



package playJson

Linear Supertypes
SttpPlayJsonApi, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. playJson
  2. SttpPlayJsonApi
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait SttpPlayJsonApi extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def asJson[B](implicit arg0: Reads[B], arg1: IsOption[B]): ResponseAs[Either[ResponseException[String, JsError], B]]

    If the response is successful (2xx), tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON.

    If the response is successful (2xx), tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON. Returns:

    • Right(b) if the parsing was successful
    • Left(HttpError(String)) if the response code was other than 2xx (deserialization is not attempted)
    • Left(DeserializationException) if there's an error during deserialization
    Definition Classes
  2. def asJsonAlways[B](implicit arg0: Reads[B], arg1: IsOption[B]): ResponseAs[Either[DeserializationException[JsError], B]]

    Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, regardless of the response code.

    Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, regardless of the response code. Returns:

    • Right(b) if the parsing was successful
    • Left(DeserializationException) if there's an error during deserialization
    Definition Classes
  3. def asJsonEither[E, B](implicit arg0: Reads[E], arg1: IsOption[E], arg2: Reads[B], arg3: IsOption[B]): ResponseAs[Either[ResponseException[E, JsError], B]]

    Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, using different deserializers depending on the status code.

    Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, using different deserializers depending on the status code. Returns:

    • Right(B) if the response was 2xx and parsing was successful
    • Left(HttpError(E)) if the response was other than 2xx and parsing was successful
    • Left(DeserializationException) if there's an error during deserialization
    Definition Classes
  4. def deserializeJson[B](implicit arg0: Reads[B], arg1: IsOption[B]): (String) ⇒ Either[JsError, B]
    Definition Classes
  5. implicit val errorMessageForPlayError: ShowError[JsError]
    Definition Classes
  6. implicit def playJsonBodySerializer[B](implicit arg0: Writes[B]): BodySerializer[B]
    Definition Classes

Inherited from SttpPlayJsonApi

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
