
public class Time
extends Entity
The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Motherboard_Reboot_Time contains the average reboot times for motherboards. There are two types of average times. One is for motherboards without raid, and the other is for motherboards with raid. These times are based on averages and have been gathered through numerous test cases.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • hardwareComponentModel

      @ApiProperty protected Model hardwareComponentModel
      Motherboard's specifications (manufacturer, version, etc....)
    • withRaid

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long withRaid
      Average reboot time in seconds for the motherboard when raid is installed.
    • withRaidSpecified

      protected boolean withRaidSpecified
    • withoutRaid

      @ApiProperty(canBeNullOrNotSet=true) protected Long withoutRaid
      Average reboot time in seconds for the motherboard when NO raid is installed.
    • withoutRaidSpecified

      protected boolean withoutRaidSpecified
  • Constructor Details

    • Time

      public Time()
  • Method Details

    • getHardwareComponentModel

      public Model getHardwareComponentModel()
    • setHardwareComponentModel

      public void setHardwareComponentModel​(Model hardwareComponentModel)
    • getWithRaid

      public Long getWithRaid()
    • setWithRaid

      public void setWithRaid​(Long withRaid)
    • isWithRaidSpecified

      public boolean isWithRaidSpecified()
    • unsetWithRaid

      public void unsetWithRaid()
    • getWithoutRaid

      public Long getWithoutRaid()
    • setWithoutRaid

      public void setWithoutRaid​(Long withoutRaid)
    • isWithoutRaidSpecified

      public boolean isWithoutRaidSpecified()
    • unsetWithoutRaid

      public void unsetWithoutRaid()