Interface Service.Instance

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description getCloser()
      Returns a Closer for convenience, where you can register Closeables that should be closed when the application exits.
      com.typesafe.config.Config getConfig()
      Returns the configuration for this service instance. getExecutorService()
      Returns a shared ListeningExecutorService that has virtually infinite capacity and that can be used for long-running jobs. getScheduledExecutorService()
      Returns a shared ListeningScheduledExecutorService that has capacity appropriate for scheduled jobs, i.e.
      Service getService()
      Returns the service that this is an instance of.
      Service.Signaller getSignaller()
      Returns a signaller that can be used to send signals to this service instance.<String> getUnprocessedArgs()
      Returns the list of command-line arguments that were not recognized by Apollo, in order.
      boolean isShutdown()
      Returns whether the service has gotten a shutdown signal, meaning that waitForShutdown() will not block.
      <T> T resolve​(Class<T> type)
      Get an instance provided by one of the Apollo modules.
      void waitForShutdown()
      A method that will block until the service has stopped.
    • Method Detail

      • getService

        Service getService()
        Returns the service that this is an instance of.
        The service that this is an instance of.
      • getConfig

        com.typesafe.config.Config getConfig()
        Returns the configuration for this service instance.
        The configuration for this service instance.
      • getExecutorService getExecutorService()
        Returns a shared ListeningExecutorService that has virtually infinite capacity and that can be used for long-running jobs. This executor is scoped along with the service instance, which avoids the need to use the very problematic daemon threads.
        A shared ListeningExecutorService.
      • getScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutorService()
        Returns a shared ListeningScheduledExecutorService that has capacity appropriate for scheduled jobs, i.e. jobs that run periodically and have a limited execution time. Use getExecutorService() for jobs that run forever. This executor is scoped along with the service instance, which avoids the need to use the very problematic daemon threads.
        A shared ListeningScheduledExecutorService.
      • getCloser getCloser()
        Returns a Closer for convenience, where you can register Closeables that should be closed when the application exits.
        A Closer for convenience.
      • getUnprocessedArgs<String> getUnprocessedArgs()
        Returns the list of command-line arguments that were not recognized by Apollo, in order.
        The list of command-line arguments that were not recognized by Apollo, in order.
      • getSignaller

        Service.Signaller getSignaller()
        Returns a signaller that can be used to send signals to this service instance. It can be used to send signals to a running service instance, but after the service instance has exited, sending signals will be no-ops.
        a signaller that can be used to send signals to this service instance.
      • resolve

        <T> T resolve​(Class<T> type)
        Get an instance provided by one of the Apollo modules.
        type - the type of the instance to get.
        an instance of this type.
        ApolloConfigurationException - if no suitable instance of this type can be found.
      • waitForShutdown

        void waitForShutdown()
                      throws InterruptedException
        A method that will block until the service has stopped. This will wait until a signal from the environment tells the service to shutdown, or an error occurs.
      • isShutdown

        boolean isShutdown()
        Returns whether the service has gotten a shutdown signal, meaning that waitForShutdown() will not block.
        whether the service has gotten a shutdown signal.