
abstract class Transformer[-A, B, C](val name: String) extends Serializable
Base class for feature transformers.
Input values are converted into intermediate type B, aggregated, and converted to summary type
C. The summary type C is then used to transform input values into features.
Type Params
input type
aggregator intermediate type
aggregator summary type
Value Params
feature name
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


protected def checkRange(name: String, value: Double, lower: Double, upper: Double): Unit
def featureDimension(c: C): Int
Number of generated features given an aggregator summary.
def featureNames(c: C): Seq[String]
Names of the generated features given an aggregator summary.
def buildFeatures(a: Option[A], c: C, fb: FeatureBuilder[]): Unit
Build features from a single input value and an aggregator summary.
Value Params
input value
aggregator summary
feature builder
protected def nameAt(n: Int): String
protected def names(n: Int): Stream[String]
def contramap[AA](f: AA => A): Transformer[AA, B, C]
Builds a new transformer with an extra input preprocessing step
Value Params
input preprocessing function
def optFeatureDimension(c: Option[C]): Int
def optFeatureNames(c: Option[C]): Seq[String]
def optBuildFeatures(a: Option[A], c: Option[C], fb: FeatureBuilder[]): Unit
def unsafeBuildFeatures(a: Option[Any], c: Option[Any], fb: FeatureBuilder[]): Unit
def unsafeFeatureDimension(c: Option[Any]): Int
def flatRead[T](evidence$1: FlatReader[T]): T => Option[Any]
def flatWriter[T](fw: FlatWriter[T]): Option[A] => IF
def unsafeFlatWriter[T](fw: FlatWriter[T]): Option[Any] => IF
def encodeAggregator(c: C): String
Encode aggregator summary of the current extraction.
def decodeAggregator(s: String): C
Decode aggregator summary from a previous extraction.
def params: Map[String, String]
Compile time parameters.
def settings(c: Option[C]): Settings
Settings including compile time parameters and runtime aggregator summary.
Value Params
aggregator summary


val name: String
val aggregator: Aggregator[A, B, C]
Aggregator for computing input values into a summary.