dialog element option used with DialogSelectElements
A dialog element option group used with DialogSelectElements
Represents a select dialog element
Represents the subtype for an DialogTextElement or DialogTextAreaElement In some form factors, optimized input is provided for this subtype.
Represents a textarea dialog element
Represents a text dialog element
The dnd_updated event is sent to the current user when their Do Not Disturb settings have changed.
The dnd_updated_user event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a user's Do Not Disturb settings have changed.
The email_domain_changed event is sent to all connections for a workspace when the email domain settings for a workspace change.
The email_domain_changed event is sent to all connections for a workspace when the email domain settings for a workspace change.
If there was a problem connecting an error will be returned, including a descriptive error message:
Provides ExecutorServices for asynchronous code executions
The external_org_migration_finished event is sent to all connections when an external workspace completes to migrate to an Enterprise Grid.
The external_org_migration_started event is sent to all connections when an external workspace begins to migrate to an Enterprise Grid.

The file_change event is sent when any property of a file is changed.
The file_created event is sent to all connected clients for a user when that user uploads a file to Slack.
The file_deleted event is sent to all connected clients for a workspace when a file is deleted.
The file_public event is sent when a file is made public.
The file_shared event is sent when a file is shared.
The file_unshared event is sent when a file is unshared.
The server intends to close the connection soon.
This Events API-only event is sent via subscription whenever your app is installed by completes migration to Enterprise Grid.
This Events API-only event is sent via subscription whenever your app is installed by completes migration to Enterprise Grid.
The group_archive event is sent to all connections for members of a private channel when that private channel is archived.
The group_close event is sent to all connections for a user when a private channel is closed by that user.
The group_deleted event is sent to all members of a private channel when it is deleted.
A group_history_changed event is sent to all clients in a private channel when bulk changes have occurred to that group's history.
The group_joined event is sent to all connections for a user when that user joins a private channel.
The group_left event is sent to all connections for a user when that user leaves a private channel.
The group_marked event is sent to all open connections for a user when that user moves the read cursor in a private channel by calling the groups.mark API method.
The group_open event is sent to all connections for a user when a group Direct RTMMessage (or mpim) is opened by that user.
When a private channel is renamed, the group_rename event is sent to all connections for members of a private channel.
The group_unarchive event is sent to all connections for members of a private channel when that private channel is unarchived.
Factory for deserializing BlockKit 'block elements' (buttons, selects, images, menus) from a chat message response.
Factory for deserializing BlockKit 'context block' elements from a chat message response.
Factory for deserializing BlockKit elements from a chat message response.
Factory for deserializing BlockKit 'text object' elements from a chat message response.
The hello event is sent when a connection is opened to the message server.
The im_close event is sent to all connections for a user when a direct message channel is closed by that user.
The im_created event is sent to all connections for a user when a new direct message channel is created that they are a member of.
A im_history_changed event is sent to all clients in a DM channel When bulk changes have occurred to that DM channel's history.
The im_marked event is sent to all open connections for a user when that user moves the read cursor in a direct message channel by calling the im.mark API method.
The im_open event is sent to all connections for a user when a direct message channel is opened by that user.
User requested an invite
Block Kit is a new UI framework that offers you more control and flexibility when building messages for Slack.
The thread_ts field only appears when the link was shared within a message thread.
The manual_presence_change event is sent to all connections for a user when that user manually updates their presence.
The member_joined_channel event is sent to all WebSocket connections and event subscriptions when users join public or private channels.
The member_left_channel event is sent to all websocket connections and event subscriptions when users leave public or private channels.
The root message information of a "thread_broadcast" message.
A reply message information in a MessageRoot.
A message is delivered from several sources:
A file was shared into a channel
When an item is pinned in a channel, the pin_added event is sent to all members of that channel.
When an item is un-pinned from a channel, the pin_removed event is sent to all members of that channel.
The pong event is sent in response to a 'ping' message previously sent.
The pref_change event is sent to all connections for a user when a user preference is changed.
The presence_change event is sent to connections for a workspace when a user changes presence status and the app has subscribed using presence_sub.
When a reaction is added to an item the reaction_added event is sent to all connected clients for users who can see the content that was reacted to.
When a reaction is removed from an item the reaction_removed event is sent to all connected clients for users who can see the content that had the reaction.
The reconnect_url event is currently unsupported and experimental.
Subscribe to this event to receive deliveries as users install your Slack app, add your app to channels and conversations, or approve your app for additional permissions and resources.
Subscribe to this event to receive deliveries as users uninstall your Slack app and remove your app to channels & conversations.
An attribute included within the response of the newest Slack APIs which contains a next_cursor value.
{ "type": "rich_text", "block_id": "", "elements": [ { "type": "rich_text_section", "elements": [] }, { "type": "rich_text_list", "elements": [], "style": "bullet", "indent": 0 }, { "type": "rich_text_quote", "elements": [] }, { "type": "rich_text_preformatted", "elements": [] } ] }
The inner event describes an array of scopes you requested but were denied access to.
When an item is starred, the star_added event is sent to all connected clients for the authenticated user who starred the item.

The subteam_created event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a new User Group is created.
The subteam_members_changed event is sent to all connections for a workspace when users are added or removed from an existing User Group.
The subteam_self_added event is sent to you when you have been added to an existing User Group.
The subteam_self_removed event is sent to you when you have been removed to an existing User Group.
The subteam_updated event is sent to all connections for a workspace when an existing User Group is updated.

The team_domain_change event is sent to all connections for a workspace when the workspace domain changes.
The team_join event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a new member joins.
The team_migration_started event is sent when a Slack workspace is about to be migrated between servers.
The team_plan_change event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a the current billing plan is changed.
The team_pref_change event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a preference is changed.
The team_profile_change event is sent to all connections for a workspace when Workspace Admin updates the field definitions in the profile.
The team_profile_delete event is sent to all connections for a workspace when Workspace Admin deletes field definitions from the profile.
The team_profile_reorder event is sent to all connections for a workspace when Workspace Admin reorders the field definitions in the profile.
The team_rename event is sent to all connections for a workspace when an admin changes the workspace name.
When your app's API tokens are revoked, the tokens_revoked event is sent via the Events API to your app if it is subscribed.

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The user_change event is sent to all connections for a workspace when a member updates their profile or data.
We send this event when a user declines to grant your workspace app the permissions you recently requested with apps.permissions.users.request.
We send this event when a user grants your workspace app the permissions you recently requested with apps.permissions.users.request.
We send this event when a user removes an existing grant for your workspace app.
The user_typing event is sent to all members of a channel when a user is typing a message in that channel.
Represents a surface in Slack (Modals, Home tabs)
A workflow that contains a step supported by your app was deleted
A workflow that contains a step supported by your app was published
A workflow step supported by your app was removed from a workflow
A workflow step supported by your app should execute
{ "title": { "value": "{{user}} submitted an issue", "skip_variable_replacement": false, "variables": { "user": "David" } } }
{ "name":"ticket_id", "type":"text", "label":"Ticket ID" }
A workflow that contains a step supported by your app was unpublished