


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def asJson[B : IsOption]: ResponseAs[Either[ResponseException[String, String], B]]

If the response is successful (2xx), tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON. Returns:

If the response is successful (2xx), tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON. Returns:

  • Right(b) if the parsing was successful
  • Left(HttpError(String)) if the response code was other than 2xx (deserialization is not attempted)
  • Left(DeserializationException) if there's an error during deserialization


def asJsonAlways[B : IsOption]: ResponseAs[Either[DeserializationException[String], B]]

Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, regardless of the response code. Returns:

Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, regardless of the response code. Returns:

  • Right(b) if the parsing was successful
  • Left(DeserializationException) if there's an error during deserialization


def asJsonEither[E : IsOption, B : IsOption]: ResponseAs[Either[ResponseException[E, String], B]]

Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, using different deserializers depending on the status code. Returns:

Tries to deserialize the body from a string into JSON, using different deserializers depending on the status code. Returns:

  • Right(B) if the response was 2xx and parsing was successful
  • Left(HttpError(E)) if the response was other than 2xx and parsing was successful
  • Left(DeserializationException) if there's an error during deserialization


def deserializeJson[B : IsOption]: String => Either[String, B]



implicit def zioJsonBodySerializer[B : JsonEncoder]: () => B