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AbstractApolloModule - Class in com.spotify.apollo.module
A base implementation of an Apollo module.
AbstractApolloModule() - Constructor for class com.spotify.apollo.module.AbstractApolloModule
APOLLO - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
APOLLO_ARGS_CORE - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
APOLLO_ARGS_UNPARSED - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
APOLLO_BACKEND - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
APOLLO_COMMAND - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
APOLLO_DOMAIN - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
ApolloCliException - Exception in com.spotify.apollo.core
An exception related to command-line processing.
ApolloCliException(String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloCliException
ApolloCliException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloCliException
ApolloConfigurationException - Exception in com.spotify.apollo.core
Thrown if the Apollo configuration is invalid due to a programmer error, e.g.
ApolloConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloConfigurationException
ApolloException - Exception in com.spotify.apollo.core
ApolloException() - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloException
ApolloException(String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloException
ApolloException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloException
ApolloException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloException
ApolloHelpException - Exception in com.spotify.apollo.core
An exception indicating that the user wants to show help information.
ApolloHelpException(String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.apollo.core.ApolloHelpException
ApolloModule - Interface in com.spotify.apollo.module
A module that can be loaded by Apollo to add more functionality to a service.


build() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
Creates a new service based off of this builder.


com.spotify.apollo.core - package com.spotify.apollo.core
com.spotify.apollo.module - package com.spotify.apollo.module


getCloser() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns a Closer for convenience, where you can register Closeables that should be closed when the application exits.
getConfig() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns the configuration for this service instance.
getExecutorService() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns a shared ListeningExecutorService that has virtually infinite capacity and that can be used for long-running jobs.
getId() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.module.ApolloModule
Returns the id for this module.
getKey() - Method in enum com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
getLifecycleManaged() - Method in class com.spotify.apollo.module.AbstractApolloModule
getLifecycleManaged() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.module.ApolloModule
Returns the immutable, idempotently determined and stable set of injection keys that should be bound to the service lifecycle; i.e.
getPriority() - Method in class com.spotify.apollo.module.AbstractApolloModule
getPriority() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.module.ApolloModule
Returns the priority of this module relative to other modules.
getScheduledExecutorService() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns a shared ListeningScheduledExecutorService that has capacity appropriate for scheduled jobs, i.e.
getService() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns the service that this is an instance of.
getServiceName() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service
Returns the name of this service.
getSignaller() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns a signaller that can be used to send signals to this service instance.
getUnprocessedArgs() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns the list of command-line arguments that were not recognized by Apollo, in order.


INJECT_SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in class com.spotify.apollo.core.Services
INJECT_UNPROCESSED_ARGS - Static variable in class com.spotify.apollo.core.Services
isShutdown() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Returns whether the service has gotten a shutdown signal, meaning that Service.Instance.waitForShutdown() will not block.


LOGGING - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
LOGGING_CONFIG - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
LOGGING_SYSLOG - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
LOGGING_VERBOSITY - com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys


manageLifecycle(Key<?>) - Method in class com.spotify.apollo.module.AbstractApolloModule
manageLifecycle(Class<?>) - Method in class com.spotify.apollo.module.AbstractApolloModule


resolve(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
Get an instance provided by one of the Apollo modules.
run(Service, String...) - Static method in class com.spotify.apollo.core.Services


Service - Interface in com.spotify.apollo.core
A service that is controlled by Apollo.
Service.Builder - Interface in com.spotify.apollo.core
A builder for a new service.
Service.Instance - Interface in com.spotify.apollo.core
A running service instance.
Service.Signaller - Interface in com.spotify.apollo.core
A way of sending signals to a service instance.
Services - Class in com.spotify.apollo.core
Services.CommonConfigKeys - Enum in com.spotify.apollo.core
signalShutdown() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Signaller
Signals the associated service instance to shut down, if it is still running.
start(String...) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service
Starts a new instance of this service that is fully initialized.
start(String[], Config) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service
Starts a new instance of this service that is fully initialized.
start(String[], Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service
Starts a new instance of this service that is fully initialized.


toString() - Method in class com.spotify.apollo.module.AbstractApolloModule


usingModuleDiscovery(boolean) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
Enables or disables module discovery, which will use SPI to discover all available modules on the classpath.
usingName(String) - Static method in class com.spotify.apollo.core.Services


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.spotify.apollo.core.Services.CommonConfigKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForShutdown() - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Instance
A method that will block until the service has stopped.
withCliHelp(boolean) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
Enables/disables whether Apollo should handle the --help/-h flags and display command-line help.
withEnvVarPrefix(String) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
Sets the prefix that is used to convert environment variables into configuration keys.
withModule(ApolloModule) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
Registers the specified module as loadable by this service.
withRuntime(Runtime) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
The Java runtime to use when constructing service instances.
withShutdownInterrupt(boolean) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
Enables/disables whether the thread calling Service.start(String...) will be interrupted when the application is requested to shut down.
withWatchdogTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.spotify.apollo.core.Service.Builder
Sets the timeout for how long Apollo will wait for the service to clean itself up upon shutdown.
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