Class DispatchActionConfig

  • public class DispatchActionConfig
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • DispatchActionConfig

        public DispatchActionConfig()
      • DispatchActionConfig

        public DispatchActionConfig​(List<String> triggerActionsOn)
    • Method Detail

      • getTriggerActionsOn

        public List<String> getTriggerActionsOn()
        An array of interaction types that you would like to receive a block_actions payload for.

        Should be one or both of: - on_enter_pressed — payload is dispatched when user presses the enter key while the input is in focus. Hint text will appear underneath the input explaining to the user to press enter to submit. - on_character_entered — payload is dispatched when a character is entered (or removed) in the input.

      • setTriggerActionsOn

        public void setTriggerActionsOn​(List<String> triggerActionsOn)
        An array of interaction types that you would like to receive a block_actions payload for.

        Should be one or both of: - on_enter_pressed — payload is dispatched when user presses the enter key while the input is in focus. Hint text will appear underneath the input explaining to the user to press enter to submit. - on_character_entered — payload is dispatched when a character is entered (or removed) in the input.

      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object