
public class IpAddress
extends Entity
SoftLayer_Container_Subnet_IPAddress models an IP v4 address as it exists as a member of it's subnet, letting the user know if it is a network identifier, gateway, broadcast, or useable address. Addresses that are neither the network identifier nor the gateway nor the broadcast addresses are usable by SoftLayer servers.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • hardware

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Hardware hardware
      The hardware that an IP address is associated with.
    • hardwareSpecified

      protected boolean hardwareSpecified
    • ipAddress

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected String ipAddress
      An IP address expressed in dotted-quad notation.
    • ipAddressSpecified

      protected boolean ipAddressSpecified
    • isBroadcastAddress

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Boolean isBroadcastAddress
      Whether an IP address is its subnet's broadcast address.
    • isBroadcastAddressSpecified

      protected boolean isBroadcastAddressSpecified
    • isGatewayAddress

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Boolean isGatewayAddress
      Whether an IP address is its subnet's gateway address. Gateway addresses exist on SoftLayer's routers and many not be assigned to servers.
    • isGatewayAddressSpecified

      protected boolean isGatewayAddressSpecified
    • isNetworkAddress

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Boolean isNetworkAddress
      Whether an IP address is its subnet's network identifier address.
    • isNetworkAddressSpecified

      protected boolean isNetworkAddressSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • IpAddress

      public IpAddress()
  • Method Details

    • getHardware

      public Hardware getHardware()
    • setHardware

      public void setHardware​(Hardware hardware)
    • isHardwareSpecified

      public boolean isHardwareSpecified()
    • unsetHardware

      public void unsetHardware()
    • getIpAddress

      public String getIpAddress()
    • setIpAddress

      public void setIpAddress​(String ipAddress)
    • isIpAddressSpecified

      public boolean isIpAddressSpecified()
    • unsetIpAddress

      public void unsetIpAddress()
    • getIsBroadcastAddress

      public Boolean getIsBroadcastAddress()
    • setIsBroadcastAddress

      public void setIsBroadcastAddress​(Boolean isBroadcastAddress)
    • isIsBroadcastAddressSpecified

      public boolean isIsBroadcastAddressSpecified()
    • unsetIsBroadcastAddress

      public void unsetIsBroadcastAddress()
    • getIsGatewayAddress

      public Boolean getIsGatewayAddress()
    • setIsGatewayAddress

      public void setIsGatewayAddress​(Boolean isGatewayAddress)
    • isIsGatewayAddressSpecified

      public boolean isIsGatewayAddressSpecified()
    • unsetIsGatewayAddress

      public void unsetIsGatewayAddress()
    • getIsNetworkAddress

      public Boolean getIsNetworkAddress()
    • setIsNetworkAddress

      public void setIsNetworkAddress​(Boolean isNetworkAddress)
    • isIsNetworkAddressSpecified

      public boolean isIsNetworkAddressSpecified()
    • unsetIsNetworkAddress

      public void unsetIsNetworkAddress()