

package client

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CancellableHolder extends AnyRef

    A mechanism to relay org.apache.http.concurrent.Cancellable resources associated with the http connection of a DruidClient.

  2. case class ColumnDetails(typ: String, size: Long, cardinality: Option[Long], minValue: Option[String], maxValue: Option[String], errorMessage: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class CoordDataSourceInfo(segments: SegmentTimeRange) extends Product with Serializable

  4. class CuratorConnection extends Logging

  5. abstract class DruidClient extends Logging

  6. trait DruidClientHttpExecutionAware extends HttpExecutionAware

    A mixin trait that relays org.apache.http.concurrent.Cancellable resources to a org.sparklinedata.druid.client.CancellableHolder

  7. class DruidCoordinatorClient extends DruidClient with Logging

  8. class DruidHttpGet extends HttpGet with DruidClientHttpExecutionAware

    Configure HttpGet to have the org.sparklinedata.druid.client.DruidClientHttpExecutionAware trait, so that org.apache.http.concurrent.Cancellable resources are relayed to the registered holder.

  9. class DruidHttpPost extends HttpPost with DruidClientHttpExecutionAware

    Configure HttpPost to have the org.sparklinedata.druid.client.DruidClientHttpExecutionAware trait, so that org.apache.http.concurrent.Cancellable resources are relayed to the registered holder.

  10. class DruidOverlordClient extends DruidClient

  11. class DruidQueryServerClient extends DruidClient with Logging

  12. case class MetadataResponse(id: String, intervals: List[String], columns: Map[String, ColumnDetails], size: Long, numRows: Option[Long], queryGranularity: Option[DruidQueryGranularity]) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class OverlordTaskResponseObject(id: String, createdTime: DateTime, queueInsertionTime: DateTime, status: OverlordTaskStatus.Value) extends Product with Serializable

  14. case class OverlordTaskStatusResponse(task: String, status: OverlordTaskStatusStatus) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class OverlordTaskStatusStatus(id: String, status: OverlordTaskStatus.Value, duration: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  16. class PotentiallyGzippedCompressionProvider extends CompressionProvider

  17. case class QueryResultRow(version: String, timestamp: String, event: Map[String, Any]) extends ResultRow with Product with Serializable

  18. class QueryResultRowSerializer extends CustomSerializer[QueryResultRow]

  19. sealed trait ResultRow extends AnyRef

  20. case class SegmentInfo(id: String, intervals: Interval, size: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  21. case class SegmentTimeRange(minTime: DateTime, maxTime: DateTime) extends Product with Serializable

  22. case class SelectResult(pagingIdentifiers: Map[String, Int], events: List[SelectResultRow]) extends Product with Serializable

  23. case class SelectResultContainer(timestamp: String, result: SelectResult) extends Product with Serializable

  24. case class SelectResultRow(segmentId: String, offset: Int, event: Map[String, Any]) extends ResultRow with Product with Serializable

  25. class SelectResultRowSerializer extends CustomSerializer[SelectResultRow]

  26. case class TopNResult(timestamp: String, result: List[TopNResultRow]) extends Product with Serializable

  27. case class TopNResultRow(event: Map[String, Any]) extends ResultRow with Product with Serializable

  28. class TopNResultRowSerializer extends CustomSerializer[TopNResultRow]

Value Members

  1. object ConnectionManager

  2. object DruidClient

  3. object OverlordTaskStatus extends Enumeration
