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AccessToken - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The Github Installation Access token.
accessTokensUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Access tokens url.
accessTokensUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Access tokens url.
accessTokensUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the accessTokensUrl attribute.
account() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Account user.
account() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Account user.
account(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the account attribute.
action() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CommitCommentEvent
The action that was performed.
action() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
The action that was performed.
action() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
The action that was performed on the comment.
action() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
The action that was performed.
action() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
The action that was performed.
action() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The action that was performed on the comment.
action() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
State of the action.
action() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
The action that was performed.
action() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssueCommentEvent
The action that was performed on the comment.
action() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssuesEvent
The action that was performed.
action() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestEvent
The action that was performed.
action() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The action that was performed on the comment.
action() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewEvent
State of the action.
action() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.RepositoryEvent
The action that was performed.
action(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the action attribute.
action(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the action attribute.
action(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the action attribute.
action(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the action attribute.
action(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the action attribute.
action(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the action attribute.
action(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the action attribute.
action_required - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
actions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunRequest
The actions list.
actions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The actions list.
actions(Iterable<? extends CheckRunAction>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for actions list.
ActionState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3
Helpful constants for common Action states.
active() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes.
active() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Should it be active
active() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.WebhookCreate
Should it be active
active() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
Determines whether the hook is actually triggered on pushes.
active(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the active attribute.
active(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Initializes the value for the active attribute.
actor() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
The User object that generated the event.
actor() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
The User object that generated the event.
actor(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the actor attribute.
addActions(CheckRunAction) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Adds one element to actions list.
addActions(CheckRunAction...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Adds elements to actions list.
addAdded(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds one element to added list.
addAdded(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds elements to added list.
addAllActions(Iterable<? extends CheckRunAction>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Adds elements to actions list.
addAllAdded(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds elements to added list.
addAllAnnotations(Iterable<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Adds elements to annotations list.
addAllBranches(Iterable<? extends Branch>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Adds elements to branches list.
addAllCheckRuns(Iterable<? extends CheckRunResponse>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder
Adds elements to checkRuns list.
addAllCheckSuites(Iterable<? extends CheckSuite>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder
Adds elements to checkSuites list.
addAllComments(Iterable<? extends ReviewComment>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Adds elements to comments list.
addAllCommits(Iterable<? extends Commit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Adds elements to commits list.
addAllCommits(Iterable<? extends PushCommit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Adds elements to commits list.
addAllEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addAllEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addAllEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addAllEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addAllFiles(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Adds elements to files list.
addAllFiles(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Adds elements to files list.
addAllImages(Iterable<? extends CheckRunImage>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Adds elements to images list.
addAllInstallations(Iterable<? extends Installation>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList.Builder
Adds elements to installations list.
addAllItems(Iterable<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Adds elements to items list.
addAllItems(Iterable<? extends SearchIssue>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Adds elements to items list.
addAllItems(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Adds elements to items list.
addAllLabels(Iterable<? extends Label>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Adds elements to labels list.
addAllLabels(Iterable<? extends Label>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Adds elements to labels list.
addAllModified(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds elements to modified list.
addAllParents(Iterable<? extends ShaLink>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Adds elements to parents list.
addAllParents(Iterable<? extends ShaLink>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Adds elements to parents list.
addAllRemoved(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds elements to removed list.
addAllRepositories(Iterable<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder
Adds elements to repositories list.
addAllRequestedReviewers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Adds elements to requestedReviewers list.
addAllRequestedReviewers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Adds elements to requestedReviewers list.
addAllRequestedTeams(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Adds elements to requestedTeams list.
addAllRequestedTeams(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Adds elements to requestedTeams list.
addAllStatuses(Iterable<? extends Status>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Adds elements to statuses list.
addAllTeams(Iterable<? extends Team>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Adds elements to teams list.
addAllTree(Iterable<? extends TreeItem>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Adds elements to tree list.
addAllUsers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Adds elements to users list.
addAnnotations(Annotation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Adds one element to annotations list.
addAnnotations(Annotation...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Adds elements to annotations list.
addBranches(Branch) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Adds one element to branches list.
addBranches(Branch...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Adds elements to branches list.
addCheckRuns(CheckRunResponse) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder
Adds one element to checkRuns list.
addCheckRuns(CheckRunResponse...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder
Adds elements to checkRuns list.
addCheckSuites(CheckSuite) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder
Adds one element to checkSuites list.
addCheckSuites(CheckSuite...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder
Adds elements to checkSuites list.
addComments(ReviewComment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Adds one element to comments list.
addComments(ReviewComment...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Adds elements to comments list.
addCommits(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Adds one element to commits list.
addCommits(Commit...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Adds elements to commits list.
addCommits(PushCommit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Adds one element to commits list.
addCommits(PushCommit...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Adds elements to commits list.
added() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Files that were added.
added() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Files that were added.
added(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for added list.
addEvents(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Adds one element to events list.
addEvents(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Adds one element to events list.
addEvents(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Adds one element to events list.
addEvents(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Adds one element to events list.
addEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addFiles(File) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Adds one element to files list.
addFiles(File) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Adds one element to files list.
addFiles(File...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Adds elements to files list.
addFiles(File...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Adds elements to files list.
addImages(CheckRunImage) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Adds one element to images list.
addImages(CheckRunImage...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Adds elements to images list.
addInstallations(Installation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList.Builder
Adds one element to installations list.
addInstallations(Installation...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList.Builder
Adds elements to installations list.
addItems(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Adds one element to items list.
addItems(Repository...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Adds elements to items list.
addItems(SearchIssue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Adds one element to items list.
addItems(SearchIssue...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Adds elements to items list.
addItems(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Adds one element to items list.
addItems(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Adds elements to items list.
additions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Number of additions.
additions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Number of additions.
additions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
Number of added lines
additions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Number of added lines
additions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the additions attribute.
additions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the value for the additions attribute.
addLabels(Label) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Adds one element to labels list.
addLabels(Label) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Adds one element to labels list.
addLabels(Label...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Adds elements to labels list.
addLabels(Label...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Adds elements to labels list.
addModified(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds one element to modified list.
addModified(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds elements to modified list.
addParents(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Adds one element to parents list.
addParents(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Adds one element to parents list.
addParents(ShaLink...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Adds elements to parents list.
addParents(ShaLink...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Adds elements to parents list.
addRemoved(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds one element to removed list.
addRemoved(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Adds elements to removed list.
addRepositories(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder
Adds one element to repositories list.
addRepositories(Repository...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder
Adds elements to repositories list.
addRequestedReviewers(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Adds one element to requestedReviewers list.
addRequestedReviewers(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Adds one element to requestedReviewers list.
addRequestedReviewers(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Adds elements to requestedReviewers list.
addRequestedReviewers(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Adds elements to requestedReviewers list.
addRequestedTeams(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Adds one element to requestedTeams list.
addRequestedTeams(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Adds one element to requestedTeams list.
addRequestedTeams(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Adds elements to requestedTeams list.
addRequestedTeams(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Adds elements to requestedTeams list.
addStatuses(Status) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Adds one element to statuses list.
addStatuses(Status...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Adds elements to statuses list.
addTeams(Team) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Adds one element to teams list.
addTeams(Team...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Adds elements to teams list.
addTree(TreeItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Adds one element to tree list.
addTree(TreeItem...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Adds elements to tree list.
addUsers(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Adds one element to users list.
addUsers(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Adds elements to users list.
admin() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Has admin
admin() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Permissions
Has admin
admin(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions.Builder
Initializes the value for the admin attribute.
affiliation() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Comma-separated list of values.
affiliation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Comma-separated list of values.
affiliation(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder
Initializes the value for the affiliation attribute.
after() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
SHA of the repository state after the push.
after() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
SHA of the repository state after the push.
after(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the after attribute.
aheadBy() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitComparison
Ahead by
aheadBy() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Ahead by
aheadBy(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Initializes the value for the aheadBy attribute.
alt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunImage
The alternative text for the image.
alt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
The alternative text for the image.
alt(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage.Builder
Initializes the value for the alt attribute.
anchor() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
When present, the anchor parameter overrides this with another URI, such as a fragment of this resource, or a third resource (i.e., when the anchor value is an absolute URI).
anchor() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
When present, the anchor parameter overrides this with another URI, such as a fragment of this resource, or a third resource (i.e., when the anchor value is an absolute URI).
anchor(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value anchor to anchor.
anchor(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value anchor to anchor.
Annotation - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The Annotation object.
annotationLevel() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
Annotation level.
annotationLevel() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Annotation level.
annotationLevel(AnnotationLevel) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the value for the annotationLevel attribute.
AnnotationLevel - Enum in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The enum AnnotationLevel.
annotations() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunOutput
Adds information from your analysis to specific lines of code.
annotations() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Adds information from your analysis to specific lines of code.
annotations(Iterable<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for annotations list.
annotationsCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunOutput
The count of annotations.
annotationsCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
The count of annotations.
annotationsCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value annotationsCount to annotationsCount.
annotationsCount(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value annotationsCount to annotationsCount.
annotationsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunOutput
Annotations URL, used on response objects.
annotationsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Annotations URL, used on response objects.
annotationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value annotationsUrl to annotationsUrl.
annotationsUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value annotationsUrl to annotationsUrl.
app() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponse
App which this check ran.
app() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
App which this check ran.
app(App) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value app to app.
app(Optional<? extends App>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value app to app.
App - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The interface App.
appId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
The APP ID the installations refers to.
appId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
The APP ID the installations refers to.
appId(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the appId attribute.
APPROVED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewState
APPROVED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewState
archiveUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Archive URL template
archiveUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Archive URL template
archiveUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Archive URL template
archiveUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Archive URL template
archiveUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the archiveUrl attribute.
archiveUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the archiveUrl attribute.
archiveUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the archiveUrl attribute.
ASSIGNED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
ASSIGNED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
assignee() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Login for the user that this issue should be assigned to.
assignee() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Login for the user that this issue should be assigned to.
assignee() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
assignee() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
assignee() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
assignee() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Login for the user that this issue should be assigned to.
assignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignee to assignee.
assignees() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
assignees() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
assignees() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
assignees(List<User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignees to assignees.
assignees(List<User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignees to assignees.
assignees(Optional<? extends List<User>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignees to assignees.
assignees(Optional<? extends List<User>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value assignees to assignees.
assigneesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Assignees URL template
assigneesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Assignees URL template
assigneesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Assignees URL template
assigneesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Assignees URL template
assigneesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the assigneesUrl attribute.
assigneesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the assigneesUrl attribute.
assigneesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the assigneesUrl attribute.
AsyncPage<T> - Interface in com.spotify.github.async
Async page
AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests
Filter parameters for listing authenticated user's repositories.
author() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Commit
Author commit user.
author() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Author commit user.
author() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitItem
Author user
author() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Author user
author() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Author user
author() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Commit author.
author() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Commit author.
author(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the author attribute.
author(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the author attribute.
author(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the optional value author to author.
author(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value author to author.
author(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the optional value author to author.
author(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value author to author.
Author - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
An entity with information about the individual.
avatarUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Avatar URL.
avatarUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Avatar URL.
avatarUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
Avatar URL.
avatarUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Avatar URL.
avatarUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the avatarUrl attribute.
avatarUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the avatarUrl attribute.


base() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Base reference.
base() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Base reference.
base() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Base reference.
base() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
The name of the branch you want your changes pulled into.
base() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Filter pulls by base branch name.
base() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestCreate
The name of the branch you want your changes pulled into.
base() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestParameters
Filter pulls by base branch name.
base(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the base attribute.
base(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the base attribute.
base(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
Initializes the value for the base attribute.
base(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value base to base.
base(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value base to base.
baseCommit() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitComparison
baseCommit() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
baseCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Initializes the value for the baseCommit attribute.
BaseEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Base event entity to be extended by most of the event resources
baseRef() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Base reference
baseRef() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
Base reference
baseRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value baseRef to baseRef.
baseRef(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value baseRef to baseRef.
before() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
The SHA of the most recent commit on ref before the push.
before() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
The SHA of the most recent commit on ref before the push.
before(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the before attribute.
behindBy() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitComparison
Behind by
behindBy() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Behind by
behindBy(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Initializes the value for the behindBy attribute.
Blob - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Git blob
BLOB - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItemType
blobHref() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
Blob href optional.
blobHref() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Blob href optional.
blobHref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value blobHref to blobHref.
blobHref(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value blobHref to blobHref.
blobsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Blobs URL template
blobsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Blobs URL template
blobsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Blobs URL template
blobsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Blobs URL template
blobsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the blobsUrl attribute.
blobsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the blobsUrl attribute.
blobsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the blobsUrl attribute.
blobUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
Blob file content API URL
blobUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Blob file content API URL
blobUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value blobUrl to blobUrl.
blobUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value blobUrl to blobUrl.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
The contents of the comment.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
The contents of the comment.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.Changes
The previous version of the body if the action was "edited".
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges
The previous version of the body if the action was "edited".
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
The contents of the issue.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
The contents of the issue.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
The text of the comment.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
The text of the comment.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
The contents of the pull request.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
The contents of the pull request.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Text of the review comment.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
**required** when using REQUEST_CHANGES or COMMENT for the event.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
The contents of the pull request.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
The contents of the pull request.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
The contents of the pull request.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestCreate
The contents of the pull request.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestUpdate
The contents of the pull request.
body() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewComment
Text of the review comment.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewParameters
**required** when using REQUEST_CHANGES or COMMENT for the event.
body() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
The contents of the issue.
body(Body) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges.Builder
Initializes the value for the body attribute.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the body attribute.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the body attribute.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the body attribute.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the body attribute.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the body attribute.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
Initializes the optional value body to body.
body(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the body attribute.
Body - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes
Placeholder resource for the previous version of an issue comment in case it was edited.
Branch - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Branch resource
BRANCH - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.RefType
branches() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
An array of branch objects containing the status' SHA.
branches() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
An array of branch objects containing the status' SHA.
branches(Iterable<? extends Branch>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for branches list.
branchesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Branches URL template
branchesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Branches URL template
branchesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Branches URL template
branchesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Branches URL template
branchesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the branchesUrl attribute.
branchesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the branchesUrl attribute.
branchesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the branchesUrl attribute.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableLink.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePagination.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableHref.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableLinks.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableBaseEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCreateEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableDeleteEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableForkEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableHref.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableIssuesEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePushEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableReviewLinks.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableStatusEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableAccessToken.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableAnnotation.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableApp.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCheckSuite.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableInstallation.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableComment.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableAuthor.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableBlob.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCommit.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableReference.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableShaLink.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTag.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTree.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTreeItem.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableWebhook.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableMilestone.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTeam.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableUser.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableBody.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableChanges.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableEvent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableIssue.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableLabel.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePullRequest.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableComment.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCommentLinks.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePullRequest.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableReview.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableBranch.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCommit.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCommitItem.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCommitStatus.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableContent.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableDeployment.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableFile.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableOrganization.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePermissions.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePushCommit.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRepository.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableStatus.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableSearch.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableSearchIssue.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableSearchIssues.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableSearchUsers.
build() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Creates a builder for ImmutableLink.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Creates a builder for ImmutablePagination.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Creates a builder for ImmutableCloseTracking.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref
Creates a builder for ImmutableHref.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Creates a builder for ImmutableLinks.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Creates a builder for ImmutableUpdateTracking.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableBaseEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableCreateEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableDeleteEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableDeploymentEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation
Creates a builder for ImmutableEventInstallation.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableForkEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref
Creates a builder for ImmutableHref.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableIssuesEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutablePushEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableRepositoryEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
Creates a builder for ImmutableReviewLinks.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableStatusEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Creates a builder for ImmutableAccessToken.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Creates a builder for ImmutableAnnotation.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Creates a builder for ImmutableApp.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckRunAction.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckRunImage.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckRunOutput.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckRunRequest.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckRunResponse.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckSuite.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Creates a builder for ImmutableInstallation.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Creates a builder for ImmutableInstallationList.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Creates a builder for ImmutableComment.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Creates a builder for ImmutableAuthor.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Creates a builder for ImmutableBlob.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Creates a builder for ImmutableCommit.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Creates a builder for ImmutableReference.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
Creates a builder for ImmutableReferenceObject.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
Creates a builder for ImmutableShaLink.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Creates a builder for ImmutableTag.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Creates a builder for ImmutableTree.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Creates a builder for ImmutableTreeItem.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Creates a builder for ImmutableWebhook.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
Creates a builder for ImmutableWebhookConfig.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Creates a builder for ImmutableWebhookCreate.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Creates a builder for ImmutableMilestone.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Creates a builder for ImmutableTeam.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Creates a builder for ImmutableUser.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody
Creates a builder for ImmutableBody.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges
Creates a builder for ImmutableChanges.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableEvent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Creates a builder for ImmutableIssue.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
Creates a builder for ImmutableLabel.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequest.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Creates a builder for ImmutableComment.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Creates a builder for ImmutableCommentLinks.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Creates a builder for ImmutableMergeParameters.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequest.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestItem.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestLinks.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestRef.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Creates a builder for ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Creates a builder for ImmutableReview.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Creates a builder for ImmutableReviewComment.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Creates a builder for ImmutableReviewParameters.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Creates a builder for ImmutableReviewRequests.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestCreate.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestParameters.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Creates a builder for ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Creates a builder for ImmutableBranch.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Creates a builder for ImmutableCommit.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Creates a builder for ImmutableCommitComparison.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Creates a builder for ImmutableCommitItem.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Creates a builder for ImmutableCommitStatus.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Creates a builder for ImmutableContent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Creates a builder for ImmutableDeployment.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Creates a builder for ImmutableFile.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Creates a builder for ImmutableFolderContent.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Creates a builder for ImmutableOrganization.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Creates a builder for ImmutablePermissions.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Creates a builder for ImmutablePushCommit.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Creates a builder for ImmutablePushRepository.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Creates a builder for ImmutableRepository.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Creates a builder for ImmutableRepositoryBase.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Creates a builder for ImmutableStatus.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Creates a builder for ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Creates a builder for ImmutableSearch.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Creates a builder for ImmutableSearchIssue.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Creates a builder for ImmutableSearchIssues.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Creates a builder for ImmutableSearchRepositories.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Creates a builder for ImmutableSearchUsers.
builder() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Creates a builder for ImmutableSearchParameters.


cancelled - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
caption() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunImage
A short image description.
caption() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
A short image description.
caption(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage.Builder
Initializes the optional value caption to caption.
caption(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage.Builder
Initializes the optional value caption to caption.
changedFiles() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Number of changed files.
changedFiles() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Number of changed files.
changedFiles(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the changedFiles attribute.
changes() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
The changes to the comment if the action was "edited".
changes() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssueCommentEvent
The changes to the comment if the action was "edited".
changes() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
Numnber of changed lines
changes() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Numnber of changed lines
changes(Changes) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value changes to changes.
changes(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the value for the changes attribute.
changes(Optional<? extends Changes>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value changes to changes.
Changes - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes
The changes to the comment if the action was "edited".
CHANGES_REQUESTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewState
CHANGES_REQUESTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewState
CheckRunAction - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The CheckRun action.
CheckRunBase - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The CheckRun base.
CheckRunConclusion - Enum in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The enum Check run conclusion.
CheckRunImage - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The interface CheckRun image.
CheckRunOutput - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The interface Check run output.
CheckRunRequest - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Github CheckRun
CheckRunResponse - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The CheckRun response resource.
CheckRunResponseList - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The CheckRunResponse list resource
checkRuns() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponseList
CheckRuns list.
checkRuns() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
CheckRuns list.
checkRuns(Iterable<? extends CheckRunResponse>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for checkRuns list.
CheckRunStatus - Enum in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The CheckRun status.
ChecksClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Checks API client
checkSuite() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponse
Check suite this CheckRun belongs to.
checkSuite() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Check suite this CheckRun belongs to.
checkSuite(CheckSuite) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value checkSuite to checkSuite.
checkSuite(Optional<? extends CheckSuite>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value checkSuite to checkSuite.
CheckSuite - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Github CheckSuite
CheckSuiteResponseList - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The CheckSuiteResponse list resource.
checkSuites() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckSuiteResponseList
Check suites list.
checkSuites() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Check suites list.
checkSuites(Iterable<? extends CheckSuite>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for checkSuites list.
clone() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.async.AsyncPage
Clone page object.
clone() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPage
Clone page object.
cloneUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Clone URL
cloneUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Clone URL
cloneUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Clone URL
cloneUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Clone URL
cloneUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the cloneUrl attribute.
cloneUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the cloneUrl attribute.
cloneUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the cloneUrl attribute.
CLOSED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
CLOSED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
closedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.CloseTracking
Closed date.
closedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Closed date.
closedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Closed date.
closedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Closed date.
closedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Closed date.
closedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Closed date.
closedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Closed date.
closedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value closedAt to closedAt.
closedIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Number of closed issues
closedIssues() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
Number of closed issues
closedIssues(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the closedIssues attribute.
CloseTracking - Interface in com.spotify.github
Convenience interface for tracking closing time and whatever is tracked in UpdateTracking.
collaboratorsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Collaborators URL template
collaboratorsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Collaborators URL template
collaboratorsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Collaborators URL template
collaboratorsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Collaborators URL template
collaboratorsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the collaboratorsUrl attribute.
collaboratorsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the collaboratorsUrl attribute.
collaboratorsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the collaboratorsUrl attribute.
color() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
color() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Label
color(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel.Builder
Initializes the value for the color attribute.
com.spotify.github - package com.spotify.github
com.spotify.github.async - package com.spotify.github.async
com.spotify.github.http - package com.spotify.github.http
com.spotify.github.jackson - package com.spotify.github.jackson
com.spotify.github.v3 - package com.spotify.github.v3
com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events - package com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
com.spotify.github.v3.apps - package com.spotify.github.v3.apps
com.spotify.github.v3.checks - package com.spotify.github.v3.checks
com.spotify.github.v3.clients - package com.spotify.github.v3.clients
com.spotify.github.v3.comment - package com.spotify.github.v3.comment
com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions - package com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions
com.spotify.github.v3.git - package com.spotify.github.v3.git
com.spotify.github.v3.hooks - package com.spotify.github.v3.hooks
com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests - package com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests
com.spotify.github.v3.issues - package com.spotify.github.v3.issues
com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes - package com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes
com.spotify.github.v3.prs - package com.spotify.github.v3.prs
com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests - package com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
com.spotify.github.v3.repos - package com.spotify.github.v3.repos
com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests - package com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests
com.spotify.github.v3.search - package com.spotify.github.v3.search
com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests - package com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests
comment() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CommitCommentEvent
The repository Comment created.
comment() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
The repository Comment created.
comment() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
The Comment itself.
comment() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The comment itself.
comment() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssueCommentEvent
The Comment itself.
comment() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The comment itself.
comment(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the comment attribute.
comment(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the comment attribute.
comment(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the comment attribute.
Comment - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.comment
Repository commit comment resource
Comment - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Pull Request Review Comments are comments on a portion of the unified diff.
commentCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Commit
Number of comments.
commentCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Number of comments.
commentCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the optional value commentCount to commentCount.
commentCount(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the optional value commentCount to commentCount.
COMMENTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewState
COMMENTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewState
CommentLinks - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Reference links for the Comment entity
comments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Number of comments.
comments() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Number of comments.
comments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Number of comments.
comments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
API link to the comments on this pull request.
comments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
List of comments for a non-approve review.
comments() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Number of comments.
comments() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestLinks
API link to the comments on this pull request.
comments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewParameters
List of comments for a non-approve review.
comments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Number of comments.
comments(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the comments attribute.
comments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the comments attribute.
comments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the comments attribute.
comments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the comments attribute.
comments(Iterable<? extends ReviewComment>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for comments list.
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Comments URL.
commentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Comments URL.
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Comments API URL.
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Comments API URL.
commentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Comments API URL.
commentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitItem
Comments URL
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Comments URL
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Comments URL
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Comments URL template
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Comments URL template
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Comments URL template
commentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Comments URL template
commentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Comments URL.
commentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the commentsUrl attribute.
commit() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Related git commit
commit() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
Related git commit
commit() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Branch
Commit details branch is labeling
commit() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitItem
Commit details
commit() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Commit details branch is labeling
commit() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Commit details
commit() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Commit details
commit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the commit attribute.
commit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the commit attribute.
commit(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Initializes the value for the commit attribute.
commit(CommitItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the commit attribute.
Commit - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Commit details resource.
Commit - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Single repository commit resource.
COMMIT - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItemType
CommitCommentEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when a commit comment is created.
CommitComparison - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
The result of a comparison between two commits.
commitId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
Commit sha this comment relates to
commitId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Commit sha this comment relates to
commitId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
The String SHA of a commit that referenced this Issue.
commitId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
The String SHA of a commit that referenced this Issue.
commitId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
The SHA of the commit to comment on.
commitId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
The SHA of the commit to comment on.
commitId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Commit sha the review refers to
commitId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
SHA of the commit that needs a review.
commitId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
Commit sha the review refers to
commitId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewParameters
SHA of the commit that needs a review.
commitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitId to commitId.
commitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitId attribute.
commitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitId attribute.
commitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitId attribute.
commitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitId to commitId.
commitId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitId to commitId.
commitId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitId to commitId.
CommitItem - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Commit item resource usually returned during the commit listing operation
commitMessage() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Extra detail to append to automatic commit message.
commitMessage() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeParameters
Extra detail to append to automatic commit message.
commitMessage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitMessage to commitMessage.
commitMessage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitMessage to commitMessage.
commits() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
An array of commit objects describing the pushed commits.
commits() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
An array of commit objects describing the pushed commits.
commits() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Number of commits.
commits() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
API link to the commits on this pull request.
commits() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Number of commits.
commits() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestLinks
API link to the commits on this pull request.
commits() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitComparison
commits() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
commits(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the commits attribute.
commits(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the commits attribute.
commits(Iterable<? extends Commit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for commits list.
commits(Iterable<? extends PushCommit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for commits list.
CommitStatus - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Single repository commit status resource
commitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Commits URL.
commitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Commits URL.
commitsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Commits URL.
commitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Commits URL template
commitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Commits URL template
commitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Commits URL template
commitsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Commits URL template
commitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitsUrl attribute.
commitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitsUrl attribute.
commitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitsUrl attribute.
commitsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitsUrl attribute.
commitsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitsUrl attribute.
committer() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Commit
Committer commit user.
committer() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Committer commit user.
committer() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Commit committer.
committer() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Commit committer.
committer(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the committer attribute.
committer(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the committer attribute.
commitTitle() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Title for the automatic commit message.
commitTitle() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeParameters
Title for the automatic commit message.
commitTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitTitle to commitTitle.
commitTitle(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value commitTitle to commitTitle.
commitUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
The GitHub API link to a commit that referenced this Issue.
commitUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
The GitHub API link to a commit that referenced this Issue.
commitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the commitUrl attribute.
compare() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Compare API URL This is a string because of malformed URIs sent from github.
compare() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
Compare API URL This is a string because of malformed URIs sent from github.
compare(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the compare attribute.
compareCommits(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Compare two commits content.
compareUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Compare URL template
compareUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Compare URL template
compareUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Compare URL template
compareUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Compare URL template
compareUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the compareUrl attribute.
compareUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the compareUrl attribute.
compareUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the compareUrl attribute.
completed - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunStatus
completedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
The time that the check completed.
completedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The time that the check completed.
completedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The time that the check completed.
completedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value completedAt to completedAt.
completedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value completedAt to completedAt.
completedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value completedAt to completedAt.
completedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value completedAt to completedAt.
conclusion() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
The final conclusion of the check.
conclusion() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The final conclusion of the check.
conclusion() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The final conclusion of the check.
conclusion(CheckRunConclusion) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value conclusion to conclusion.
conclusion(CheckRunConclusion) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value conclusion to conclusion.
conclusion(Optional<? extends CheckRunConclusion>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value conclusion to conclusion.
conclusion(Optional<? extends CheckRunConclusion>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value conclusion to conclusion.
config() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
These settings vary between hooks and some are defined in the github-services repository.
config() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Webhook config.
config() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.WebhookCreate
Webhook config.
config() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
These settings vary between hooks and some are defined in the github-services repository.
config(WebhookConfig) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the config attribute.
config(WebhookConfig) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Initializes the value for the config attribute.
content() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Blob
Encoded blob content.
content() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Encoded blob content.
content() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Content
Actual encoded content
content() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Actual encoded content
content(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Initializes the value for the content attribute.
content(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the content attribute.
Content - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Repository content resource
contentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
File content API URL
contentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
File content API URL
contentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Contents URL template
contentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Contents URL template
contentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Contents URL template
contentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Contents URL template
contentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the contentsUrl attribute.
contentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the contentsUrl attribute.
contentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the contentsUrl attribute.
contentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value contentsUrl to contentsUrl.
contentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value contentsUrl to contentsUrl.
contentType() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
An optional string defining the media type used to serialize the payloads.
contentType() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.WebhookConfig
An optional string defining the media type used to serialize the payloads.
contentType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig.Builder
Initializes the value for the contentType attribute.
ContentType - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Helpful constants for common content types.
context() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems.
context() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems.
context() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems.
context() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems.
context() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.RepositoryCreateStatus
A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems.
context() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems.
context(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the context attribute.
context(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value context to context.
context(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the context attribute.
context(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value context to context.
contributorsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Contributors URL
contributorsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Contributors URL
contributorsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Contributors URL
contributorsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Contributors URL
contributorsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the contributorsUrl attribute.
contributorsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the contributorsUrl attribute.
contributorsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the contributorsUrl attribute.
copyOf(CloseTracking) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Creates an immutable copy of a CloseTracking value.
copyOf(Link) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Creates an immutable copy of a Link value.
copyOf(Pagination) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Creates an immutable copy of a Pagination value.
copyOf(Links) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Creates an immutable copy of a Links value.
copyOf(Links.Href<T>) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref
Creates an immutable copy of a Links.Href value.
copyOf(UpdateTracking) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Creates an immutable copy of a UpdateTracking value.
copyOf(BaseEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a BaseEvent value.
copyOf(CommitCommentEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a CommitCommentEvent value.
copyOf(CreateEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a CreateEvent value.
copyOf(DeleteEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a DeleteEvent value.
copyOf(DeploymentEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a DeploymentEvent value.
copyOf(DeploymentStatusEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a DeploymentStatusEvent value.
copyOf(EventInstallation) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation
Creates an immutable copy of a EventInstallation value.
copyOf(ForkEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a ForkEvent value.
copyOf(IssueCommentEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a IssueCommentEvent value.
copyOf(IssuesEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a IssuesEvent value.
copyOf(PullRequestEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestEvent value.
copyOf(PullRequestReviewCommentEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestReviewCommentEvent value.
copyOf(PullRequestReviewEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestReviewEvent value.
copyOf(PushEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a PushEvent value.
copyOf(RepositoryEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a RepositoryEvent value.
copyOf(ReviewLinks) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
Creates an immutable copy of a ReviewLinks value.
copyOf(ReviewLinks.Href<T>) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref
Creates an immutable copy of a ReviewLinks.Href value.
copyOf(StatusEvent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a StatusEvent value.
copyOf(InstallationRepositoriesResponse) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a InstallationRepositoriesResponse value.
copyOf(AccessToken) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Creates an immutable copy of a AccessToken value.
copyOf(Annotation) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Creates an immutable copy of a Annotation value.
copyOf(App) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Creates an immutable copy of a App value.
copyOf(CheckRunAction) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckRunAction value.
copyOf(CheckRunImage) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckRunImage value.
copyOf(CheckRunOutput) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckRunOutput value.
copyOf(CheckRunRequest) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckRunRequest value.
copyOf(CheckRunResponse) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckRunResponse value.
copyOf(CheckRunResponseList) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckRunResponseList value.
copyOf(CheckSuite) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckSuite value.
copyOf(CheckSuiteResponseList) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Creates an immutable copy of a CheckSuiteResponseList value.
copyOf(Installation) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Creates an immutable copy of a Installation value.
copyOf(InstallationList) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Creates an immutable copy of a InstallationList value.
copyOf(Comment) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Creates an immutable copy of a Comment value.
copyOf(Author) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Creates an immutable copy of a Author value.
copyOf(Blob) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Creates an immutable copy of a Blob value.
copyOf(Commit) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Creates an immutable copy of a Commit value.
copyOf(Reference) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Creates an immutable copy of a Reference value.
copyOf(ReferenceObject) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
Creates an immutable copy of a ReferenceObject value.
copyOf(ShaLink) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
Creates an immutable copy of a ShaLink value.
copyOf(Tag) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Creates an immutable copy of a Tag value.
copyOf(Tree) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Creates an immutable copy of a Tree value.
copyOf(TreeItem) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Creates an immutable copy of a TreeItem value.
copyOf(WebhookCreate) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Creates an immutable copy of a WebhookCreate value.
copyOf(Webhook) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Creates an immutable copy of a Webhook value.
copyOf(WebhookConfig) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
Creates an immutable copy of a WebhookConfig value.
copyOf(Body) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody
Creates an immutable copy of a Body value.
copyOf(Changes) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges
Creates an immutable copy of a Changes value.
copyOf(Event) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a Event value.
copyOf(Issue) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Creates an immutable copy of a Issue value.
copyOf(Label) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
Creates an immutable copy of a Label value.
copyOf(PullRequest) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequest value.
copyOf(Milestone) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Creates an immutable copy of a Milestone value.
copyOf(Comment) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Creates an immutable copy of a Comment value.
copyOf(CommentLinks) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Creates an immutable copy of a CommentLinks value.
copyOf(MergeParameters) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Creates an immutable copy of a MergeParameters value.
copyOf(PullRequest) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequest value.
copyOf(PullRequestItem) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestItem value.
copyOf(PullRequestLinks) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestLinks value.
copyOf(PullRequestRef) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestRef value.
copyOf(RequestReviewParameters) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Creates an immutable copy of a RequestReviewParameters value.
copyOf(PullRequestCreate) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestCreate value.
copyOf(PullRequestParameters) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestParameters value.
copyOf(PullRequestUpdate) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Creates an immutable copy of a PullRequestUpdate value.
copyOf(Review) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Creates an immutable copy of a Review value.
copyOf(ReviewComment) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Creates an immutable copy of a ReviewComment value.
copyOf(ReviewParameters) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Creates an immutable copy of a ReviewParameters value.
copyOf(ReviewRequests) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Creates an immutable copy of a ReviewRequests value.
copyOf(Branch) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Creates an immutable copy of a Branch value.
copyOf(Commit) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Creates an immutable copy of a Commit value.
copyOf(CommitComparison) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Creates an immutable copy of a CommitComparison value.
copyOf(CommitItem) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Creates an immutable copy of a CommitItem value.
copyOf(CommitStatus) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Creates an immutable copy of a CommitStatus value.
copyOf(Content) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Creates an immutable copy of a Content value.
copyOf(Deployment) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Creates an immutable copy of a Deployment value.
copyOf(File) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Creates an immutable copy of a File value.
copyOf(FolderContent) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Creates an immutable copy of a FolderContent value.
copyOf(Organization) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Creates an immutable copy of a Organization value.
copyOf(Permissions) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Creates an immutable copy of a Permissions value.
copyOf(PushCommit) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Creates an immutable copy of a PushCommit value.
copyOf(PushRepository) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Creates an immutable copy of a PushRepository value.
copyOf(Repository) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Creates an immutable copy of a Repository value.
copyOf(RepositoryBase) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Creates an immutable copy of a RepositoryBase value.
copyOf(AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Creates an immutable copy of a AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter value.
copyOf(RepositoryCreateStatus) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Creates an immutable copy of a RepositoryCreateStatus value.
copyOf(Status) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Creates an immutable copy of a Status value.
copyOf(SearchParameters) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Creates an immutable copy of a SearchParameters value.
copyOf(Search) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Creates an immutable copy of a Search value.
copyOf(SearchIssue) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Creates an immutable copy of a SearchIssue value.
copyOf(SearchIssues) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Creates an immutable copy of a SearchIssues value.
copyOf(SearchRepositories) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Creates an immutable copy of a SearchRepositories value.
copyOf(SearchUsers) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Creates an immutable copy of a SearchUsers value.
copyOf(Team) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Creates an immutable copy of a Team value.
copyOf(User) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Creates an immutable copy of a User value.
create() - Static method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
Create a pre-configured ObjectMapper object.
create(PullRequestCreate) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
Create a pull request.
create(Number) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.GitHubInstant
Creates an instance of this class from a number.
create(URI, File, Integer) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a github api client with a given base URL and a path to a key.
create(URI, File, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a github api client with a given base URL and a path to a key.
create(URI, String) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a github api client with a given base URL and authorization token.
create(Instant) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.GitHubInstant
Creates an instance of this class from an instant.
create(OkHttpClient, URI, File, Integer) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a github api client with a given base URL and a path to a key.
create(OkHttpClient, URI, File, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a github api client with a given base URL and a path to a key.
create(OkHttpClient, URI, String) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a github api client with a given base URL and authorization token.
createAnnotatedTag(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Create an annotated tag.
createBranchReference(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Create a git branch reference.
createCheckRun(CheckRunRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.ChecksClient
Create a checkRun.
createChecksApiClient() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Create a checks API client
createComment(int, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.IssueClient
Create a comment for a given issue number.
createComment(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Create a comment for a given issue number.
created() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
True if given reference was created
created() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
True if given reference was created
created(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the created attribute.
CREATED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.ActionState
CREATED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryActionState
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Created date
createdAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Created date
createdAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
The date the App was created.
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
The date the App was created.
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Created date
createdAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
The timestamp indicating when the event occurred.
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
The timestamp indicating when the event occurred.
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Created date
createdAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Created date
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
createdAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the value for the createdAt attribute.
CreateEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Represents a created repository, branch, or tag.
createFork(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Create a fork.
createGitDataClient(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a GitData API client
createGithubAppClient() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Create Github App API client
createIssueClient() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Create an issue API client.
createPullRequestClient() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Create a pull request API client.
createReference(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Create a git reference.
createRepositoryClient(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create a repository API client
createReview(int, ReviewParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
Creates a review for a pull request.
createSearchClient() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Create search API client
createTagReference(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Create a git tag reference.
createWebhook(WebhookCreate, boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Create a webhook.
creator() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Creator user
creator() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
Creator user
creator() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
Deployment creator
creator() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Deployment creator
creator() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Status creator user entity
creator() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
Status creator user entity
creator(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the creator attribute.
creator(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the creator attribute.
creator(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value creator to creator.
creator(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value creator to creator.
current() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Current page number.
current() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Pagination
Current page number.
current(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Initializes the value for the current attribute.


date() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Author
Date when action occurred.
date() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Date when action occurred.
date(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Initializes the optional value date to date.
date(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Initializes the optional value date to date.
defaultBranch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Default branch
defaultBranch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Default branch
defaultBranch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Default branch
defaultBranch() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Default branch
defaultBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the defaultBranch attribute.
defaultBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the defaultBranch attribute.
defaultBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the defaultBranch attribute.
deleteBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Deletes a git branch.
deleteComment(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.IssueClient
Delete a comment.
deleteComment(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Delete a comment for a given id.
deleted() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
True if given reference was deleted
deleted() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
True if given reference was deleted
deleted(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the deleted attribute.
DELETED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.ActionState
DELETED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryActionState
DeleteEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Represents a deleted branch or tag event
deleteReference(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Deletes a git reference.
deleteTag(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Deletes a git tag.
deletions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Number of deletions.
deletions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Number of deletions.
deletions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
Number of removed lines
deletions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Number of removed lines
deletions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the deletions attribute.
deletions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the value for the deletions attribute.
deployment() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeploymentEvent
deployment() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeploymentStatusEvent
deployment() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
deployment() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
deployment(Deployment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the deployment attribute.
deployment(Deployment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the deployment attribute.
Deployment - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Deployments are a request for a specific ref (branch, SHA, tag) to be deployed.
DeploymentEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Represents a deployment.
deploymentStatus() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeploymentStatusEvent
The deployment status.
deploymentStatus() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
The deployment status.
deploymentStatus(Status) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the deploymentStatus attribute.
DeploymentStatusEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Represents a deployment status.
deploymentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Deployments URL
deploymentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Deployments URL
deploymentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Deployments URL
deploymentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Deployments URL
deploymentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentsUrl to deploymentsUrl.
deploymentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentsUrl to deploymentsUrl.
deploymentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentsUrl to deploymentsUrl.
deploymentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentsUrl to deploymentsUrl.
deploymentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentsUrl to deploymentsUrl.
deploymentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentsUrl to deploymentsUrl.
deploymentUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Deployment URL
deploymentUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
Deployment URL
deploymentUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentUrl to deploymentUrl.
deploymentUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value deploymentUrl to deploymentUrl.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CreateEvent
The repository's current description.
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
The repository's current description.
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
The optional human-readable description added to the status.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
The optional human-readable description added to the status.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
The App Description.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunAction
Description string.
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
The App Description.
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Description string.
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
Optional short description.
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Optional short description.
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
A short description of the status.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
description() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
A short description of the status.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.RepositoryCreateStatus
A short description of the status.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
A short description of the status.
description() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
DeserializationException - Exception in com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions
Marks deserialization issues
DeserializationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.DeserializationException
Constructor for setting data
DeserializationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.DeserializationException
Constructor for setting data and message
detailsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
The URL of the integrator's site that has the full details of the check.
detailsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The URL of the integrator's site that has the full details of the check.
detailsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The URL of the integrator's site that has the full details of the check.
detailsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value detailsUrl to detailsUrl.
detailsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value detailsUrl to detailsUrl.
detailsUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value detailsUrl to detailsUrl.
detailsUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value detailsUrl to detailsUrl.
diffHunk() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Unified diff.
diffHunk() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Unified diff.
diffHunk(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the diffHunk attribute.
diffUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Diff URL.
diffUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.PullRequest
Diff URL.
diffUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Diff URL.
diffUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Diff URL.
diffUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Diff URL.
diffUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the diffUrl attribute.
diffUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the diffUrl attribute.
diffUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the diffUrl attribute.
DIR - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ContentType
direction() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
The direction of the sort.
direction() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestParameters
The direction of the sort.
direction() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of asc or desc.
direction() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of asc or desc.
direction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value direction to direction.
direction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder
Initializes the value for the direction attribute.
direction(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value direction to direction.
DISMISSED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewActionState
DISMISSED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewState
DISMISSED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewState
distinct() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Whether this commit is distinct from any that have been pushed before..
distinct() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Whether this commit is distinct from any that have been pushed before..
distinct(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the distinct attribute.
downloadsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Downloads URL
downloadsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Downloads URL
downloadsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Downloads URL
downloadsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Downloads URL
downloadsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the downloadsUrl attribute.
downloadsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the downloadsUrl attribute.
downloadsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the downloadsUrl attribute.
downloadUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent
Content download URL
downloadUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Content download URL
downloadUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Content download URL
downloadUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the downloadUrl attribute.
downloadUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the downloadUrl attribute.
draft() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Is it a draft PR?
draft() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Is it a draft PR?
draft() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Indicates whether the pull request is a draft.
draft() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestCreate
Indicates whether the pull request is a draft.
draft(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value draft to draft.
draft(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
Initializes the value for the draft attribute.
draft(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value draft to draft.
dueOn() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Due date
dueOn() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
Due date
dueOn(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the optional value dueOn to dueOn.
dueOn(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the optional value dueOn to dueOn.


editComment(int, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.IssueClient
Edit a specific comment.
editComment(int, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Edit a comment for a given id.
EDITED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.ActionState
EDITED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewActionState
EDITED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
EDITED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
email() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Author
The email of the author.
email() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
The email of the author.
email(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Initializes the optional value email to email.
email(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Initializes the optional value email to email.
encoding() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Blob
Encoding name.
encoding() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Encoding name.
encoding() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Content
Encoding name.
encoding() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Encoding name.
encoding(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Initializes the value for the encoding attribute.
encoding(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the encoding attribute.
endColumn() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
End column optional.
endColumn() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
End column optional.
endColumn(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value endColumn to endColumn.
endColumn(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value endColumn to endColumn.
endLine() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
The end line of the annotation.
endLine() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
The end line of the annotation.
endLine(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the value for the endLine attribute.
environment() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
The name of the environment that was deployed to.
environment() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
The name of the environment that was deployed to.
environment(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the environment attribute.
epoch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.GitHubInstant
Returns the contained value as a unix epoch contained in a Long
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableLink that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePagination that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCloseTracking that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableHref that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableLinks that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableUpdateTracking that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableBaseEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCommitCommentEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCreateEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableDeleteEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableDeploymentEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableEventInstallation that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableForkEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableHref that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableIssueCommentEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableIssuesEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePushEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRepositoryEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableReviewLinks that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableStatusEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAccessToken that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAnnotation that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableApp that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckRunAction that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckRunImage that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckRunOutput that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckRunRequest that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckRunResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckRunResponseList that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckSuite that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableInstallation that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableInstallationList that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableComment that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAuthor that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableBlob that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCommit that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableReference that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableReferenceObject that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableShaLink that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTag that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTree that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTreeItem that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableWebhook that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableWebhookConfig that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableWebhookCreate that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableMilestone that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTeam that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableUser that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableBody that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableChanges that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableIssue that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableLabel that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequest that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableComment that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCommentLinks that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableMergeParameters that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequest that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestItem that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestLinks that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestRef that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRequestReviewParameters that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableReview that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableReviewComment that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableReviewParameters that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableReviewRequests that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestCreate that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestParameters that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePullRequestUpdate that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableBranch that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCommit that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCommitComparison that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCommitItem that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCommitStatus that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableContent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableDeployment that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableFile that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableFolderContent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableOrganization that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePermissions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePushCommit that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePushRepository that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRepository that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRepositoryBase that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableStatus that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSearch that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSearchIssue that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSearchIssues that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSearchRepositories that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSearchUsers that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSearchParameters that have equal attribute values.
ERROR - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.StatusState
event() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
Identifies the actual type of Event that occurred.
event() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Identifies the actual type of Event that occurred.
event() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Review action you want to perform.
event() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewParameters
Review action you want to perform.
event(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the event attribute.
event(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the value for the event attribute.
Event - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Issue event resource.
eventInstallation() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
The EventInstallation, if the event comes from a Github App.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
eventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventInstallation attribute.
EventInstallation - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
The Event installation resource.
events() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
Events list this App will consume, such as push, pull_request, etc.
events() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Events list this App will consume, such as push, pull_request, etc.
events() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Events list this installation will consume, such as push, pull_request, etc.
events() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Events list this installation will consume, such as push, pull_request, etc.
events() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Determines what events the hook is triggered for.
events() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
events() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.WebhookCreate
events() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
Determines what events the hook is triggered for.
events(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for events list.
events(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for events list.
events(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for events list.
events(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for events list.
eventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Events URL template.
eventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Events URL.
eventsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Events URL.
eventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Events API URL.
eventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Events URL
eventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Events URL
eventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Events URL
eventsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
Events API URL.
eventsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Events URL
eventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Events URL.
eventsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Events URL template.
eventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventsUrl attribute.
eventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventsUrl attribute.
eventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventsUrl attribute.
eventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventsUrl attribute.
eventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventsUrl attribute.
eventsUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventsUrl attribute.
eventsUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the eventsUrl attribute.
expiresAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.AccessToken
Token expiration date.
expiresAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Token expiration date.
expiresAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken.Builder
Initializes the value for the expiresAt attribute.
externalId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
A reference for the run on the integrator's system.
externalId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
A reference for the run on the integrator's system.
externalId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
A reference for the run on the integrator's system.
externalId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value externalId to externalId.
externalId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value externalId to externalId.
externalId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value externalId to externalId.
externalId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value externalId to externalId.
externalUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
External url string.
externalUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
External url string.
externalUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the value for the externalUrl attribute.


failure - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.AnnotationLevel
failure - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
FAILURE - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.StatusState
File - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
File resource.
FILE - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ContentType
filename() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
File name
filename() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
File name
filename(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the value for the filename attribute.
files() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Commit
File objects included in the commit.
files() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitComparison
files() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
File objects included in the commit.
files() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
files(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for files list.
files(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for files list.
FolderContent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Repository file content resource
followersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Followers URL.
followersUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Followers URL.
followersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the followersUrl attribute.
followingUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Following URL template.
followingUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Following URL template.
followingUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the followingUrl attribute.
forced() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
True if given reference was force pushed
forced() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
True if given reference was force pushed
forced(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the forced attribute.
fork() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Is it a fork
fork() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Is it a fork
fork() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Is it a fork
fork() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Is it a fork
fork(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the fork attribute.
fork(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the fork attribute.
fork(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the fork attribute.
forkee() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ForkEvent
The Repository that was created.
forkee() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
The Repository that was created.
forkee(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the forkee attribute.
ForkEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when a user forks a repository.
forks() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
forks() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
forks() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
forks() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
forks(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
forks(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
forks(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
forksCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Forks count
forksCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Forks count
forksCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Forks count
forksCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Forks count
forksCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the forksCount attribute.
forksCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the forksCount attribute.
forksCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the forksCount attribute.
forksUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Forks URL
forksUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Forks URL
forksUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Forks URL
forksUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Forks URL
forksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the forksUrl attribute.
forksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the forksUrl attribute.
forksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the forksUrl attribute.
from() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.Body
The previous version of the body if the issue comment was edited.
from() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody
The previous version of the body if the issue comment was edited.
from(CloseTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.CloseTracking instance.
from(CloseTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.CloseTracking instance.
from(CloseTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.CloseTracking instance.
from(CloseTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.CloseTracking instance.
from(CloseTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.CloseTracking instance.
from(CloseTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.CloseTracking instance.
from(Link) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Link instance.
from(Pagination) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Pagination instance.
from(Links) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Links instance.
from(Links) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.Links instance.
from(Links) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.Links instance.
from(Links.Href<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Href instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(UpdateTracking) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(BaseEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent instance.
from(CommitCommentEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CommitCommentEvent instance.
from(CreateEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CreateEvent instance.
from(DeleteEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeleteEvent instance.
from(DeploymentEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeploymentEvent instance.
from(DeploymentStatusEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeploymentStatusEvent instance.
from(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided EventInstallation instance.
from(ForkEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ForkEvent instance.
from(IssueCommentEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssueCommentEvent instance.
from(IssuesEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssuesEvent instance.
from(PullRequestEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestEvent instance.
from(PullRequestReviewCommentEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewCommentEvent instance.
from(PullRequestReviewEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewEvent instance.
from(PushEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PushEvent instance.
from(RepositoryEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.RepositoryEvent instance.
from(ReviewLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ReviewLinks instance.
from(ReviewLinks.Href<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Href instance.
from(StatusEvent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent instance.
from(InstallationRepositoriesResponse) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided InstallationRepositoriesResponse instance.
from(AccessToken) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided AccessToken instance.
from(Annotation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Annotation instance.
from(App) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided App instance.
from(CheckRunAction) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CheckRunAction instance.
from(CheckRunBase) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase instance.
from(CheckRunBase) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase instance.
from(CheckRunImage) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CheckRunImage instance.
from(CheckRunOutput) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CheckRunOutput instance.
from(CheckRunRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunRequest instance.
from(CheckRunResponse) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponse instance.
from(CheckRunResponseList) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CheckRunResponseList instance.
from(CheckSuite) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CheckSuite instance.
from(CheckSuiteResponseList) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CheckSuiteResponseList instance.
from(Installation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Installation instance.
from(InstallationList) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided InstallationList instance.
from(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment instance.
from(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Author instance.
from(Blob) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.Blob instance.
from(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Commit instance.
from(Reference) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Reference instance.
from(ReferenceObject) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ReferenceObject instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink instance.
from(Tag) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tag instance.
from(Tree) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tree instance.
from(TreeItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItem instance.
from(WebhookCreate) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided WebhookCreate instance.
from(Webhook) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook instance.
from(WebhookConfig) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided WebhookConfig instance.
from(Changes) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Changes instance.
from(Event) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Event instance.
from(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue instance.
from(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue instance.
from(Label) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Label instance.
from(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PullRequest instance.
from(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone instance.
from(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment instance.
from(CommentLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.prs.CommentLinks instance.
from(MergeParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided MergeParameters instance.
from(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest instance.
from(PullRequestItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem instance.
from(PullRequestItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem instance.
from(PullRequestLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestLinks instance.
from(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PullRequestRef instance.
from(RequestReviewParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RequestReviewParameters instance.
from(PullRequestCreate) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PullRequestCreate instance.
from(PullRequestParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PullRequestParameters instance.
from(PullRequestUpdate) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PullRequestUpdate instance.
from(Review) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Review instance.
from(ReviewComment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ReviewComment instance.
from(ReviewParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ReviewParameters instance.
from(ReviewRequests) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ReviewRequests instance.
from(Branch) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Branch instance.
from(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Commit instance.
from(CommitComparison) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CommitComparison instance.
from(CommitItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitItem instance.
from(CommitItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitItem instance.
from(CommitStatus) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CommitStatus instance.
from(Content) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Content instance.
from(Deployment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment instance.
from(File) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided File instance.
from(FolderContent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent instance.
from(FolderContent) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent instance.
from(Organization) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Organization instance.
from(Permissions) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Permissions instance.
from(PushCommit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PushCommit instance.
from(PushRepository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushRepository instance.
from(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Repository instance.
from(RepositoryBase) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase instance.
from(RepositoryBase) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase instance.
from(RepositoryBase) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase instance.
from(AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter instance.
from(RepositoryCreateStatus) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RepositoryCreateStatus instance.
from(Status) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status instance.
from(SearchParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided SearchParameters instance.
from(Search) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Search instance.
from(Search) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.search.Search instance.
from(Search) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.search.Search instance.
from(Search) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.search.Search instance.
from(SearchIssue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchIssue instance.
from(SearchIssues) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchIssues instance.
from(SearchRepositories) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchRepositories instance.
from(SearchUsers) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchUsers instance.
from(Team) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Team instance.
from(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided User instance.
from(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody.Builder
Initializes the value for the from attribute.
from(String[]) - Static method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
Construct a Link object from an array of link header strings.
fromFile(File) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.JwtTokenIssuer
Instantiates a new Jwt token issuer.
fromJson(byte[], TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJson(byte[], JavaType) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJson(byte[], Class<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJson(String, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJson(String, JavaType) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJsonUnchecked(String, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJsonUnchecked(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJsonUncheckedNotNull(String, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromJsonUncheckedNotNull(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
De-serialize an object from a json string.
fromPrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.JwtTokenIssuer
Instantiates a new Jwt token issuer.
fullName() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Full name: org/repo
fullName() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Full name: org/repo
fullName() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Full name: org/repo
fullName() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Full name: org/repo
fullName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the fullName attribute.
fullName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the fullName attribute.
fullName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the fullName attribute.


get(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
Get a specific pull request.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
getAccessToken(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubAppClient
Authenticates as an installation
getBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get a specific branch.
getBranchReference(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Get a git branch reference
getCheckRun(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.ChecksClient
Gets a checkRun by id.
getCheckRuns(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.ChecksClient
List checkRuns for a given ref.
getCheckSuite(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.ChecksClient
Gets a checkRun by id.
getCheckSuites(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.ChecksClient
List checkSuites for a given ref.
getComment(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.IssueClient
Get a specific comment.
getComment(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get a specific comment.
getCommit(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get a repository commit.
getCommitStatus(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get status for a given commit.
getFileContent(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get repository contents of a file.
getFileContent(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get repository contents of a file.
getFolderContent(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get repository contents of a folder.
getFolderContent(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get repository contents of a folder.
getInstallation() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubAppClient
Get Installation of a repo
getInstallations() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubAppClient
List Installations of an app.
getLanguages() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get repository language stats.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
getRepository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get information about this repository.
getTag(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Get a git annotated tag.
getTagReference(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
Get a git tag reference.
getToken(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.JwtTokenIssuer
Generates a JWT token for the given APP ID.
getTree(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get a repository tree.
gistsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Gists URL template.
gistsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Gists URL template.
gistsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the gistsUrl attribute.
gitCommitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Git commits URL template
gitCommitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Git commits URL template
gitCommitsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Git commits URL template
gitCommitsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Git commits URL template
gitCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitCommitsUrl attribute.
gitCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitCommitsUrl attribute.
gitCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitCommitsUrl attribute.
GitDataClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Reference Api client
GithubApiModule - Class in com.spotify.github.jackson
Jackson databind module for Github API serialization.
GithubApiModule() - Constructor for class com.spotify.github.jackson.GithubApiModule
GithubAppClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Apps API client
GitHubClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Github client is a main communication entry point.
GithubException - Exception in com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions
Common github exception
GithubException(String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.GithubException
C'tor for setting a message
GithubException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.GithubException
C'tor for setting a message
GitHubInstant - Class in com.spotify.github
Make sure we can represent a GitHub date, they are inconsistent at best.
GithubPage<T> - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Async page implementation for github resources
GithubPageIterator<T> - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Async page iterator implementation
GithubPageIterator(AsyncPage<T>) - Constructor for class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPageIterator
GithubStyle - Annotation Type in com.spotify.github
The Immutables Value Style annotations.
gitRefsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Git references URL template
gitRefsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Git references URL template
gitRefsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Git references URL template
gitRefsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Git references URL template
gitRefsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitRefsUrl attribute.
gitRefsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitRefsUrl attribute.
gitRefsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitRefsUrl attribute.
gitTagsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Git tags URL template
gitTagsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Git tags URL template
gitTagsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Git tags URL template
gitTagsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Git tags URL template
gitTagsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitTagsUrl attribute.
gitTagsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitTagsUrl attribute.
gitTagsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitTagsUrl attribute.
gitUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent
Git blob API URL
gitUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Git blob API URL
gitUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Git blob API URL
gitUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
gitUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
gitUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
gitUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
gitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitUrl attribute.
gitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitUrl attribute.
gitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitUrl attribute.
gitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitUrl attribute.
gitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the gitUrl attribute.
gravatarId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Gravatar ID.
gravatarId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Gravatar ID.
gravatarId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the optional value gravatarId to gravatarId.
gravatarId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the optional value gravatarId to gravatarId.


hasDownloads() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Does it have downloads
hasDownloads() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Does it have downloads
hasDownloads() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Does it have downloads
hasDownloads() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Does it have downloads
hasDownloads(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasDownloads attribute.
hasDownloads(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasDownloads attribute.
hasDownloads(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasDownloads attribute.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Computes a hash code from attributes: url, rel, rev, type, media, title, anchor.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Computes a hash code from attributes: current, last, previous, next.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, closedAt.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref
Computes a hash code from attributes: href.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Computes a hash code from attributes: self, html.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, action, comment.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, ref, refType, masterBranch, description, pusherType.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, ref, refType, pusherType.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, deployment.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, deploymentStatus, deployment.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation
Computes a hash code from attributes: id.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, forkee.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref
Computes a hash code from attributes: href.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, action, changes, issue, comment.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, action, issue.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, action, number, pullRequest.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, action, comment, pullRequest.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, action, review, pullRequest.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, ref, before, after, created, deleted, forced, baseRef, compare, commits, headCommit, pusher.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, action, organization.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
Computes a hash code from attributes: html, pullRequest.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: repository, sender, eventInstallation, createdAt, updatedAt, id, sha, name, targetUrl, context, description, state, commit, branches.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, repositories.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Computes a hash code from attributes: token, expiresAt.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Computes a hash code from attributes: path, blobHref, annotationLevel, message, title, rawDetails, startLine, endLine, startColumn, endColumn.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, slug, name, description, externalUrl, htmlUrl, createdAt, updatedAt, permissions, events, installationsCount.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Computes a hash code from attributes: label, identifier, description.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Computes a hash code from attributes: alt, imageUrl, caption.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Computes a hash code from attributes: title, summary, text, images, annotations, annotationsCount, annotationsUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Computes a hash code from attributes: headSha, name, status, conclusion, startedAt, completedAt, externalId, detailsUrl, output, actions.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: headSha, name, status, conclusion, startedAt, completedAt, externalId, detailsUrl, id, url, htmlUrl, output, checkSuite, app.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, checkRuns.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite
Computes a hash code from attributes: id.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, checkSuites.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, account, accessTokensUrl, repositoriesUrl, htmlUrl, appId, targetId, targetType, permissions, events, singleFileName, repositorySelection.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, installations.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, url, htmlUrl, id, user, position, line, path, commitId, body, issueUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, email, username, date.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, content, encoding, size.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, author, committer, message, tree, commentCount.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Computes a hash code from attributes: ref, url, object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, type.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, tag, message, tagger, object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, tree, truncated.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, path, mode, type, size.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, id, url, testUrl, pingUrl, name, events, active, config.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
Computes a hash code from attributes: url, contentType.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, active, events, config.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, closedAt, url, htmlUrl, labelsUrl, id, number, state, title, description, creator, openIssues, closedIssues, dueOn.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, slug, description, privacy, permission, nodeId, url, htmlUrl, repositoriesUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Computes a hash code from attributes: login, id, avatarUrl, gravatarId, url, htmlUrl, followersUrl, followingUrl, gistsUrl, starredUrl, subscriptionsUrl, organizationsUrl, reposUrl, eventsUrl, receivedEventsUrl, type, siteAdmin.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody
Computes a hash code from attributes: from.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges
Computes a hash code from attributes: body.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, url, actor, event, commitId, commitUrl, createdAt, issue.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, closedAt, id, url, eventsUrl, repositoryUrl, labelsUrl, commentsUrl, htmlUrl, number, state, title, body, user, labels, assignee, milestone, locked, comments, pullRequest.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
Computes a hash code from attributes: url, name, color.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Computes a hash code from attributes: url, htmlUrl, diffUrl, patchUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, url, id, diffHunk, path, position, originalPosition, commitId, originalCommitId, user, body, htmlUrl, pullRequestUrl, links.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Computes a hash code from attributes: self, html, pullRequest.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, commitMessage, commitTitle, mergeMethod.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, closedAt, id, url, htmlUrl, diffUrl, patchUrl, issueUrl, commitsUrl, number, state, title, body, assignee, assignees, milestone, locked, mergedAt, head, base, user, statusesUrl, reviewCommentsUrl, reviewCommentUrl, commentsUrl, links, requestedReviewers, requestedTeams, mergeCommitSha, merged, mergeable, mergedBy, comments, reviewComments, commits, additions, deletions, changedFiles, mergeableState, draft.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, closedAt, id, url, htmlUrl, diffUrl, patchUrl, issueUrl, commitsUrl, number, state, title, body, assignee, assignees, milestone, locked, mergedAt, head, base, user, statusesUrl, reviewCommentsUrl, reviewCommentUrl, commentsUrl, links, requestedReviewers, requestedTeams, mergeCommitSha.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Computes a hash code from attributes: self, html, issue, comments, reviewComment, reviewComments, commits, statuses.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Computes a hash code from attributes: label, ref, sha, user, repo.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Computes a hash code from attributes: reviewers, teamReviewers.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, user, body, submittedAt, state, htmlUrl, pullRequestUrl, links, commitId.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Computes a hash code from attributes: path, position, body.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Computes a hash code from attributes: commitId, body, event, comments.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Computes a hash code from attributes: users, teams.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Computes a hash code from attributes: title, body, head, base, draft.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Computes a hash code from attributes: state, head, base, sort, direction, per_page, page.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Computes a hash code from attributes: title, body, state.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, commit, isProtected, protectionUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, commit, htmlUrl, commentsUrl, author, parents, stats, files.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Computes a hash code from attributes: baseCommit, mergeBaseCommit, status, aheadBy, behindBy, commits, files.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, commit, htmlUrl, commentsUrl, author, parents.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Computes a hash code from attributes: state, statuses, sha.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, type, size, name, path, gitUrl, htmlUrl, downloadUrl, encoding, content.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, url, id, sha, ref, task, payload, environment, description, creator, statusesUrl, repositoryUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Computes a hash code from attributes: filename, additions, deletions, changes, status, rawUrl, blobUrl, patch, sha, contentsUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Computes a hash code from attributes: sha, url, type, size, name, path, gitUrl, htmlUrl, downloadUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Computes a hash code from attributes: login, id, url, reposUrl, eventsUrl, membersUrl, publicMembersUrl, avatarUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Computes a hash code from attributes: admin, push, pull.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, treeId, distinct, message, timestamp, url, author, committer, added, removed, modified.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, id, name, fullName, description, isPrivate, isPublic, fork, url, htmlUrl, archiveUrl, assigneesUrl, blobsUrl, branchesUrl, cloneUrl, collaboratorsUrl, commentsUrl, commitsUrl, compareUrl, contentsUrl, contributorsUrl, deploymentsUrl, downloadsUrl, eventsUrl, forksUrl, gitCommitsUrl, gitRefsUrl, gitTagsUrl, gitUrl, hooksUrl, homepage, language, forksCount, stargazersCount, watchersCount, size, defaultBranch, openIssuesCount, hasIssues, hasWiki, hasPages, hasDownloads, permissions, forks, pushedAt, issuesUrl, issueCommentUrl, issueEventsUrl, keysUrl, labelsUrl, languagesUrl, mergesUrl, milestonesUrl, mirrorUrl, notificationsUrl, openIssues, pullsUrl, releasesUrl, sshUrl, stargazersUrl, statusesUrl, subscribersUrl, subscriptionUrl, svnUrl, tagsUrl, treesUrl, teamsUrl, watchers, stargazers, masterBranch, owner.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, id, name, fullName, description, isPrivate, isPublic, fork, url, htmlUrl, archiveUrl, assigneesUrl, blobsUrl, branchesUrl, cloneUrl, collaboratorsUrl, commentsUrl, commitsUrl, compareUrl, contentsUrl, contributorsUrl, deploymentsUrl, downloadsUrl, eventsUrl, forksUrl, gitCommitsUrl, gitRefsUrl, gitTagsUrl, gitUrl, hooksUrl, homepage, language, forksCount, stargazersCount, watchersCount, size, defaultBranch, openIssuesCount, hasIssues, hasWiki, hasPages, hasDownloads, permissions, forks, pushedAt, issuesUrl, issueCommentUrl, issueEventsUrl, keysUrl, labelsUrl, languagesUrl, mergesUrl, milestonesUrl, mirrorUrl, notificationsUrl, openIssues, pullsUrl, releasesUrl, sshUrl, stargazersUrl, statusesUrl, subscribersUrl, subscriptionUrl, svnUrl, tagsUrl, treesUrl, teamsUrl, watchers, stargazers, masterBranch, owner.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, id, name, fullName, description, isPrivate, isPublic, fork, url, htmlUrl, archiveUrl, assigneesUrl, blobsUrl, branchesUrl, cloneUrl, collaboratorsUrl, commentsUrl, commitsUrl, compareUrl, contentsUrl, contributorsUrl, deploymentsUrl, downloadsUrl, eventsUrl, forksUrl, gitCommitsUrl, gitRefsUrl, gitTagsUrl, gitUrl, hooksUrl, homepage, language, forksCount, stargazersCount, watchersCount, size, defaultBranch, openIssuesCount, hasIssues, hasWiki, hasPages, hasDownloads, permissions, forks, pushedAt, issuesUrl, issueCommentUrl, issueEventsUrl, keysUrl, labelsUrl, languagesUrl, mergesUrl, milestonesUrl, mirrorUrl, notificationsUrl, openIssues, pullsUrl, releasesUrl, sshUrl, stargazersUrl, statusesUrl, subscribersUrl, subscriptionUrl, svnUrl, tagsUrl, treesUrl, teamsUrl, watchers, stargazers, masterBranch.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, state, targetUrl, description, id, url, context, creator, deploymentUrl, repositoryUrl.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Computes a hash code from attributes: visibility, affiliation, type, sort, direction.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Computes a hash code from attributes: state, targetUrl, description, context.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, incompleteResults.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Computes a hash code from attributes: createdAt, updatedAt, closedAt, id, url, eventsUrl, repositoryUrl, labelsUrl, commentsUrl, htmlUrl, number, state, title, body, user, labels, assignee, milestone, locked, comments, pullRequest, score.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, incompleteResults, items.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, incompleteResults, items.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Computes a hash code from attributes: totalCount, incompleteResults, items.
hashCode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Computes a hash code from attributes: q, sort, order.
hasIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Does it have issues
hasIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Does it have issues
hasIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Does it have issues
hasIssues() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Does it have issues
hasIssues(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasIssues attribute.
hasIssues(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasIssues attribute.
hasIssues(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasIssues attribute.
hasNext() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPageIterator
hasNextPage() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.async.AsyncPage
Has next page.
hasNextPage() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPage
Has next page.
hasPages() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Does it have pages
hasPages() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Does it have pages
hasPages() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Does it have pages
hasPages() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Does it have pages
hasPages(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasPages attribute.
hasPages(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasPages attribute.
hasPages(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasPages attribute.
hasWiki() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Does it have wiki
hasWiki() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Does it have wiki
hasWiki() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Does it have wiki
hasWiki() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Does it have wiki
hasWiki(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasWiki attribute.
hasWiki(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasWiki attribute.
hasWiki(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the hasWiki attribute.
head() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Head reference.
head() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Head reference.
head() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Head reference.
head() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
The name of the branch where your changes are implemented.
head() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Filter pulls by head user and branch name in the format of user:ref-name.
head() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestCreate
The name of the branch where your changes are implemented.
head() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestParameters
Filter pulls by head user and branch name in the format of user:ref-name.
head(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the head attribute.
head(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the head attribute.
head(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
Initializes the value for the head attribute.
head(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value head to head.
head(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value head to head.
headCommit() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
The push commit object of the most recent commit on ref after the push.
headCommit() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
The push commit object of the most recent commit on ref after the push.
headCommit(Optional<PushCommit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the headCommit attribute.
headSha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
The SHA of the commit.
headSha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The SHA of the commit.
headSha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The SHA of the commit.
headSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the headSha attribute.
headSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the headSha attribute.
homepage() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Homepage URL
homepage() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Homepage URL
homepage() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Homepage URL
homepage() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Homepage URL
homepage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value homepage to homepage.
homepage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value homepage to homepage.
homepage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value homepage to homepage.
homepage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value homepage to homepage.
homepage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value homepage to homepage.
homepage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value homepage to homepage.
hooksUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Hooks URL
hooksUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Hooks URL
hooksUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Hooks URL
hooksUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Hooks URL
hooksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hooksUrl attribute.
hooksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the hooksUrl attribute.
hooksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the hooksUrl attribute.
href() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref
href() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.Links.Href
href() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref
href() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewLinks.Href
href(T) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref.Builder
Initializes the value for the href attribute.
href(T) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref.Builder
Initializes the value for the href attribute.
html() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Link to the HTML representaion of this item.
html() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.Links
Link to the HTML representaion of this item.
html() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
html() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewLinks
html() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Link to the HTML representaion of this item.
html() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Link to the HTML representaion of this item.
html(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the html attribute.
html(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the html attribute.
html(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the html attribute.
html(ReviewLinks.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the html attribute.
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
Html url string.
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponse
Html url string.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Html url string.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Html url string.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Html URL to Github.
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Html URL to Github.
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
Comment URL.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Comment URL.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
User resource URL returning HTML.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.PullRequest
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Comment URL.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Comment URL.
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Html URL.
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
Html URL.
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitItem
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent
Content URL
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Content URL
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Content URL
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
htmlUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
htmlUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
User resource URL returning HTML.
htmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the optional value htmlUrl to htmlUrl.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the htmlUrl attribute.
htmlUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the optional value htmlUrl to htmlUrl.


id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.EventInstallation
The Installation ID.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation
The Installation ID.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Status event id
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
Status event id
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
The App ID.
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponse
The CheckRun ID.
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckSuite
The Check Suite Id.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
The App ID.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The CheckRun ID.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite
The Check Suite Id.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
The installation ID.
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
The installation ID.
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
Comment ID.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Comment ID.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
The Integer ID of the event.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
The Integer ID of the event.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Comment id.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Comment id.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
The Deployment ID to list the statuses from.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
The Deployment ID to list the statuses from.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Organization id.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Commit id.
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Status id
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
Organization id.
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Commit id.
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
Status id
id() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
id() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
id(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
identifier() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunAction
The identifier to be sent at the event When a user clicks the button, GitHub sends the check_run.requested_action webhook to your app.
identifier() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
The identifier to be sent at the event When a user clicks the button, GitHub sends the check_run.requested_action webhook to your app.
identifier(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction.Builder
Initializes the value for the identifier attribute.
images() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunOutput
Adds images to the output displayed in the GitHub pull request UI.
images() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Adds images to the output displayed in the GitHub pull request UI.
images(Iterable<? extends CheckRunImage>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for images list.
imageUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunImage
The full URL of the image.
imageUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
The full URL of the image.
imageUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage.Builder
Initializes the value for the imageUrl attribute.
ImmutableAccessToken - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of AccessToken.
ImmutableAccessToken.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableAccessToken.
ImmutableAnnotation - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of Annotation.
ImmutableAnnotation.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableAnnotation.
ImmutableApp - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of App.
ImmutableApp.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableApp.
ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests
Immutable implementation of AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.
ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests
ImmutableAuthor - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of Author.
ImmutableAuthor.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableAuthor.
ImmutableBaseEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of BaseEvent.
ImmutableBaseEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableBaseEvent.
ImmutableBlob - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of Blob.
ImmutableBlob.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableBlob.
ImmutableBody - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes
Immutable implementation of Body.
ImmutableBody.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes
Builds instances of type ImmutableBody.
ImmutableBranch - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Branch.
ImmutableBranch.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableBranch.
ImmutableChanges - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes
Immutable implementation of Changes.
ImmutableChanges.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes
Builds instances of type ImmutableChanges.
ImmutableCheckRunAction - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckRunAction.
ImmutableCheckRunAction.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckRunAction.
ImmutableCheckRunImage - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckRunImage.
ImmutableCheckRunImage.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckRunImage.
ImmutableCheckRunOutput - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckRunOutput.
ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckRunOutput.
ImmutableCheckRunRequest - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckRunRequest.
ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckRunRequest.
ImmutableCheckRunResponse - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckRunResponse.
ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckRunResponse.
ImmutableCheckRunResponseList - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckRunResponseList.
ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.
ImmutableCheckSuite - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckSuite.
ImmutableCheckSuite.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckSuite.
ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of CheckSuiteResponseList.
ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.
ImmutableCloseTracking - Class in com.spotify.github
Immutable implementation of CloseTracking.
ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github
Builds instances of type ImmutableCloseTracking.
ImmutableComment - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.comment
Immutable implementation of Comment.
ImmutableComment - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of Comment.
ImmutableComment.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.comment
Builds instances of type ImmutableComment.
ImmutableComment.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableComment.
ImmutableCommentLinks - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of CommentLinks.
ImmutableCommentLinks.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableCommentLinks.
ImmutableCommit - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of Commit.
ImmutableCommit - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Commit.
ImmutableCommit.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableCommit.
ImmutableCommit.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableCommit.
ImmutableCommitCommentEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of CommitCommentEvent.
ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.
ImmutableCommitComparison - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of CommitComparison.
ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableCommitComparison.
ImmutableCommitItem - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of CommitItem.
ImmutableCommitItem.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableCommitItem.
ImmutableCommitStatus - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of CommitStatus.
ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableCommitStatus.
ImmutableContent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Content.
ImmutableContent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableContent.
ImmutableCreateEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of CreateEvent.
ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableCreateEvent.
ImmutableDeleteEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of DeleteEvent.
ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeleteEvent.
ImmutableDeployment - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Deployment.
ImmutableDeployment.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeployment.
ImmutableDeploymentEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of DeploymentEvent.
ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeploymentEvent.
ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of DeploymentStatusEvent.
ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.
ImmutableEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Immutable implementation of Event.
ImmutableEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Builds instances of type ImmutableEvent.
ImmutableEventInstallation - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of EventInstallation.
ImmutableEventInstallation.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableEventInstallation.
ImmutableFile - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of File.
ImmutableFile.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableFile.
ImmutableFolderContent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of FolderContent.
ImmutableFolderContent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableFolderContent.
ImmutableForkEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of ForkEvent.
ImmutableForkEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableForkEvent.
ImmutableHref<T> - Class in com.spotify.github
Immutable implementation of Links.Href.
ImmutableHref<T> - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of ReviewLinks.Href.
ImmutableHref.Builder<T> - Class in com.spotify.github
Builds instances of type ImmutableHref.
ImmutableHref.Builder<T> - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableHref.
ImmutableInstallation - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of Installation.
ImmutableInstallation.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableInstallation.
ImmutableInstallationList - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Immutable implementation of InstallationList.
ImmutableInstallationList.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
Builds instances of type ImmutableInstallationList.
ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.apps
Immutable implementation of InstallationRepositoriesResponse.
ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.apps
ImmutableIssue - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Immutable implementation of Issue.
ImmutableIssue.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Builds instances of type ImmutableIssue.
ImmutableIssueCommentEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of IssueCommentEvent.
ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.
ImmutableIssuesEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of IssuesEvent.
ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableIssuesEvent.
ImmutableLabel - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Immutable implementation of Label.
ImmutableLabel.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Builds instances of type ImmutableLabel.
ImmutableLink - Class in com.spotify.github.http
Immutable implementation of Link.
ImmutableLink.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.http
Builds instances of type ImmutableLink.
ImmutableLinks - Class in com.spotify.github
Immutable implementation of Links.
ImmutableLinks.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github
Builds instances of type ImmutableLinks.
ImmutableMergeParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of MergeParameters.
ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableMergeParameters.
ImmutableMilestone - Class in com.spotify.github.v3
Immutable implementation of Milestone.
ImmutableMilestone.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3
Builds instances of type ImmutableMilestone.
ImmutableOrganization - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Organization.
ImmutableOrganization.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableOrganization.
ImmutablePagination - Class in com.spotify.github.http
Immutable implementation of Pagination.
ImmutablePagination.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.http
Builds instances of type ImmutablePagination.
ImmutablePermissions - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Permissions.
ImmutablePermissions.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutablePermissions.
ImmutablePullRequest - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Immutable implementation of PullRequest.
ImmutablePullRequest - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of PullRequest.
ImmutablePullRequest.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequest.
ImmutablePullRequest.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequest.
ImmutablePullRequestCreate - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Immutable implementation of PullRequestCreate.
ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestCreate.
ImmutablePullRequestEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of PullRequestEvent.
ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestEvent.
ImmutablePullRequestItem - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of PullRequestItem.
ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestItem.
ImmutablePullRequestLinks - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of PullRequestLinks.
ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestLinks.
ImmutablePullRequestParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Immutable implementation of PullRequestParameters.
ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestParameters.
ImmutablePullRequestRef - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of PullRequestRef.
ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestRef.
ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of PullRequestReviewCommentEvent.
ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.
ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of PullRequestReviewEvent.
ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.
ImmutablePullRequestUpdate - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Immutable implementation of PullRequestUpdate.
ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Builds instances of type ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.
ImmutablePushCommit - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of PushCommit.
ImmutablePushCommit.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutablePushCommit.
ImmutablePushEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of PushEvent.
ImmutablePushEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutablePushEvent.
ImmutablePushRepository - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of PushRepository.
ImmutablePushRepository.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutablePushRepository.
ImmutableReference - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of Reference.
ImmutableReference.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableReference.
ImmutableReferenceObject - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of ReferenceObject.
ImmutableReferenceObject.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableReferenceObject.
ImmutableRepository - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Repository.
ImmutableRepository.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableRepository.
ImmutableRepositoryBase - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of RepositoryBase.
ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableRepositoryBase.
ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests
Immutable implementation of RepositoryCreateStatus.
ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests
Builds instances of type ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.
ImmutableRepositoryEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of RepositoryEvent.
ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableRepositoryEvent.
ImmutableRequestReviewParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of RequestReviewParameters.
ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.
ImmutableReview - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of Review.
ImmutableReview.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableReview.
ImmutableReviewComment - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of ReviewComment.
ImmutableReviewComment.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableReviewComment.
ImmutableReviewLinks - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of ReviewLinks.
ImmutableReviewLinks.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableReviewLinks.
ImmutableReviewParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of ReviewParameters.
ImmutableReviewParameters.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableReviewParameters.
ImmutableReviewRequests - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Immutable implementation of ReviewRequests.
ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Builds instances of type ImmutableReviewRequests.
ImmutableSearch - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Immutable implementation of Search.
ImmutableSearch.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Builds instances of type ImmutableSearch.
ImmutableSearchIssue - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Immutable implementation of SearchIssue.
ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Builds instances of type ImmutableSearchIssue.
ImmutableSearchIssues - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Immutable implementation of SearchIssues.
ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Builds instances of type ImmutableSearchIssues.
ImmutableSearchParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests
Immutable implementation of SearchParameters.
ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests
Builds instances of type ImmutableSearchParameters.
ImmutableSearchRepositories - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Immutable implementation of SearchRepositories.
ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Builds instances of type ImmutableSearchRepositories.
ImmutableSearchUsers - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Immutable implementation of SearchUsers.
ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Builds instances of type ImmutableSearchUsers.
ImmutableShaLink - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of ShaLink.
ImmutableShaLink.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableShaLink.
ImmutableStatus - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Immutable implementation of Status.
ImmutableStatus.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Builds instances of type ImmutableStatus.
ImmutableStatusEvent - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Immutable implementation of StatusEvent.
ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Builds instances of type ImmutableStatusEvent.
ImmutableTag - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of Tag.
ImmutableTag.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableTag.
ImmutableTeam - Class in com.spotify.github.v3
Immutable implementation of Team.
ImmutableTeam.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3
Builds instances of type ImmutableTeam.
ImmutableTree - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of Tree.
ImmutableTree.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableTree.
ImmutableTreeItem - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Immutable implementation of TreeItem.
ImmutableTreeItem.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Builds instances of type ImmutableTreeItem.
ImmutableUpdateTracking - Class in com.spotify.github
Immutable implementation of UpdateTracking.
ImmutableUpdateTracking.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github
Builds instances of type ImmutableUpdateTracking.
ImmutableUser - Class in com.spotify.github.v3
Immutable implementation of User.
ImmutableUser.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3
Builds instances of type ImmutableUser.
ImmutableWebhook - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks
Immutable implementation of Webhook.
ImmutableWebhook.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks
Builds instances of type ImmutableWebhook.
ImmutableWebhookConfig - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks
Immutable implementation of WebhookConfig.
ImmutableWebhookConfig.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks
Builds instances of type ImmutableWebhookConfig.
ImmutableWebhookCreate - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests
Immutable implementation of WebhookCreate.
ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests
Builds instances of type ImmutableWebhookCreate.
in_progress - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunStatus
incompleteResults() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Are returned results incomplete
incompleteResults() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Are returned results incomplete
incompleteResults() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Are returned results incomplete
incompleteResults() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Are returned results incomplete
incompleteResults() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.Search
Are returned results incomplete
incompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch.Builder
Initializes the value for the incompleteResults attribute.
incompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Initializes the value for the incompleteResults attribute.
incompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Initializes the value for the incompleteResults attribute.
incompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Initializes the value for the incompleteResults attribute.
Installation - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The App Installation object.
InstallationList - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.checks
The interface InstallationList content.
InstallationRepositoriesResponse - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.apps
Response for requests to "List repositories accessible to the app installation" https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/apps#list-repositories-accessible-to-the-app-installation
installations() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Installations list.
installations() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.InstallationList
Installations list.
installations(Iterable<? extends Installation>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for installations list.
installationsCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
Installation count of the App.
installationsCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Installation count of the App.
installationsCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the optional value installationsCount to installationsCount.
installationsCount(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the optional value installationsCount to installationsCount.
instant() - Method in class com.spotify.github.GitHubInstant
Rerturns the contained value as a unix epoch contained in an Instant
isCollaborator(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Check if a user is collaborator of the repo.
isPrivate() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Is it private
isPrivate() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Is it private
isPrivate() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Is it private
isPrivate() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Is it private
isPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the isPrivate attribute.
isPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the isPrivate attribute.
isPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the isPrivate attribute.
isProtected() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Branch
True if branch is protected
isProtected() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
True if branch is protected
isProtected(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Initializes the optional value isProtected to isProtected.
isProtected(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Initializes the optional value isProtected to isProtected.
isPublic() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Is it public
isPublic() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Is it public
isPublic() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Is it public
isPublic() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Is it public
isPublic(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value isPublic to isPublic.
isPublic(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value isPublic to isPublic.
isPublic(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value isPublic to isPublic.
isPublic(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value isPublic to isPublic.
isPublic(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value isPublic to isPublic.
isPublic(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value isPublic to isPublic.
issue() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
The Issue the comment belongs to.
issue() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
issue() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssueCommentEvent
The Issue the comment belongs to.
issue() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.IssuesEvent
issue() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
issue() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
issue() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
API link to the pull request.
issue() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestLinks
API link to the pull request.
issue(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the issue attribute.
issue(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the issue attribute.
issue(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the issue attribute.
issue(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value issue to issue.
issue(Optional<? extends Issue>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value issue to issue.
Issue - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Issue resource.
IssueActionState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Helpful constants for common Issue Action states.
IssueClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Issue API client
IssueCommentEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when an issue comment is created, edited, or deleted.
issueCommentUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Issue Comment URL template
issueCommentUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Issue Comment URL template
issueCommentUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Issue Comment URL template
issueCommentUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Issue Comment URL template
issueCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueCommentUrl attribute.
issueCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueCommentUrl attribute.
issueCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueCommentUrl attribute.
issueEventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Issue event URL template
issueEventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Issue event URL template
issueEventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Issue event URL template
issueEventsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Issue event URL template
issueEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueEventsUrl attribute.
issueEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueEventsUrl attribute.
issueEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueEventsUrl attribute.
issues(SearchParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.SearchClient
Search issues.
IssuesEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when an issue is assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited, closed, or reopened.
issuesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Issues URL template
issuesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Issues URL template
issuesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Issues URL template
issuesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Issues URL template
issuesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the issuesUrl attribute.
issuesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the issuesUrl attribute.
issuesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the issuesUrl attribute.
issueUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
The issueURL which the comment belongs to.
issueUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
The issueURL which the comment belongs to.
issueUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Issue URL.
issueUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Issue URL.
issueUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Issue URL.
issueUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value issueUrl to issueUrl.
issueUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueUrl attribute.
issueUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the issueUrl attribute.
issueUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value issueUrl to issueUrl.
items() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Issues search results
items() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Repositories search results
items() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Users search results
items() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchIssues
Issues search results
items() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchRepositories
Repositories search results
items() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchUsers
Users search results
items(Iterable<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for items list.
items(Iterable<? extends SearchIssue>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for items list.
items(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for items list.
iterator() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPage


Json - Class in com.spotify.github.jackson
Json class to facilitate reading and writing json.
JwtTokenIssuer - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
The helper Jwt token issuer.


keysUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Keys URL template
keysUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Keys URL template
keysUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Keys URL template
keysUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Keys URL template
keysUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the keysUrl attribute.
keysUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the keysUrl attribute.
keysUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the keysUrl attribute.


label() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunAction
The label to be shown at the action button.
label() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
The label to be shown at the action button.
label() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
label() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestRef
label(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction.Builder
Initializes the value for the label attribute.
label(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the optional value label to label.
label(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the optional value label to label.
Label - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Issue label resource
LABELED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
LABELED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
labels() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
A list of comma separated label names.
labels() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
A list of comma separated label names.
labels() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
A list of comma separated label names.
labels(Iterable<? extends Label>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for labels list.
labels(Iterable<? extends Label>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for labels list.
labelsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Labels URL
labelsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Labels URL template.
labelsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Labels URL template.
labelsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
Labels URL
labelsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Labels URL template
labelsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Labels URL template
labelsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Labels URL template
labelsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Labels URL template
labelsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Labels URL template.
labelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the labelsUrl attribute.
labelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the labelsUrl attribute.
labelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the labelsUrl attribute.
labelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the labelsUrl attribute.
labelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the labelsUrl attribute.
labelsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the labelsUrl attribute.
language() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
language() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
language() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
language() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
language(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value language to language.
language(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value language to language.
language(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value language to language.
language(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value language to language.
language(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value language to language.
language(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value language to language.
Languages - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
The Languages type.
Languages() - Constructor for class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Languages
languagesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Languages URL
languagesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Languages URL
languagesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Languages URL
languagesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Languages URL
languagesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the languagesUrl attribute.
languagesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the languagesUrl attribute.
languagesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the languagesUrl attribute.
last() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Last page number.
last() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Pagination
Last page number.
last(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Initializes the value for the last attribute.
line() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
Use Comment.position() instead
line() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
line(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
line(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Link - Interface in com.spotify.github.http
Used to express a typed relationship with another resource, where the relation type is defined by RFC 5988.
links() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Link references.
links() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Link references.
links() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Link references.
links() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Link references.
links() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Hypermedia links.
links() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Link references.
links() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
Hypermedia links.
links(ReviewLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the links attribute.
links(CommentLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the links attribute.
links(PullRequestLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the links attribute.
links(PullRequestLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the links attribute.
Links - Interface in com.spotify.github
Entity for mapping the JSON field _links.
Links.Href<T> - Interface in com.spotify.github
Holder for href values.
list() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
List repository pull request.
list(PullRequestParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
List repository pull requests using given parameters.
listAccessibleRepositories(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubAppClient
Lists the repositories that an app installation can access.
listAuthenticatedUserRepositories(AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
List repositories for the authenticated user.
listBranches() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Get a specific branch.
listComments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.IssueClient
List repository comments.
listComments(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.IssueClient
List given issue number comments.
listCommits() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
List repository commits.
listCommits(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
List pull request commits.
listCommitStatuses(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
List statuses for a specific ref.
listCommitStatuses(String, int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
List statuses for a specific ref.
listMatchingReferences(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
List matching references.
listOrganizationRepositories() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
List all repositories in this organization.
listReferences() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
listReferences(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitDataClient
listReviewRequests(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
List pull request requested reviews.
listReviews(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
List pull request reviews.
listReviews(int, int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
List pull request reviews paginated.
locked() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Is locked.
locked() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Is locked.
locked() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Is it locked.
locked() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Is it locked.
locked() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Is it locked.
locked() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Is locked.
locked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the locked attribute.
locked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the locked attribute.
locked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the locked attribute.
locked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the locked attribute.
login() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Login name.
login() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
The organization's username.
login() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
The organization's username.
login() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Login name.
login(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the login attribute.
login(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the login attribute.


masterBranch() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CreateEvent
The name of the repository's default branch (usually master).
masterBranch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
The name of the repository's default branch (usually master).
masterBranch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
masterBranch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
masterBranch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
masterBranch() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
masterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the masterBranch attribute.
masterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
masterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
masterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
masterBranch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
masterBranch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
masterBranch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
media() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
The "media" parameter, when present, is used to indicate intended destination medium or media for style information (see [W3C.REC-html401-19991224], Section 6.13).
media() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
The "media" parameter, when present, is used to indicate intended destination medium or media for style information (see [W3C.REC-html401-19991224], Section 6.13).
media(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value media to media.
media(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value media to media.
membersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Members API URL template.
membersUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
Members API URL template.
membersUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the membersUrl attribute.
merge - com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeMethod
merge(int, MergeParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
Merges a pull request.
merge(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Perform a merge.
merge(String, String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Perform a merge.
mergeable() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Is it mergeable.
mergeable() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Is it mergeable.
mergeable(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergeable to mergeable.
mergeable(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergeable to mergeable.
mergeableState() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
The mergeable state of this PR.
mergeableState() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
The mergeable state of this PR.
mergeableState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the mergeableState attribute.
mergeBaseCommit() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitComparison
Merge base
mergeBaseCommit() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Merge base
mergeBaseCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Initializes the value for the mergeBaseCommit attribute.
mergeCommitSha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
mergeCommitSha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
mergeCommitSha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
mergeCommitSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergeCommitSha to mergeCommitSha.
mergeCommitSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergeCommitSha to mergeCommitSha.
mergeCommitSha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergeCommitSha to mergeCommitSha.
mergeCommitSha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergeCommitSha to mergeCommitSha.
merged() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Is it merged.
merged() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Is it merged.
merged(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the merged attribute.
mergedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Merged date.
mergedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Merged date.
mergedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Merged date.
mergedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergedAt to mergedAt.
mergedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergedAt to mergedAt.
mergedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergedAt to mergedAt.
mergedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergedAt to mergedAt.
mergedBy() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Merged by user.
mergedBy() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Merged by user.
mergedBy(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergedBy to mergedBy.
mergedBy(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value mergedBy to mergedBy.
mergeMethod() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Merge method to use.
mergeMethod() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeParameters
Merge method to use.
mergeMethod(MergeMethod) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
Initializes the value for the mergeMethod attribute.
MergeMethod - Enum in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
The enum MergeMethod.
MergeParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
The parameters for merging a Pull Request.
MergeParameters() - Constructor for class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeParameters
mergesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Merges URL
mergesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Merges URL
mergesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Merges URL
mergesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Merges URL
mergesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the mergesUrl attribute.
mergesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the mergesUrl attribute.
mergesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the mergesUrl attribute.
message() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
A short description of the feedback for these lines of code.
message() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
A short description of the feedback for these lines of code.
message() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Commit
Commit message.
message() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Commit message.
message() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
The tag message.
message() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tag
The tag message.
message() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Commit message.
message() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Commit message.
message(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the value for the message attribute.
message(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the message attribute.
message(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Initializes the value for the message attribute.
message(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the message attribute.
milestone() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
The milestone associated this issue with.
milestone() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
The milestone associated this issue with.
milestone() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
milestone() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
milestone() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
milestone() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
The milestone associated this issue with.
milestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
milestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
milestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
milestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
milestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
milestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
milestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
milestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value milestone to milestone.
Milestone - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3
Milestone resource
milestonesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Milestones URL template
milestonesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Milestones URL template
milestonesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Milestones URL template
milestonesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Milestones URL template
milestonesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the milestonesUrl attribute.
milestonesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the milestonesUrl attribute.
milestonesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the milestonesUrl attribute.
mirrorUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Mirror url, if this repo is a mirror
mirrorUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Mirror url, if this repo is a mirror
mirrorUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Mirror url, if this repo is a mirror
mirrorUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Mirror url, if this repo is a mirror
mirrorUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value mirrorUrl to mirrorUrl.
mirrorUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value mirrorUrl to mirrorUrl.
mirrorUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value mirrorUrl to mirrorUrl.
mirrorUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value mirrorUrl to mirrorUrl.
mirrorUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value mirrorUrl to mirrorUrl.
mirrorUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value mirrorUrl to mirrorUrl.
mode() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
The file mode; one of 100644 for file (blob), 100755 for executable (blob), 040000 for subdirectory (tree), 160000 for submodule (commit), or 120000 for a blob that specifies the path of a symlink.
mode() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItem
The file mode; one of 100644 for file (blob), 100755 for executable (blob), 040000 for subdirectory (tree), 160000 for submodule (commit), or 120000 for a blob that specifies the path of a symlink.
mode(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the mode attribute.
modified() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Files that were modified.
modified() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Files that were modified.
modified(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for modified list.


name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Full repository name.
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
Full repository name.
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
The App name
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
The name of the check.
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
The App name
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The name of the check.
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The name of the check.
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Author
The name of the author.
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
The name of the author.
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Webhook name
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.WebhookCreate
Webhook name
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Label
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Branch
Branch name
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent
Content name.
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Branch name
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Content name.
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Content name.
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
name() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
name() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
neutral - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
next() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Next page number.
next() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Pagination
Next page number.
next() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPageIterator
next(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Initializes the optional value next to next.
next(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Initializes the optional value next to next.
nextPage() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.async.AsyncPage
Next page.
nextPage() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPage
Next page.
nodeId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Node ID
nodeId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
Node ID
nodeId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the nodeId attribute.
notice - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.AnnotationLevel
notificationsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Notifications URL template
notificationsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Notifications URL template
notificationsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Notifications URL template
notificationsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Notifications URL template
notificationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the notificationsUrl attribute.
notificationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the notificationsUrl attribute.
notificationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the notificationsUrl attribute.
number() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
The pull request number.
number() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestEvent
The pull request number.
number() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
number() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
number() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
number() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
number() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
number() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
number() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
number() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
number(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the number attribute.
number(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the number attribute.
number(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the number attribute.
number(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the number attribute.
number(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the number attribute.
number(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the number attribute.


object() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Reference object.
object() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
The SHA of the git object this is tagging.
object() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Reference
Reference object.
object() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tag
The SHA of the git object this is tagging.
object(ReferenceObject) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference.Builder
Initializes the value for the object attribute.
object(ReferenceObject) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Initializes the value for the object attribute.
OPENED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
OPENED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
openIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Number of open issues
openIssues() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
Number of open issues
openIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
openIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
openIssues() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
openIssues() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
openIssues(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
openIssues(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
openIssues(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
openIssues(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the openIssues attribute.
openIssues(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
openIssues(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
openIssues(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
openIssuesCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Open issues count
openIssuesCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Open issues count
openIssuesCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Open issues count
openIssuesCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Open issues count
openIssuesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the openIssuesCount attribute.
openIssuesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the openIssuesCount attribute.
openIssuesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the openIssuesCount attribute.
order() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
The sort order if sort parameter is provided.
order() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.SearchParameters
The sort order if sort parameter is provided.
order(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value order to order.
order(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value order to order.
organization() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
organization() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.RepositoryEvent
organization(Organization) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the organization attribute.
Organization - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Organization object for GitHub.
organizationsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Organizations URL.
organizationsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Organizations URL.
organizationsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the organizationsUrl attribute.
originalCommitId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Base commit sha.
originalCommitId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Base commit sha.
originalCommitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the originalCommitId attribute.
originalPosition() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Base content line position.
originalPosition() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Base content line position.
originalPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the originalPosition attribute.
output() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunRequest
The check run output.
output() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponse
The check run output.
output() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The check run output.
output() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The check run output.
output(CheckRunOutput) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value output to output.
output(CheckRunOutput) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the output attribute.
output(Optional<? extends CheckRunOutput>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value output to output.
owner() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
owner() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
owner() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushRepository
owner() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Repository
owner(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the owner attribute.
owner(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the owner attribute.


page() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Page number of the results to fetch.
page() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestParameters
Page number of the results to fetch.
page(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value page to page.
page(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value page to page.
pagination() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.async.AsyncPage
Pagination data.
pagination() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GithubPage
Pagination data.
Pagination - Interface in com.spotify.github.http
Pagination object.
Parameters - Interface in com.spotify.github
Base interface for parameter types.
parents() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitItem
The SHAs of the commits that were the parents of this commit
parents() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
The SHAs of the commits that were the parents of this commit
parents() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
The SHAs of the commits that were the parents of this commit
parents(Iterable<? extends ShaLink>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for parents list.
parents(Iterable<? extends ShaLink>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for parents list.
patch() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
Patch content
patch() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Patch content
patch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value patch to patch.
patch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value patch to patch.
patchUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Patch URL.
patchUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.PullRequest
Patch URL.
patchUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Patch URL.
patchUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Patch URL.
patchUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Patch URL.
patchUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the patchUrl attribute.
patchUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the patchUrl attribute.
patchUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the patchUrl attribute.
path() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
The path of the file to add an annotation to.
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
The path of the file to add an annotation to.
path() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
Relative path of the file to comment on.
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Relative path of the file to comment on.
path() - Method in exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.RequestNotOkException
Get request URI path
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
The file referenced in the tree.
path() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItem
The file referenced in the tree.
path() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
The relative path of the file to comment on.
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
The relative path of the file to comment on.
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Relative path to the file that necessitates a review comment.
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewComment
Relative path to the file that necessitates a review comment.
path() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent
The content path.
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
The content path.
path() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
The content path.
path(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the value for the path attribute.
path(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value path to path.
path(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the path attribute.
path(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the path attribute.
path(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the path attribute.
path(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the path attribute.
path(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the path attribute.
path(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value path to path.
payload() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
Optional JSON payload with extra information about the deployment.
payload() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Optional JSON payload with extra information about the deployment.
payload(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the optional value payload to payload.
payload(Optional<? extends Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the optional value payload to payload.
PENDING - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewState
PENDING - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewState
PENDING - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.StatusState
per_page() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Results per page (max 100)
per_page() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestParameters
Results per page (max 100)
per_page(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value per_page to per_page.
per_page(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value per_page to per_page.
permission() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
permission() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
permission(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the permission attribute.
permissions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
The permissions the installation of the app has.
permissions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
The permissions the installation of the app has.
permissions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Permissions map this installation has.
permissions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Permissions map this installation has.
permissions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
permissions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
permissions() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
permissions() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
permissions(Permissions) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value permissions to permissions.
permissions(Permissions) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value permissions to permissions.
permissions(Permissions) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value permissions to permissions.
permissions(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the permissions map.
permissions(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the permissions map.
permissions(Optional<? extends Permissions>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value permissions to permissions.
permissions(Optional<? extends Permissions>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the optional value permissions to permissions.
permissions(Optional<? extends Permissions>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the optional value permissions to permissions.
Permissions - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Repository permissions resource
pingUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Ping URL
pingUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
Ping URL
pingUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the pingUrl attribute.
position() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
Line index in the diff to comment on.
position() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Line index in the diff to comment on.
position() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
The line index in the diff to comment on.
position() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
The line index in the diff to comment on.
position() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Position in the diff where you want to add a review comment.
position() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewComment
Position in the diff where you want to add a review comment.
position(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value position to position.
position(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the position attribute.
position(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the position attribute.
position(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the optional value position to position.
previous() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Previous page number.
previous() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Pagination
Previous page number.
previous(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Initializes the optional value previous to previous.
previous(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination.Builder
Initializes the optional value previous to previous.
privacy() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
privacy() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
privacy(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the privacy attribute.
PRIVATIZED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryActionState
protectionUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Branch
Branch protection API URL
protectionUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Branch protection API URL
protectionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Initializes the optional value protectionUrl to protectionUrl.
protectionUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch.Builder
Initializes the optional value protectionUrl to protectionUrl.
PUBLICIZED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryActionState
publicMembersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Public members API URL template.
publicMembersUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
Public members API URL template.
publicMembersUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the publicMembersUrl attribute.
pull() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Can pull
pull() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Permissions
Can pull
pull(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions.Builder
Initializes the value for the pull attribute.
pullRequest() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
The pull request
pullRequest() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The pull request the comment belongs to.
pullRequest() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Pull Request.
pullRequest() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
Pull Request.
pullRequest() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestEvent
The pull request
pullRequest() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The pull request the comment belongs to.
pullRequest() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewEvent
Pull Request.
pullRequest() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewLinks
Pull Request.
pullRequest() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Pull request.
pullRequest() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Pull request.
pullRequest() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.CommentLinks
Link to the pull request that this comment belongs to.
pullRequest() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Link to the pull request that this comment belongs to.
pullRequest() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Pull request.
pullRequest(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullRequest attribute.
pullRequest(ReviewLinks.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullRequest attribute.
pullRequest(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value pullRequest to pullRequest.
pullRequest(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value pullRequest to pullRequest.
pullRequest(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullRequest attribute.
pullRequest(PullRequestItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullRequest attribute.
pullRequest(PullRequestItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullRequest attribute.
pullRequest(Optional<? extends PullRequest>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value pullRequest to pullRequest.
pullRequest(Optional<? extends PullRequest>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the optional value pullRequest to pullRequest.
PullRequest - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.issues
Issues pull request resource.
PullRequest - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Pull request resource represents data returned by a single PR get operation.
PullRequestActionState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Helpful constants for common PullRequest Action states.
PullRequestClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Pull call API client
PullRequestCreate - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Pull request create request resource
PullRequestEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when a pull request is assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited, closed, reopened, or synchronized.
PullRequestItem - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Pull request item resource represents data returned during pull request list operation
PullRequestLinks - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Reference links for the PullRequest entity
PullRequestParameters - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Pull request retrieval parameters resource
PullRequestRef - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Pull request reference resource
PullRequestReviewCommentEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when a comment Comment on a Pull Request's unified diff is created, edited, or deleted (in the Files Changed tab).
PullRequestReviewEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when a pull request review happens.
PullRequestUpdate - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests
Pull request update request resource
pullRequestUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Pull request API URL.
pullRequestUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Pull request API URL.
pullRequestUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Pull Request URL.
pullRequestUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
Pull Request URL.
pullRequestUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullRequestUrl attribute.
pullRequestUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullRequestUrl attribute.
pullsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Pulls URL template
pullsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Pulls URL template
pullsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Pulls URL template
pullsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Pulls URL template
pullsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullsUrl attribute.
pullsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullsUrl attribute.
pullsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the pullsUrl attribute.
push() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Can push
push() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Permissions
Can push
push(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions.Builder
Initializes the value for the push attribute.
PushCommit - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Push commit object used in PushEvent.
pushedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Pushed date
pushedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Pushed date
pushedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Pushed date
pushedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Pushed date
pushedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the pushedAt attribute.
pushedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the pushedAt attribute.
pushedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the pushedAt attribute.
pusher() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
pusher() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
pusher(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the pusher attribute.
pusherType() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CreateEvent
No doc found on github - Usually is "user".
pusherType() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeleteEvent
Pusher type.
pusherType() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
No doc found on github - Usually is "user".
pusherType() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Pusher type.
pusherType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the pusherType attribute.
pusherType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the pusherType attribute.
PushEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when a repository branch is pushed to.
PushRepository - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Repository resource for push events.
putAllPermissions(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to permissions map.
putAllPermissions(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to permissions map.
putAllStats(Map<String, ? extends Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to stats map.
putPermissions(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Put one entry to the permissions map.
putPermissions(String, String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Put one entry to the permissions map.
putPermissions(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Put one entry to the permissions map.
putPermissions(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Put one entry to the permissions map.
putStats(String, int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Put one entry to the stats map.
putStats(Map.Entry<String, ? extends Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Put one entry to the stats map.


q() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
q() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.SearchParameters
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
q(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder
Initializes the value for the q attribute.
queued - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunStatus


rawDetails() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
Details about this annotation.
rawDetails() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Details about this annotation.
rawDetails(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value rawDetails to rawDetails.
rawDetails(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value rawDetails to rawDetails.
rawUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
Raw file content API URL
rawUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Raw file content API URL
rawUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value rawUrl to rawUrl.
rawUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value rawUrl to rawUrl.
ReadOnlyRepositoryException - Exception in com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions
The Read only repository exception.
ReadOnlyRepositoryException(String, int, String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.ReadOnlyRepositoryException
Instantiates a new Read only repository exception.
ReadOnlyRepositoryException(String, int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.ReadOnlyRepositoryException
Instantiates a new Read only repository exception.
rebase - com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeMethod
receivedEventsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Received event URL.
receivedEventsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Received event URL.
receivedEventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the receivedEventsUrl attribute.
ref() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CreateEvent
The git ref (or null if only a repository was created).
ref() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeleteEvent
Full git reference
ref() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
The git ref (or null if only a repository was created).
ref() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Full git reference
ref() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
The full Git ref that was pushed.
ref() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
The full Git ref that was pushed.
ref() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Full reference path.
ref() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Reference
Full reference path.
ref() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
ref() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestRef
ref() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
The name of the ref.
ref() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
The name of the ref.
ref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the ref attribute.
ref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the ref attribute.
ref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the ref attribute.
ref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference.Builder
Initializes the value for the ref attribute.
ref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the value for the ref attribute.
ref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the ref attribute.
Reference - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Github reference.
ReferenceObject - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Reference object resource.
refType() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.CreateEvent
The object that was created.
refType() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.DeleteEvent
The object that was deleted.
refType() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
The object that was created.
refType() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
The object that was deleted.
refType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the refType attribute.
refType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the refType attribute.
RefType - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Helpful constants for common Ref types.
REJECTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewState
REJECTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewState
rel() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
The relation type of a link is conveyed in the "rel" parameter's value.
rel() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
The relation type of a link is conveyed in the "rel" parameter's value.
rel(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value rel to rel.
rel(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value rel to rel.
releasesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Releases URL template
releasesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Releases URL template
releasesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Releases URL template
releasesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Releases URL template
releasesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the releasesUrl attribute.
releasesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the releasesUrl attribute.
releasesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the releasesUrl attribute.
removed() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Files that were removed.
removed() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Files that were removed.
removed(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for removed list.
removeRequestedReview(int, RequestReviewParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
Remove a request for review for a pull request.
REOPENED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
REOPENED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
repo() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
repo() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestRef
repo(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the optional value repo to repo.
repo(Optional<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the optional value repo to repo.
repositories() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
repositories() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.apps.InstallationRepositoriesResponse
repositories(SearchParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.SearchClient
Search repositories.
repositories(Iterable<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for repositories list.
repositoriesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Repositories url.
repositoriesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Repositories url.
repositoriesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Repositories URL
repositoriesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
Repositories URL
repositoriesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the repositoriesUrl attribute.
repositoriesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the repositoriesUrl attribute.
repository() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
repository() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
repository() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
repository(PushRepository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
repository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the repository attribute.
Repository - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Repository resource
REPOSITORY - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.RefType
RepositoryActionState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Helpful constants for common Repository Action states.
RepositoryBase - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Repository resource
RepositoryClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Repository API client
RepositoryCreateStatus - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests
Request to create commit statuses for a given ref.
RepositoryEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when a repository is created, deleted, made public, or made private.
repositorySelection() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Indicates if the App is installed in all repos of the org, or just selected.
repositorySelection() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Indicates if the App is installed in all repos of the org, or just selected.
repositorySelection(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the optional value repositorySelection to repositorySelection.
repositorySelection(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the optional value repositorySelection to repositorySelection.
repositoryUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Repository URL.
repositoryUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Repository URL.
repositoryUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
Deployment repository API URL
repositoryUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Deployment repository API URL
repositoryUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Repository URL
repositoryUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
Repository URL
repositoryUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Repository URL.
repositoryUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the repositoryUrl attribute.
repositoryUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value repositoryUrl to repositoryUrl.
repositoryUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value repositoryUrl to repositoryUrl.
repositoryUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the repositoryUrl attribute.
repositoryUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the repositoryUrl attribute.
reposUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Repositories URL.
reposUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Repositories API URL.
reposUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
Repositories API URL.
reposUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Repositories URL.
reposUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the reposUrl attribute.
reposUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the reposUrl attribute.
requestedReviewers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Requested reviewers (users)
requestedReviewers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Requested reviewers (users)
requestedReviewers() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Requested reviewers (users)
requestedReviewers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for requestedReviewers list.
requestedReviewers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for requestedReviewers list.
requestedTeams() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Requested reviewers (teams)
requestedTeams() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Requested reviewers (teams)
requestedTeams() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Requested reviewers (teams)
requestedTeams(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for requestedTeams list.
requestedTeams(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for requestedTeams list.
RequestNotOkException - Exception in com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions
HTTP response with non-200 StatusCode.
RequestNotOkException(String, int, String) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.RequestNotOkException
Response to request came back with non-2xx status code
RequestNotOkException(String, int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.RequestNotOkException
Response to request came back with non-2xx status code
requestReview(int, RequestReviewParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
Requests a review for a pull request.
RequestReviewParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
The parameters for requesting a review or removing review request for a Pull Request.
RequestReviewParameters() - Constructor for class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.RequestReviewParameters
rev() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
The "rev" parameter has been used in the past to indicate that the semantics of the relationship are in the reverse direction.
rev() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
The "rev" parameter has been used in the past to indicate that the semantics of the relationship are in the reverse direction.
rev(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value rev to rev.
rev(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value rev to rev.
review() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
review() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PullRequestReviewEvent
review(Review) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the review attribute.
Review - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Pull request review resource represents data returned by a single PR review get operation.
REVIEW_REQUEST_REMOVED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
REVIEW_REQUESTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
ReviewActionState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Helpful constants for common Review Action states.
reviewComment() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
API link template to a specific review comments on this pull request.
reviewComment() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestLinks
API link template to a specific review comments on this pull request.
reviewComment(Links.Href<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the reviewComment attribute.
ReviewComment - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Comment parameters for a draft review.
ReviewComment() - Constructor for class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewComment
reviewComments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Number of review (commit) comments.
reviewComments() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
API link to the review comments on this pull request.
reviewComments() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequest
Number of review (commit) comments.
reviewComments() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestLinks
API link to the review comments on this pull request.
reviewComments(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the reviewComments attribute.
reviewComments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the reviewComments attribute.
reviewCommentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Review comments API URL.
reviewCommentsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Review comments API URL.
reviewCommentsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Review comments API URL.
reviewCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the reviewCommentsUrl attribute.
reviewCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the reviewCommentsUrl attribute.
reviewCommentUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Review comment API URL template.
reviewCommentUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Review comment API URL template.
reviewCommentUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Review comment API URL template.
reviewCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the reviewCommentUrl attribute.
reviewCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the reviewCommentUrl attribute.
reviewers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Request reviews from users (list of login)
reviewers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.RequestReviewParameters
Request reviews from users (list of login)
reviewers(List<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value reviewers to reviewers.
reviewers(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value reviewers to reviewers.
ReviewLinks - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Reference links for the Review entity
ReviewLinks.Href<T> - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Holder for href values.
ReviewParameters - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
The parameters for creating a review for a Pull Request.
ReviewParameters() - Constructor for class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewParameters
ReviewRequests - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Pull request review resource represents data returned by a single PR review get operation.
ReviewState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Helpful constants for common Review states in reviews events.
ReviewState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.prs
Helpful constants for common Review states in reviews.


scopeForInstallationId(GitHubClient, int) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.GitHubClient
Receives a github client and scopes it to a certain installation ID.
score() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Score of item
score() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.SearchIssue
Score of item
score(Float) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the score attribute.
Search - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Search result base resource.
SearchClient - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.clients
Search API client
SearchIssue - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Issues search results
SearchIssues - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Issues search result resource
SearchParameters - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests
Search parameters resource defines required and optional parameters.
SearchRepositories - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Repositories search result resource
SearchUsers - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.search
Users search result resource
self() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Link to this entity in the API.
self() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.Links
Link to this entity in the API.
self() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Link to this entity in the API.
self() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Link to this entity in the API.
self(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the self attribute.
self(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the self attribute.
self(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the self attribute.
sender() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.BaseEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.PushEvent
The User that triggered/sent the event.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
sender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sender attribute.
serialize() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.Parameters
Goes through all public methods defined in an interface that extends this interface and calls them in the context of the class that called this method, then joins the method name with the result it produced using an ampersand (&) as a delimiter.
setCommitStatus(String, RepositoryCreateStatus) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
Set status for a given commit.
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
The Commit SHA.
sha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
The Commit SHA.
sha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Commit
Commit sha value.
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Commit sha value.
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
sha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
SHA that pull request head must match to allow merge.
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeParameters
SHA that pull request head must match to allow merge.
sha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestRef
sha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitStatus
The commit SHA.
sha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
The SHA that was recorded at creation time.
sha() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
Sha that included action taken on the given file
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
The commit SHA.
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
The SHA that was recorded at creation time.
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Sha that included action taken on the given file
sha() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the optional value sha to sha.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value sha to sha.
sha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the sha attribute.
sha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the optional value sha to sha.
sha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the optional value sha to sha.
ShaLink - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Github sha resource.
singleFileName() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Single file name optional.
singleFileName() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Single file name optional.
singleFileName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the optional value singleFileName to singleFileName.
singleFileName(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the optional value singleFileName to singleFileName.
siteAdmin() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Is user a site admin.
siteAdmin() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Is user a site admin.
siteAdmin(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the optional value siteAdmin to siteAdmin.
siteAdmin(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the optional value siteAdmin to siteAdmin.
size() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Blob
Content size in bytes.
size() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Content size in bytes.
size() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
File size in bytes.
size() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItem
File size in bytes.
size() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent
Content size in bytes
size() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Content size in bytes
size() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Content size in bytes
size() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Size in kB
size() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Size in kB
size() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Size in kB
size() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Size in kB
size(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Initializes the value for the size attribute.
size(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the size attribute.
size(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the size attribute.
size(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the size attribute.
size(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the size attribute.
size(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the size attribute.
size(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the size attribute.
slug() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
The URL-friendly name of the GitHub App.
slug() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
The URL-friendly name of the GitHub App.
slug() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
slug() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
slug(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the optional value slug to slug.
slug(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the slug attribute.
slug(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the optional value slug to slug.
sort() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
What to sort results by.
sort() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestParameters
What to sort results by.
sort() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of created, updated, pushed, full_name.
sort() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of created, updated, pushed, full_name.
sort() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
The sort field.
sort() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.SearchParameters
The sort field.
sort(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value sort to sort.
sort(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder
Initializes the value for the sort attribute.
sort(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value sort to sort.
sort(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value sort to sort.
sort(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value sort to sort.
squash - com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeMethod
sshUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
sshUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
sshUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
sshUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
sshUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the sshUrl attribute.
sshUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the sshUrl attribute.
sshUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the sshUrl attribute.
stale - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
stargazers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
stargazers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
stargazers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
stargazers() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
stargazers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
stargazers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
stargazers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
stargazers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
stargazers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
stargazers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
stargazersCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Stargazers count
stargazersCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Stargazers count
stargazersCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Stargazers count
stargazersCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Stargazers count
stargazersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the stargazersCount attribute.
stargazersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the stargazersCount attribute.
stargazersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the stargazersCount attribute.
stargazersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Stargazers URL
stargazersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Stargazers URL
stargazersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Stargazers URL
stargazersUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Stargazers URL
stargazersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the stargazersUrl attribute.
stargazersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the stargazersUrl attribute.
stargazersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the stargazersUrl attribute.
starredUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Starred URL template.
starredUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Starred URL template.
starredUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the starredUrl attribute.
startColumn() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
Start column optional.
startColumn() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Start column optional.
startColumn(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value startColumn to startColumn.
startColumn(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value startColumn to startColumn.
startedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
The time that the check run began.
startedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The time that the check run began.
startedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The time that the check run began.
startedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value startedAt to startedAt.
startedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value startedAt to startedAt.
startedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the optional value startedAt to startedAt.
startedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value startedAt to startedAt.
startLine() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
The start line of the annotation.
startLine() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
The start line of the annotation.
startLine(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the value for the startLine attribute.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
The new state.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
The new state.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
The state of the milestone.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Indicates the state of the issues to return.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
Indicates the state of the issues to return.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
The state of the milestone.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Either open, closed, or all to filter by state.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Either open, closed, or all to filter by state.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Either open, closed, or all to filter by state.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Either open, closed, or all to filter by state.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
State of this Pull Request.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestParameters
Either open, closed, or all to filter by state.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestUpdate
State of this Pull Request.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitStatus
The result of the status.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
The result of the status.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
The state of the status.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
The state of the status.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.RepositoryCreateStatus
The state of the status.
state() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
The state of the status.
state() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Indicates the state of the issues to return.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value state to state.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
Initializes the optional value state to state.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the state attribute.
state(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value state to state.
state(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
Initializes the optional value state to state.
stats() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Commit
Commit statistics key, value map.
stats() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Commit statistics key, value map.
stats(Map<String, ? extends Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the stats map.
status() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunBase
The current status.
status() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
The current status.
status() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
The current status.
status() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitComparison
status() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.File
File status.
status() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
status() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
File status.
status(CheckRunStatus) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the status attribute.
status(CheckRunStatus) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the status attribute.
status(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison.Builder
Initializes the value for the status attribute.
status(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile.Builder
Initializes the value for the status attribute.
Status - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Status resource marks commits with a success, failure, error, or pending state, which is then reflected in pull requests involving those commits.
STATUS_URI_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.RepositoryClient
statusCode() - Method in exception com.spotify.github.v3.exceptions.RequestNotOkException
Get the status code of the response
statuses() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
API link to the statuses on this pull request.
statuses() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestLinks
API link to the statuses on this pull request.
statuses() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.CommitStatus
Statuses list.
statuses() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Statuses list.
statuses(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks.Builder
Initializes the value for the statuses attribute.
statuses(Iterable<? extends Status>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for statuses list.
statusesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Statuses API URL.
statusesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Statuses API URL.
statusesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
Statuses API URL.
statusesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
Deployment statuses API URL
statusesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Deployment statuses API URL
statusesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Statuses URL template
statusesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Statuses URL template
statusesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Statuses URL template
statusesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Statuses URL template
statusesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the statusesUrl attribute.
statusesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the statusesUrl attribute.
statusesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the statusesUrl attribute.
statusesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the statusesUrl attribute.
statusesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the statusesUrl attribute.
statusesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the statusesUrl attribute.
StatusEvent - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events
Triggered when the status of a Git commit changes.
StatusState - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.repos
Helpful constants for common Status states.
SUBMITTED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ReviewActionState
submittedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Submitted at.
submittedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
Submitted at.
submittedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the optional value submittedAt to submittedAt.
submittedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the optional value submittedAt to submittedAt.
SUBMODULE - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ContentType
subscribersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Subscribers URL
subscribersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Subscribers URL
subscribersUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Subscribers URL
subscribersUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Subscribers URL
subscribersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the subscribersUrl attribute.
subscribersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the subscribersUrl attribute.
subscribersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the subscribersUrl attribute.
subscriptionsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Subscriptions URL.
subscriptionsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
Subscriptions URL.
subscriptionsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the subscriptionsUrl attribute.
subscriptionUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Subscription URL
subscriptionUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Subscription URL
subscriptionUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Subscription URL
subscriptionUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Subscription URL
subscriptionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the subscriptionUrl attribute.
subscriptionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the subscriptionUrl attribute.
subscriptionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the subscriptionUrl attribute.
success - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.StatusState
summary() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunOutput
The summary of the check run.
summary() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
The summary of the check run.
summary(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value summary to summary.
summary(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value summary to summary.
svnUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Subversion URL
svnUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Subversion URL
svnUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Subversion URL
svnUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Subversion URL
svnUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the svnUrl attribute.
svnUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the svnUrl attribute.
svnUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the svnUrl attribute.
SYMLINK - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ContentType
SYNCHRONIZE - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState


tag() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
The tag.
tag() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tag
The tag.
tag(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Initializes the value for the tag attribute.
Tag - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Git tag resource.
TAG - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.RefType
tagger() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
An object with information about the individual creating the tag.
tagger() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tag
An object with information about the individual creating the tag.
tagger(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Initializes the value for the tagger attribute.
tagsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Tags URL
tagsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Tags URL
tagsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Tags URL
tagsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Tags URL
tagsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the tagsUrl attribute.
tagsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the tagsUrl attribute.
tagsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the tagsUrl attribute.
targetId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
The ID of the entity it is installed on.
targetId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
The ID of the entity it is installed on.
targetId(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the targetId attribute.
targetType() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Target type.
targetType() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Installation
Target type.
targetType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation.Builder
Initializes the value for the targetType attribute.
targetUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
The optional link added to the status.
targetUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.StatusEvent
The optional link added to the status.
targetUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
The target URL to associate with this status.
targetUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
The target URL to associate with this status.
targetUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.RepositoryCreateStatus
The target URL to associate with this status.
targetUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
The target URL to associate with this status.
targetUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value targetUrl to targetUrl.
targetUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value targetUrl to targetUrl.
targetUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the targetUrl attribute.
targetUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value targetUrl to targetUrl.
targetUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the optional value targetUrl to targetUrl.
task() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
The name of the task
task() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
The name of the task
task(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the task attribute.
Team - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3
Team resource represents data returned by a single Team get operation.
teamReviewers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Request reviews from teams (list of slugs)
teamReviewers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.RequestReviewParameters
Request reviews from teams (list of slugs)
teamReviewers(List<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value teamReviewers to teamReviewers.
teamReviewers(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters.Builder
Initializes the optional value teamReviewers to teamReviewers.
teams() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
teams() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewRequests
teams(Iterable<? extends Team>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for teams list.
teamsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Teams URL
teamsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Teams URL
teamsUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Teams URL
teamsUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Teams URL
teamsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the teamsUrl attribute.
teamsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the teamsUrl attribute.
teamsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the teamsUrl attribute.
testUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Test URL
testUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
Test URL
testUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the testUrl attribute.
text() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunOutput
The details of the check run.
text() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
The details of the check run.
text(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value text to text.
text(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value text to text.
timed_out - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
timestamp() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
timestamp() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
timestamp(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the timestamp attribute.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
The "title" parameter, when present, is used to label the destination of a link such that it can be used as a human-readable identifier (e.g., a menu entry) in the language indicated by the Content- Language header (if present).
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
The "title" parameter, when present, is used to label the destination of a link such that it can be used as a human-readable identifier (e.g., a menu entry) in the language indicated by the Content- Language header (if present).
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.Annotation
The title that represents the annotation.
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunOutput
The title of the check run.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
The title that represents the annotation.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
The title of the check run.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
The title of the issue.
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
The title of the issue.
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
The title of the pull request.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
The title of the pull request.
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
The title of the pull request.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
The title of the pull request.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
The title of the pull request.
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestCreate
The title of the pull request.
title() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.PullRequestUpdate
The title of the pull request.
title() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
The title of the issue.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the title attribute.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the title attribute.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the title attribute.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the title attribute.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate.Builder
Initializes the value for the title attribute.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
title(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the title attribute.
title(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
title(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
title(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
title(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate.Builder
Initializes the optional value title to title.
toJson(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
Serialize an object to a json string.
toJsonUnchecked(Object) - Method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
Serialize an object to a json string.
token() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.AccessToken
Access Token.
token() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Access Token.
token(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken.Builder
Initializes the value for the token attribute.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Prints the immutable value Link with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Prints the immutable value Pagination with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Prints the immutable value CloseTracking with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref
Prints the immutable value Href with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Prints the immutable value Links with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Prints the immutable value UpdateTracking with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
Prints the immutable value BaseEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Prints the immutable value CommitCommentEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Prints the immutable value CreateEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Prints the immutable value DeleteEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Prints the immutable value DeploymentEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Prints the immutable value DeploymentStatusEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation
Prints the immutable value EventInstallation with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Prints the immutable value ForkEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref
Prints the immutable value Href with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Prints the immutable value IssueCommentEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Prints the immutable value IssuesEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Prints the immutable value PullRequestEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Prints the immutable value PullRequestReviewCommentEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Prints the immutable value PullRequestReviewEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Prints the immutable value PushEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Prints the immutable value RepositoryEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
Prints the immutable value ReviewLinks with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Prints the immutable value StatusEvent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
Prints the immutable value InstallationRepositoriesResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Prints the immutable value AccessToken with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Prints the immutable value Annotation with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Prints the immutable value App with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Prints the immutable value CheckRunAction with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Prints the immutable value CheckRunImage with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Prints the immutable value CheckRunOutput with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Prints the immutable value CheckRunRequest with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Prints the immutable value CheckRunResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
Prints the immutable value CheckRunResponseList with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite
Prints the immutable value CheckSuite with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Prints the immutable value CheckSuiteResponseList with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Prints the immutable value Installation with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Prints the immutable value InstallationList with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Prints the immutable value Comment with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Prints the immutable value Author with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Prints the immutable value Blob with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Prints the immutable value Commit with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Prints the immutable value Reference with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
Prints the immutable value ReferenceObject with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
Prints the immutable value ShaLink with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Prints the immutable value Tag with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Prints the immutable value Tree with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Prints the immutable value TreeItem with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Prints the immutable value Webhook with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
Prints the immutable value WebhookConfig with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Prints the immutable value WebhookCreate with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Prints the immutable value Milestone with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Prints the immutable value Team with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Prints the immutable value User with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody
Prints the immutable value Body with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges
Prints the immutable value Changes with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Prints the immutable value Event with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Prints the immutable value Issue with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
Prints the immutable value Label with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Prints the immutable value PullRequest with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Prints the immutable value Comment with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Prints the immutable value CommentLinks with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Prints the immutable value MergeParameters with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Prints the immutable value PullRequest with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Prints the immutable value PullRequestItem with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Prints the immutable value PullRequestLinks with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Prints the immutable value PullRequestRef with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Prints the immutable value RequestReviewParameters with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Prints the immutable value Review with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Prints the immutable value ReviewComment with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Prints the immutable value ReviewParameters with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Prints the immutable value ReviewRequests with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Prints the immutable value PullRequestCreate with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Prints the immutable value PullRequestParameters with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Prints the immutable value PullRequestUpdate with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Prints the immutable value Branch with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Prints the immutable value Commit with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Prints the immutable value CommitComparison with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Prints the immutable value CommitItem with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Prints the immutable value CommitStatus with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Prints the immutable value Content with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Prints the immutable value Deployment with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Prints the immutable value File with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Prints the immutable value FolderContent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Prints the immutable value Organization with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Prints the immutable value Permissions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Prints the immutable value PushCommit with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Prints the immutable value PushRepository with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Prints the immutable value Repository with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Prints the immutable value RepositoryBase with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Prints the immutable value Status with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Prints the immutable value AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Prints the immutable value RepositoryCreateStatus with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Prints the immutable value Search with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Prints the immutable value SearchIssue with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Prints the immutable value SearchIssues with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Prints the immutable value SearchRepositories with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Prints the immutable value SearchUsers with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Prints the immutable value SearchParameters with attribute values.
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
totalCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.apps.InstallationRepositoriesResponse
totalCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponseList
The count of checks in the response
totalCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckSuiteResponseList
The count.
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
The count of checks in the response
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
The count.
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Count of installations of the App the caller has access to.
totalCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.InstallationList
Count of installations of the App the caller has access to.
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Total count of search hits
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Total count of search hits
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Total count of search hits
totalCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Total count of search hits
totalCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.search.Search
Total count of search hits
totalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
totalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
totalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
totalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
totalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
totalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
totalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
totalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers.Builder
Initializes the value for the totalCount attribute.
tree() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Commit
The SHA of the tree object this commit points to.
tree() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
The SHA of the tree object this commit points to.
tree() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Tree items.
tree() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tree
Tree items.
tree(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the tree attribute.
tree(Iterable<? extends TreeItem>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for tree list.
Tree - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Git tree resource.
TREE - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItemType
treeId() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Tree id.
treeId() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Tree id.
treeId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the treeId attribute.
TreeItem - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Git tree item.
TreeItemType - Class in com.spotify.github.v3.git
Helpful constants for common TreeItem types.
treesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Trees URL template
treesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Trees URL template
treesUrl() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Trees URL template
treesUrl() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Trees URL template
treesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the treesUrl attribute.
treesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the treesUrl attribute.
treesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the treesUrl attribute.
truncated() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
If true, the number of items in the tree array exceeded our maximum limit.
truncated() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Tree
If true, the number of items in the tree array exceeded our maximum limit.
truncated(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Initializes the value for the truncated attribute.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.GitHubInstant
Returns the Class type of the contained value.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
The "type" parameter, when present, is a hint indicating what the media type of the result of dereferencing the link should be.
type() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
The "type" parameter, when present, is a hint indicating what the media type of the result of dereferencing the link should be.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
The type of the reference object.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Either blob, tree, or commit.
type() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.ReferenceObject
The type of the reference object.
type() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.TreeItem
Either blob, tree, or commit.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
User type.
type() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.FolderContent
Content type.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Content type.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Content type.
type() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of all, owner, public, private, member.
type() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of all, owner, public, private, member.
type() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
User type.
type(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value type to type.
type(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject.Builder
Initializes the value for the type attribute.
type(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the type attribute.
type(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the type attribute.
type(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the type attribute.
type(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the type attribute.
type(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder
Initializes the value for the type attribute.
type(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value type to type.


UNASSIGNED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
UNASSIGNED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
UNLABELED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.IssueActionState
UNLABELED - Static variable in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestActionState
update(int, PullRequestUpdate) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.PullRequestClient
Update given pull request.
updateCheckRun(int, CheckRunRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.ChecksClient
Updates a checkRun.
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.UpdateTracking
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.App
The date the App was updated.
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
The date the App was updated.
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Updated date
updatedAt() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Updated date
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
updatedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp.Builder
Initializes the value for the updatedAt attribute.
UpdateTracking - Interface in com.spotify.github
Convenience interface for tracking creation and update times
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Link value.
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.http.Link
Link value.
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunResponse
Url string.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Url string.
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
Comment API URL.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Comment API URL.
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Commit
Commit API URL.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Commit API URL.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Reference API URL.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Reference
Reference API URL.
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.ShaLink
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
A required string defining the URL to which the payloads will be delivered.
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.Webhook
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.WebhookConfig
A required string defining the URL to which the payloads will be delivered.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
User resource API URL.
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Event
The API URL for fetching the event.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
The API URL for fetching the event.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Label
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.PullRequest
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Milestone
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Comment API URL.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Comment API URL.
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Deployment
Deployment API URL
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Deployment API URL
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Points to the commit API resource..
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Status URL
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Organization
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.PushCommit
Points to the commit API resource..
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.Status
Status URL
url() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.Team
url() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.User
User resource API URL.
url(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
url(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the url attribute.
user() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.comment.Comment
The User that made the comment.
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
The User that made the comment.
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
user() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.issues.Issue
user() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Comment
Comment author.
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Comment author.
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
user() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestItem
user() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.PullRequestRef
user() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.Review
user() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the user attribute.
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the user attribute.
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment.Builder
Initializes the value for the user attribute.
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the user attribute.
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem.Builder
Initializes the value for the user attribute.
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the optional value user to user.
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview.Builder
Initializes the value for the user attribute.
user(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue.Builder
Initializes the value for the user attribute.
user(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef.Builder
Initializes the optional value user to user.
User - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3
User resource
username() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.git.Author
The username of the author, not always set.
username() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
The username of the author, not always set.
username(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Initializes the optional value username to username.
username(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor.Builder
Initializes the optional value username to username.
users() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
users() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ReviewRequests
users(SearchParameters) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.clients.SearchClient
Search users.
users(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for users list.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.checks.AnnotationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.checks.AnnotationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunConclusion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.checks.CheckRunStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.spotify.github.v3.prs.MergeMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visibility() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.AuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of all, public, or private.
visibility() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Can be one of all, public, or private.
visibility(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter.Builder
Initializes the value for the visibility attribute.


warning - com.spotify.github.v3.checks.AnnotationLevel
watchers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
watchers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
watchers() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
watchers() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
watchers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
watchers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
watchers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
watchers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
watchers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
watchers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
watchersCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Watchers count
watchersCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Watchers count
watchersCount() - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Watchers count
watchersCount() - Method in interface com.spotify.github.v3.repos.RepositoryBase
Watchers count
watchersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the watchersCount attribute.
watchersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository.Builder
Initializes the value for the watchersCount attribute.
watchersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase.Builder
Initializes the value for the watchersCount attribute.
Webhook - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks
Webhook resource
WebhookConfig - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks
Key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook.
WebhookCreate - Interface in com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests
Webhooks create request resource
withAccessTokensUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the accessTokensUrl attribute.
withAccount(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the account attribute.
withAction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the action attribute.
withAction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the action attribute.
withAction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the action attribute.
withAction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the action attribute.
withAction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the action attribute.
withAction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the action attribute.
withAction(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the action attribute.
withActions(CheckRunAction...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of actions.
withActions(Iterable<? extends CheckRunAction>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of actions.
withActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the active attribute.
withActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the active attribute.
withActor(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the actor attribute.
withAdded(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of added.
withAdded(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of added.
withAdditions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the additions attribute.
withAdditions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the additions attribute.
withAdmin(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the admin attribute.
withAffiliation(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the affiliation attribute.
withAfter(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the after attribute.
withAheadBy(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the aheadBy attribute.
withAlt(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the alt attribute.
withAnchor(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional anchor attribute.
withAnchor(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the anchor attribute.
withAnnotationLevel(AnnotationLevel) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the annotationLevel attribute.
withAnnotations(Annotation...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of annotations.
withAnnotations(Iterable<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of annotations.
withAnnotationsCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional annotationsCount attribute.
withAnnotationsCount(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the annotationsCount attribute.
withAnnotationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional annotationsUrl attribute.
withAnnotationsUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the annotationsUrl attribute.
withApp(App) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional app attribute.
withApp(Optional<? extends App>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the app attribute.
withAppId(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the appId attribute.
withArchiveUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the archiveUrl attribute.
withArchiveUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the archiveUrl attribute.
withArchiveUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the archiveUrl attribute.
withAssignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional assignee attribute.
withAssignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional assignee attribute.
withAssignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional assignee attribute.
withAssignee(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional assignee attribute.
withAssignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the assignee attribute.
withAssignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the assignee attribute.
withAssignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the assignee attribute.
withAssignee(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the assignee attribute.
withAssignees(List<User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional assignees attribute.
withAssignees(List<User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional assignees attribute.
withAssignees(Optional<? extends List<User>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the assignees attribute.
withAssignees(Optional<? extends List<User>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the assignees attribute.
withAssigneesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the assigneesUrl attribute.
withAssigneesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the assigneesUrl attribute.
withAssigneesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the assigneesUrl attribute.
withAuthor(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the author attribute.
withAuthor(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the author attribute.
withAuthor(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional author attribute.
withAuthor(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional author attribute.
withAuthor(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the author attribute.
withAuthor(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the author attribute.
withAvatarUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the avatarUrl attribute.
withAvatarUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the avatarUrl attribute.
withBase(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the base attribute.
withBase(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the base attribute.
withBase(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the base attribute.
withBase(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional base attribute.
withBase(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the base attribute.
withBaseCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the baseCommit attribute.
withBaseRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional baseRef attribute.
withBaseRef(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the baseRef attribute.
withBefore(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the before attribute.
withBehindBy(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the behindBy attribute.
withBlobHref(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional blobHref attribute.
withBlobHref(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the blobHref attribute.
withBlobsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the blobsUrl attribute.
withBlobsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the blobsUrl attribute.
withBlobsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the blobsUrl attribute.
withBlobUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional blobUrl attribute.
withBlobUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the blobUrl attribute.
withBody(Body) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableChanges
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional body attribute.
withBody(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the body attribute.
withBody(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the body attribute.
withBranches(Branch...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of branches.
withBranches(Iterable<? extends Branch>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of branches.
withBranchesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the branchesUrl attribute.
withBranchesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the branchesUrl attribute.
withBranchesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the branchesUrl attribute.
withCaption(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional caption attribute.
withCaption(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the caption attribute.
withChangedFiles(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the changedFiles attribute.
withChanges(Changes) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional changes attribute.
withChanges(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the changes attribute.
withChanges(Optional<? extends Changes>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the changes attribute.
withCheckRuns(CheckRunResponse...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checkRuns.
withCheckRuns(Iterable<? extends CheckRunResponse>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checkRuns.
withCheckSuite(CheckSuite) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional checkSuite attribute.
withCheckSuite(Optional<? extends CheckSuite>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the checkSuite attribute.
withCheckSuites(CheckSuite...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checkSuites.
withCheckSuites(Iterable<? extends CheckSuite>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checkSuites.
withCloneUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the cloneUrl attribute.
withCloneUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the cloneUrl attribute.
withCloneUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the cloneUrl attribute.
withClosedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the closedAt attribute.
withClosedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the closedAt attribute.
withClosedIssues(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the closedIssues attribute.
withCollaboratorsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the collaboratorsUrl attribute.
withCollaboratorsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the collaboratorsUrl attribute.
withCollaboratorsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the collaboratorsUrl attribute.
withColor(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the color attribute.
withComment(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the comment attribute.
withComment(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the comment attribute.
withComment(Comment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the comment attribute.
withCommentCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional commentCount attribute.
withCommentCount(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the commentCount attribute.
withComments(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the comments attribute.
withComments(ReviewComment...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of comments.
withComments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the comments attribute.
withComments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the comments attribute.
withComments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the comments attribute.
withComments(Iterable<? extends ReviewComment>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of comments.
withCommentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commentsUrl attribute.
withCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commit attribute.
withCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commit attribute.
withCommit(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commit attribute.
withCommit(CommitItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commit attribute.
withCommitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional commitId attribute.
withCommitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitId attribute.
withCommitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitId attribute.
withCommitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitId attribute.
withCommitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional commitId attribute.
withCommitId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the commitId attribute.
withCommitId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the commitId attribute.
withCommitMessage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional commitMessage attribute.
withCommitMessage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the commitMessage attribute.
withCommits(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commits attribute.
withCommits(Commit...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of commits.
withCommits(PushCommit...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of commits.
withCommits(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commits attribute.
withCommits(Iterable<? extends Commit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of commits.
withCommits(Iterable<? extends PushCommit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of commits.
withCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitsUrl attribute.
withCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitsUrl attribute.
withCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitsUrl attribute.
withCommitsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitsUrl attribute.
withCommitsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitsUrl attribute.
withCommitter(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the committer attribute.
withCommitter(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the committer attribute.
withCommitTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional commitTitle attribute.
withCommitTitle(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the commitTitle attribute.
withCommitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the commitUrl attribute.
withCompare(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the compare attribute.
withCompareUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the compareUrl attribute.
withCompareUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the compareUrl attribute.
withCompareUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the compareUrl attribute.
withCompletedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional completedAt attribute.
withCompletedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional completedAt attribute.
withCompletedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the completedAt attribute.
withCompletedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the completedAt attribute.
withConclusion(CheckRunConclusion) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional conclusion attribute.
withConclusion(CheckRunConclusion) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional conclusion attribute.
withConclusion(Optional<? extends CheckRunConclusion>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the conclusion attribute.
withConclusion(Optional<? extends CheckRunConclusion>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the conclusion attribute.
withConfig(WebhookConfig) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the config attribute.
withConfig(WebhookConfig) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the config attribute.
withContent(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the content attribute.
withContent(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the content attribute.
withContentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contentsUrl attribute.
withContentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contentsUrl attribute.
withContentsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contentsUrl attribute.
withContentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional contentsUrl attribute.
withContentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the contentsUrl attribute.
withContentType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contentType attribute.
withContext(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the context attribute.
withContext(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional context attribute.
withContext(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the context attribute.
withContext(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the context attribute.
withContributorsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contributorsUrl attribute.
withContributorsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contributorsUrl attribute.
withContributorsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contributorsUrl attribute.
withCreated(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the created attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreatedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createdAt attribute.
withCreator(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the creator attribute.
withCreator(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the creator attribute.
withCreator(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional creator attribute.
withCreator(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the creator attribute.
withCurrent(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the current attribute.
withDate(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional date attribute.
withDate(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the date attribute.
withDefaultBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the defaultBranch attribute.
withDefaultBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the defaultBranch attribute.
withDefaultBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the defaultBranch attribute.
withDeleted(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the deleted attribute.
withDeletions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the deletions attribute.
withDeletions(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the deletions attribute.
withDeployment(Deployment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the deployment attribute.
withDeployment(Deployment) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the deployment attribute.
withDeploymentStatus(Status) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the deploymentStatus attribute.
withDeploymentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional deploymentsUrl attribute.
withDeploymentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional deploymentsUrl attribute.
withDeploymentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional deploymentsUrl attribute.
withDeploymentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the deploymentsUrl attribute.
withDeploymentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the deploymentsUrl attribute.
withDeploymentsUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the deploymentsUrl attribute.
withDeploymentUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional deploymentUrl attribute.
withDeploymentUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the deploymentUrl attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDetailsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional detailsUrl attribute.
withDetailsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional detailsUrl attribute.
withDetailsUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the detailsUrl attribute.
withDetailsUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the detailsUrl attribute.
withDiffHunk(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the diffHunk attribute.
withDiffUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the diffUrl attribute.
withDiffUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the diffUrl attribute.
withDiffUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the diffUrl attribute.
withDirection(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional direction attribute.
withDirection(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the direction attribute.
withDirection(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the direction attribute.
withDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the distinct attribute.
withDownloadsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the downloadsUrl attribute.
withDownloadsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the downloadsUrl attribute.
withDownloadsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the downloadsUrl attribute.
withDownloadUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the downloadUrl attribute.
withDownloadUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the downloadUrl attribute.
withDraft(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional draft attribute.
withDraft(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the draft attribute.
withDraft(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the draft attribute.
withDueOn(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional dueOn attribute.
withDueOn(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the dueOn attribute.
withEmail(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional email attribute.
withEmail(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the email attribute.
withEncoding(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the encoding attribute.
withEncoding(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the encoding attribute.
withEndColumn(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional endColumn attribute.
withEndColumn(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the endColumn attribute.
withEndLine(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the endLine attribute.
withEnvironment(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the environment attribute.
withEvent(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the event attribute.
withEvent(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the event attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEventInstallation(EventInstallation) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventInstallation attribute.
withEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventsUrl attribute.
withEventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventsUrl attribute.
withEventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventsUrl attribute.
withEventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventsUrl attribute.
withEventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventsUrl attribute.
withEventsUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventsUrl attribute.
withEventsUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the eventsUrl attribute.
withExpiresAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the expiresAt attribute.
withExternalId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional externalId attribute.
withExternalId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional externalId attribute.
withExternalId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the externalId attribute.
withExternalId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the externalId attribute.
withExternalUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the externalUrl attribute.
withFilename(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the filename attribute.
withFiles(File...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFiles(File...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFiles(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFiles(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFollowersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the followersUrl attribute.
withFollowingUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the followingUrl attribute.
withForced(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forced attribute.
withFork(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the fork attribute.
withFork(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the fork attribute.
withFork(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the fork attribute.
withForkee(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forkee attribute.
withForks(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withForks(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withForks(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withForksCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forksCount attribute.
withForksCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forksCount attribute.
withForksCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forksCount attribute.
withForksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forksUrl attribute.
withForksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forksUrl attribute.
withForksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the forksUrl attribute.
withFrom(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.changes.ImmutableBody
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the from attribute.
withFullName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the fullName attribute.
withFullName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the fullName attribute.
withFullName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the fullName attribute.
withGistsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gistsUrl attribute.
withGitCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitCommitsUrl attribute.
withGitCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitCommitsUrl attribute.
withGitCommitsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitCommitsUrl attribute.
withGitRefsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitRefsUrl attribute.
withGitRefsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitRefsUrl attribute.
withGitRefsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitRefsUrl attribute.
withGitTagsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitTagsUrl attribute.
withGitTagsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitTagsUrl attribute.
withGitTagsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitTagsUrl attribute.
withGitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitUrl attribute.
withGitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitUrl attribute.
withGitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitUrl attribute.
withGitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitUrl attribute.
withGitUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the gitUrl attribute.
withGravatarId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional gravatarId attribute.
withGravatarId(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the gravatarId attribute.
withHasDownloads(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasDownloads attribute.
withHasDownloads(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasDownloads attribute.
withHasDownloads(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasDownloads attribute.
withHasIssues(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasIssues attribute.
withHasIssues(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasIssues attribute.
withHasIssues(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasIssues attribute.
withHasPages(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasPages attribute.
withHasPages(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasPages attribute.
withHasPages(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasPages attribute.
withHasWiki(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasWiki attribute.
withHasWiki(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasWiki attribute.
withHasWiki(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hasWiki attribute.
withHead(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the head attribute.
withHead(PullRequestRef) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the head attribute.
withHead(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the head attribute.
withHead(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional head attribute.
withHead(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the head attribute.
withHeadCommit(Optional<PushCommit>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the headCommit attribute.
withHeadSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the headSha attribute.
withHeadSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the headSha attribute.
withHomepage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional homepage attribute.
withHomepage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional homepage attribute.
withHomepage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional homepage attribute.
withHomepage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the homepage attribute.
withHomepage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the homepage attribute.
withHomepage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the homepage attribute.
withHooksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hooksUrl attribute.
withHooksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hooksUrl attribute.
withHooksUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hooksUrl attribute.
withHref(T) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableHref
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the href attribute.
withHref(T) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableHref
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the href attribute.
withHtml(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the html attribute.
withHtml(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the html attribute.
withHtml(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the html attribute.
withHtml(ReviewLinks.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the html attribute.
withHtmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withHtmlUrl(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the htmlUrl attribute.
withId(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableEventInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuite
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the identifier attribute.
withImages(CheckRunImage...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of images.
withImages(Iterable<? extends CheckRunImage>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of images.
withImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunImage
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the imageUrl attribute.
withIncompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the incompleteResults attribute.
withIncompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the incompleteResults attribute.
withIncompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the incompleteResults attribute.
withIncompleteResults(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the incompleteResults attribute.
withInstallations(Installation...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of installations.
withInstallations(Iterable<? extends Installation>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of installations.
withInstallationsCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional installationsCount attribute.
withInstallationsCount(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the installationsCount attribute.
withIsPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the isPrivate attribute.
withIsPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the isPrivate attribute.
withIsPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the isPrivate attribute.
withIsProtected(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional isProtected attribute.
withIsProtected(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the isProtected attribute.
withIsPublic(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional isPublic attribute.
withIsPublic(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional isPublic attribute.
withIsPublic(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional isPublic attribute.
withIsPublic(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the isPublic attribute.
withIsPublic(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the isPublic attribute.
withIsPublic(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the isPublic attribute.
withIssue(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issue attribute.
withIssue(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issue attribute.
withIssue(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issue attribute.
withIssue(Issue) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional issue attribute.
withIssue(Optional<? extends Issue>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the issue attribute.
withIssueCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueCommentUrl attribute.
withIssueCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueCommentUrl attribute.
withIssueCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueCommentUrl attribute.
withIssueEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueEventsUrl attribute.
withIssueEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueEventsUrl attribute.
withIssueEventsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueEventsUrl attribute.
withIssuesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issuesUrl attribute.
withIssuesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issuesUrl attribute.
withIssuesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issuesUrl attribute.
withIssueUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional issueUrl attribute.
withIssueUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueUrl attribute.
withIssueUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the issueUrl attribute.
withIssueUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the issueUrl attribute.
withItems(Repository...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of items.
withItems(SearchIssue...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of items.
withItems(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of items.
withItems(Iterable<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of items.
withItems(Iterable<? extends SearchIssue>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of items.
withItems(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of items.
withKeysUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the keysUrl attribute.
withKeysUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the keysUrl attribute.
withKeysUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the keysUrl attribute.
withLabel(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunAction
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the label attribute.
withLabel(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional label attribute.
withLabel(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the label attribute.
withLabels(Label...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of labels.
withLabels(Label...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of labels.
withLabels(Iterable<? extends Label>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of labels.
withLabels(Iterable<? extends Label>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of labels.
withLabelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the labelsUrl attribute.
withLabelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the labelsUrl attribute.
withLabelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the labelsUrl attribute.
withLabelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the labelsUrl attribute.
withLabelsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the labelsUrl attribute.
withLabelsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the labelsUrl attribute.
withLanguage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional language attribute.
withLanguage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional language attribute.
withLanguage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional language attribute.
withLanguage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the language attribute.
withLanguage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the language attribute.
withLanguage(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the language attribute.
withLanguagesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the languagesUrl attribute.
withLanguagesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the languagesUrl attribute.
withLanguagesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the languagesUrl attribute.
withLast(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the last attribute.
withLine(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
withLine(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
withLinks(ReviewLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the links attribute.
withLinks(CommentLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the links attribute.
withLinks(PullRequestLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the links attribute.
withLinks(PullRequestLinks) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the links attribute.
withLocked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the locked attribute.
withLocked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the locked attribute.
withLocked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the locked attribute.
withLocked(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the locked attribute.
withLogin(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the login attribute.
withLogin(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the login attribute.
withMapper(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class com.spotify.github.jackson.Json
Create an instance with a provided mapper.
withMasterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the masterBranch attribute.
withMasterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withMasterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withMasterBranch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withMasterBranch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withMasterBranch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withMasterBranch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withMedia(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional media attribute.
withMedia(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the media attribute.
withMembersUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the membersUrl attribute.
withMergeable(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mergeable attribute.
withMergeable(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mergeable attribute.
withMergeableState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mergeableState attribute.
withMergeBaseCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mergeBaseCommit attribute.
withMergeCommitSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mergeCommitSha attribute.
withMergeCommitSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mergeCommitSha attribute.
withMergeCommitSha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mergeCommitSha attribute.
withMergeCommitSha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mergeCommitSha attribute.
withMerged(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the merged attribute.
withMergedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mergedAt attribute.
withMergedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mergedAt attribute.
withMergedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mergedAt attribute.
withMergedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mergedAt attribute.
withMergedBy(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mergedBy attribute.
withMergedBy(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mergedBy attribute.
withMergeMethod(MergeMethod) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mergeMethod attribute.
withMergesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mergesUrl attribute.
withMergesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mergesUrl attribute.
withMergesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mergesUrl attribute.
withMessage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the message attribute.
withMessage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the message attribute.
withMessage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the message attribute.
withMessage(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the message attribute.
withMilestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional milestone attribute.
withMilestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional milestone attribute.
withMilestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional milestone attribute.
withMilestone(Milestone) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional milestone attribute.
withMilestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the milestone attribute.
withMilestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the milestone attribute.
withMilestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the milestone attribute.
withMilestone(Optional<? extends Milestone>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the milestone attribute.
withMilestonesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the milestonesUrl attribute.
withMilestonesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the milestonesUrl attribute.
withMilestonesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the milestonesUrl attribute.
withMirrorUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mirrorUrl attribute.
withMirrorUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mirrorUrl attribute.
withMirrorUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional mirrorUrl attribute.
withMirrorUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mirrorUrl attribute.
withMirrorUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mirrorUrl attribute.
withMirrorUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the mirrorUrl attribute.
withMode(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the mode attribute.
withModified(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of modified.
withModified(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of modified.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.requests.ImmutableWebhookCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withNext(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional next attribute.
withNext(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the next attribute.
withNodeId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the nodeId attribute.
withNotificationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the notificationsUrl attribute.
withNotificationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the notificationsUrl attribute.
withNotificationsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the notificationsUrl attribute.
withNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the number attribute.
withNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the number attribute.
withNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the number attribute.
withNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the number attribute.
withNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the number attribute.
withNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the number attribute.
withObject(ReferenceObject) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the object attribute.
withObject(ReferenceObject) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the object attribute.
withOpenIssues(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withOpenIssues(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withOpenIssues(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withOpenIssues(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the openIssues attribute.
withOpenIssues(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withOpenIssues(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withOpenIssues(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withOpenIssuesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the openIssuesCount attribute.
withOpenIssuesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the openIssuesCount attribute.
withOpenIssuesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the openIssuesCount attribute.
withOrder(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional order attribute.
withOrder(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the order attribute.
withOrganization(Organization) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the organization attribute.
withOrganizationsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the organizationsUrl attribute.
withOriginalCommitId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the originalCommitId attribute.
withOriginalPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the originalPosition attribute.
withOutput(CheckRunOutput) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional output attribute.
withOutput(CheckRunOutput) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the output attribute.
withOutput(Optional<? extends CheckRunOutput>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the output attribute.
withOwner(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the owner attribute.
withOwner(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the owner attribute.
withPage(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional page attribute.
withPage(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the page attribute.
withParents(ShaLink...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of parents.
withParents(ShaLink...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of parents.
withParents(Iterable<? extends ShaLink>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of parents.
withParents(Iterable<? extends ShaLink>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of parents.
withPatch(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional patch attribute.
withPatch(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the patch attribute.
withPatchUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the patchUrl attribute.
withPatchUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the patchUrl attribute.
withPatchUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the patchUrl attribute.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the path attribute.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional path attribute.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the path attribute.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the path attribute.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the path attribute.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the path attribute.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the path attribute.
withPath(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the path attribute.
withPayload(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional payload attribute.
withPayload(Optional<? extends Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the payload attribute.
withPer_page(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional per_page attribute.
withPer_page(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the per_page attribute.
withPermission(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the permission attribute.
withPermissions(Permissions) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional permissions attribute.
withPermissions(Permissions) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional permissions attribute.
withPermissions(Permissions) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional permissions attribute.
withPermissions(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the permissions map with the specified map.
withPermissions(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the permissions map with the specified map.
withPermissions(Optional<? extends Permissions>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the permissions attribute.
withPermissions(Optional<? extends Permissions>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the permissions attribute.
withPermissions(Optional<? extends Permissions>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the permissions attribute.
withPingUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pingUrl attribute.
withPosition(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional position attribute.
withPosition(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the position attribute.
withPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the position attribute.
withPosition(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the position attribute.
withPrevious(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional previous attribute.
withPrevious(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutablePagination
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the previous attribute.
withPrivacy(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the privacy attribute.
withProtectionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional protectionUrl attribute.
withProtectionUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableBranch
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the protectionUrl attribute.
withPublicMembersUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the publicMembersUrl attribute.
withPull(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pull attribute.
withPullRequest(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(ReviewLinks.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableReviewLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(PullRequest) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(PullRequestItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(PullRequestItem) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(Optional<? extends PullRequest>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequest(Optional<? extends PullRequest>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the pullRequest attribute.
withPullRequestUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullRequestUrl attribute.
withPullRequestUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullRequestUrl attribute.
withPullsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullsUrl attribute.
withPullsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullsUrl attribute.
withPullsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pullsUrl attribute.
withPush(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePermissions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the push attribute.
withPushedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pushedAt attribute.
withPushedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pushedAt attribute.
withPushedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pushedAt attribute.
withPusher(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pusher attribute.
withPusherType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pusherType attribute.
withPusherType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the pusherType attribute.
withQ(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the q attribute.
withRawDetails(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional rawDetails attribute.
withRawDetails(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the rawDetails attribute.
withRawUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional rawUrl attribute.
withRawUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the rawUrl attribute.
withReceivedEventsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the receivedEventsUrl attribute.
withRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the ref attribute.
withRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the ref attribute.
withRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the ref attribute.
withRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the ref attribute.
withRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the ref attribute.
withRef(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the ref attribute.
withRefType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the refType attribute.
withRefType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the refType attribute.
withRel(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional rel attribute.
withRel(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the rel attribute.
withReleasesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the releasesUrl attribute.
withReleasesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the releasesUrl attribute.
withReleasesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the releasesUrl attribute.
withRemoved(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of removed.
withRemoved(String...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of removed.
withRepo(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional repo attribute.
withRepo(Optional<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the repo attribute.
withRepositories(Repository...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of repositories.
withRepositories(Iterable<? extends Repository>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of repositories.
withRepositoriesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repositoriesUrl attribute.
withRepositoriesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repositoriesUrl attribute.
withRepository(PushRepository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepository(Repository) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repository attribute.
withRepositorySelection(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional repositorySelection attribute.
withRepositorySelection(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the repositorySelection attribute.
withRepositoryUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repositoryUrl attribute.
withRepositoryUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional repositoryUrl attribute.
withRepositoryUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the repositoryUrl attribute.
withRepositoryUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repositoryUrl attribute.
withRepositoryUrl(Optional<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the repositoryUrl attribute.
withReposUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reposUrl attribute.
withReposUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reposUrl attribute.
withRequestedReviewers(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedReviewers.
withRequestedReviewers(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedReviewers.
withRequestedReviewers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedReviewers.
withRequestedReviewers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedReviewers.
withRequestedTeams(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedTeams.
withRequestedTeams(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedTeams.
withRequestedTeams(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedTeams.
withRequestedTeams(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of requestedTeams.
withRev(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional rev attribute.
withRev(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the rev attribute.
withReview(Review) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the review attribute.
withReviewComment(Links.Href<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reviewComment attribute.
withReviewComments(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reviewComments attribute.
withReviewComments(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reviewComments attribute.
withReviewCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reviewCommentsUrl attribute.
withReviewCommentsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reviewCommentsUrl attribute.
withReviewCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reviewCommentUrl attribute.
withReviewCommentUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reviewCommentUrl attribute.
withReviewers(List<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional reviewers attribute.
withReviewers(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the reviewers attribute.
withScore(Float) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the score attribute.
withSelf(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the self attribute.
withSelf(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableCommentLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the self attribute.
withSelf(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the self attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableBaseEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCommitCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableCreateEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeleteEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableDeploymentStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableForkEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssueCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableIssuesEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewCommentEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePullRequestReviewEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutablePushEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableRepositoryEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSender(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sender attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableMergeParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional sha attribute.
withSha(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sha attribute.
withSha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the sha attribute.
withSha(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the sha attribute.
withSingleFileName(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional singleFileName attribute.
withSingleFileName(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the singleFileName attribute.
withSiteAdmin(boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional siteAdmin attribute.
withSiteAdmin(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the siteAdmin attribute.
withSize(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the size attribute.
withSize(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the size attribute.
withSize(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the size attribute.
withSize(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the size attribute.
withSize(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the size attribute.
withSize(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the size attribute.
withSize(Long) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the size attribute.
withSlug(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional slug attribute.
withSlug(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the slug attribute.
withSlug(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the slug attribute.
withSort(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional sort attribute.
withSort(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sort attribute.
withSort(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional sort attribute.
withSort(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the sort attribute.
withSort(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.requests.ImmutableSearchParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the sort attribute.
withSshUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sshUrl attribute.
withSshUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sshUrl attribute.
withSshUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the sshUrl attribute.
withStargazers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withStargazers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withStargazers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withStargazers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withStargazers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withStargazers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withStargazersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the stargazersCount attribute.
withStargazersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the stargazersCount attribute.
withStargazersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the stargazersCount attribute.
withStargazersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the stargazersUrl attribute.
withStargazersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the stargazersUrl attribute.
withStargazersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the stargazersUrl attribute.
withStarredUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the starredUrl attribute.
withStartColumn(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional startColumn attribute.
withStartColumn(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the startColumn attribute.
withStartedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional startedAt attribute.
withStartedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional startedAt attribute.
withStartedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the startedAt attribute.
withStartedAt(Optional<? extends ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the startedAt attribute.
withStartLine(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the startLine attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the state attribute.
withState(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the state attribute.
withState(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the state attribute.
withStats(Map<String, ? extends Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the stats map with the specified map.
withStatus(CheckRunStatus) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the status attribute.
withStatus(CheckRunStatus) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the status attribute.
withStatus(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitComparison
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the status attribute.
withStatus(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFile
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the status attribute.
withStatuses(Links.Href<URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestLinks
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statuses attribute.
withStatuses(Status...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of statuses.
withStatuses(Iterable<? extends Status>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitStatus
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of statuses.
withStatusesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statusesUrl attribute.
withStatusesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statusesUrl attribute.
withStatusesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statusesUrl attribute.
withStatusesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statusesUrl attribute.
withStatusesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statusesUrl attribute.
withStatusesUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statusesUrl attribute.
withSubmittedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional submittedAt attribute.
withSubmittedAt(Optional<? extends GitHubInstant>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the submittedAt attribute.
withSubscribersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the subscribersUrl attribute.
withSubscribersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the subscribersUrl attribute.
withSubscribersUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the subscribersUrl attribute.
withSubscriptionsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the subscriptionsUrl attribute.
withSubscriptionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the subscriptionUrl attribute.
withSubscriptionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the subscriptionUrl attribute.
withSubscriptionUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the subscriptionUrl attribute.
withSummary(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional summary attribute.
withSummary(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the summary attribute.
withSvnUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the svnUrl attribute.
withSvnUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the svnUrl attribute.
withSvnUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the svnUrl attribute.
withTag(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the tag attribute.
withTagger(Author) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the tagger attribute.
withTagsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the tagsUrl attribute.
withTagsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the tagsUrl attribute.
withTagsUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the tagsUrl attribute.
withTargetId(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the targetId attribute.
withTargetType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the targetType attribute.
withTargetUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional targetUrl attribute.
withTargetUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional targetUrl attribute.
withTargetUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableRepositoryCreateStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the targetUrl attribute.
withTargetUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the targetUrl attribute.
withTargetUrl(Optional<? extends URI>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the targetUrl attribute.
withTask(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the task attribute.
withTeamReviewers(List<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional teamReviewers attribute.
withTeamReviewers(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableRequestReviewParameters
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the teamReviewers attribute.
withTeams(Team...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of teams.
withTeams(Iterable<? extends Team>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of teams.
withTeamsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the teamsUrl attribute.
withTeamsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the teamsUrl attribute.
withTeamsUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the teamsUrl attribute.
withTestUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the testUrl attribute.
withText(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional text attribute.
withText(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the text attribute.
withTimestamp(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the timestamp attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestCreate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional title attribute.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the title attribute.
withTitle(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the title attribute.
withTitle(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAnnotation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the title attribute.
withTitle(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunOutput
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the title attribute.
withTitle(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.requests.ImmutablePullRequestUpdate
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the title attribute.
withToken(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableAccessToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the token attribute.
withTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.apps.ImmutableInstallationRepositoriesResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponseList
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckSuiteResponseList
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableInstallationList
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTotalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearch
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTotalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssues
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTotalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchRepositories
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTotalCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchUsers
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the totalCount attribute.
withTree(ShaLink) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the tree attribute.
withTree(TreeItem...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tree.
withTree(Iterable<? extends TreeItem>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tree.
withTreeId(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the treeId attribute.
withTreesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the treesUrl attribute.
withTreesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the treesUrl attribute.
withTreesUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the treesUrl attribute.
withTruncated(Boolean) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the truncated attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the type attribute.
withType(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the type attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableCloseTracking
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.ImmutableUpdateTracking
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.activity.events.ImmutableStatusEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(GitHubInstant) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUpdatedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableApp
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the updatedAt attribute.
withUrl(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.checks.ImmutableCheckRunResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.http.ImmutableLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableBlob
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReference
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableReferenceObject
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableShaLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTag
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTree
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableTreeItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhook
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.hooks.ImmutableWebhookConfig
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableMilestone
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableTeam
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.ImmutableUser
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableLabel
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableCommitItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableDeployment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableFolderContent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableOrganization
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushCommit
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableStatus
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUrl(URI) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the url attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.comment.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the user attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.issues.ImmutableIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the user attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableComment
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the user attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the user attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestItem
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the user attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional user attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReview
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the user attribute.
withUser(User) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.search.ImmutableSearchIssue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the user attribute.
withUser(Optional<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutablePullRequestRef
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the user attribute.
withUsername(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional username attribute.
withUsername(Optional<String>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.git.ImmutableAuthor
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the username attribute.
withUsers(User...) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of users.
withUsers(Iterable<? extends User>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.prs.ImmutableReviewRequests
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of users.
withVisibility(String) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.requests.ImmutableAuthenticatedUserRepositoriesFilter
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the visibility attribute.
withWatchers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withWatchers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withWatchers(int) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withWatchers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
withWatchers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
withWatchers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
withWatchersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutablePushRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the watchersCount attribute.
withWatchersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepository
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the watchersCount attribute.
withWatchersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.spotify.github.v3.repos.ImmutableRepositoryBase
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the watchersCount attribute.
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