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aggregate(ChangeNotifier<T>...) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers
Creates a ChangeNotifier that aggregates the records provided by a list of notifiers.
aggregate(Iterable<ChangeNotifier<T>>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers


build() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers.DnsSrvWatcherBuilder


cachingLookups(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder
CachingLookups will be removed in the future as it doesn't work with `resolveAsync`
ChangeNotifier<T> - Interface in com.spotify.dns
A change notifier represents a watched lookup from a DnsSrvWatcher.
ChangeNotifier.ChangeNotification<T> - Interface in com.spotify.dns
A change event containing the current and previous set of records.
ChangeNotifier.Listener<T> - Interface in com.spotify.dns
A listener which will be called when the set of records change
ChangeNotifierFactory<T> - Interface in com.spotify.dns
ChangeNotifierFactory.RunnableChangeNotifier<T> - Interface in com.spotify.dns
A ChangeNotifier that that can be executed.
ChangeNotifiers - Class in com.spotify.dns
close() - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifier
Close this ChangeNotifier, releasing any resources allocated.
com.spotify.dns - package com.spotify.dns
com.spotify.dns.statistics - package com.spotify.dns.statistics
create(ChangeNotifierFactory<T>) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatcherFactory
Creates a DnsSrvWatcher that should create ChangeNotifier instances using the given factory.
create(String) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifierFactory
Creates a ChangeNotifier that is a Runnable.
create(String, int, int, int, long) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult
current() - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifier.ChangeNotification
current() - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifier
Get the current set of records.
customTrigger(DnsSrvWatcherFactory<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers.DnsSrvWatcherBuilder


direct(Supplier<Set<T>>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers
direct(AtomicReference<Set<T>>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers
direct(Supplier<Set<T>>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers
Create a ChangeNotifierFactory.RunnableChangeNotifier that directly wraps a set of records given by a Supplier.
DnsException - Exception in com.spotify.dns
RuntimeException thrown by the Spotify DNS library.
DnsException() - Constructor for exception com.spotify.dns.DnsException
DnsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.dns.DnsException
DnsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.dns.DnsException
DnsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.dns.DnsException
dnsLookupTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder
DnsReporter - Interface in com.spotify.dns.statistics
Implement to report statistics for DNS request.
DnsSrvResolver - Interface in com.spotify.dns
Contract for doing SRV lookups.
DnsSrvResolvers - Class in com.spotify.dns
Provides builders for configuring and instantiating DnsSrvResolvers.
DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder - Class in com.spotify.dns
DnsSrvWatcher<T> - Interface in com.spotify.dns
A watcher for DNS SRV records.
DnsSrvWatcherFactory<T> - Interface in com.spotify.dns
A factory for creating DnsSrvWatcher implementations.
DnsSrvWatchers - Class in com.spotify.dns
Provides builders for configuring and instantiating DnsSrvWatchers.
DnsSrvWatchers.DnsSrvWatcherBuilder<T> - Class in com.spotify.dns
DnsTimingContext - Interface in com.spotify.dns.statistics
Implement to handle timings when performing dns requests.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult
ErrorHandler - Interface in com.spotify.dns
Error handler callback for errors thrown by the DnsSrvResolver used in a DnsSrvWatcher.
executor(Executor) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder


forName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.SimpleLookupFactory


handle(String, DnsException) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ErrorHandler
Handles a DnsException for the given FQDN.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult
host() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult


isInitialEmptyData(Set<T>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers
Use this to determine if the data you get back from a notifier is the initial result of the result of a proper DNS lookup.


LookupResult - Class in com.spotify.dns
Immutable data object with the relevant parts of an SRV record.


metered(DnsReporter) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder


newBuilder() - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers
newBuilder(DnsSrvResolver) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers
newBuilder(DnsSrvResolver, Function<LookupResult, T>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers
newBuilder(DnsSrvResolver, Function<LookupResult, T>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers


onChange(ChangeNotifier.ChangeNotification<T>) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifier.Listener
Signal that set of records changed.


polling(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers.DnsSrvWatcherBuilder
port() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult
previous() - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifier.ChangeNotification
priority() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult


reportEmpty() - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.statistics.DnsReporter
Report that an empty response has been received from a resolve.
reportFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.statistics.DnsReporter
Report that a resolve resulting in a failure.
resolve(String) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolver
This method is deprecated in favor of the asynchronous version. Use DnsSrvResolver.resolveAsync(String) instead
resolveAsync(String) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolver
Does a DNS SRV lookup for the supplied fully qualified domain name, and returns the matching results.
resolveTimer() - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.statistics.DnsReporter
Report resolve timing.
retainingDataOnFailures(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder
retentionDurationMillis(long) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder


servers(List<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvResolvers.DnsSrvResolverBuilder
Allows the user to specify which DNS servers should be used to perform DNS lookups.
sessionForName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.SimpleLookupFactory
setListener(ChangeNotifier.Listener<T>, boolean) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifier
Set a listener to be called when the set of records change.
SimpleLookupFactory - Class in com.spotify.dns
A LookupFactory that always returns new instances.
SimpleLookupFactory() - Constructor for class com.spotify.dns.SimpleLookupFactory
Deprecated to avoid overloading forkjoin common pool. Use SimpleLookupFactory(Executor) instead.
SimpleLookupFactory(Executor) - Constructor for class com.spotify.dns.SimpleLookupFactory
SimpleLookupFactory(Resolver) - Constructor for class com.spotify.dns.SimpleLookupFactory
Deprecated to avoid overloading forkjoin common pool. Use SimpleLookupFactory(Resolver, Executor) instead.
SimpleLookupFactory(Resolver, Executor) - Constructor for class com.spotify.dns.SimpleLookupFactory
staticRecords(Set<T>) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers
staticRecords(T...) - Static method in class com.spotify.dns.ChangeNotifiers
Create a ChangeNotifier with a static set of records.
stop() - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.statistics.DnsTimingContext


toString() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult
ttl() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult


usingExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers.DnsSrvWatcherBuilder


watch(String) - Method in interface com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatcher
Starts watching a FQDN, by creating a ChangeNotifier for it.
weight() - Method in class com.spotify.dns.LookupResult
withErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class com.spotify.dns.DnsSrvWatchers.DnsSrvWatcherBuilder
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