Interface CheckRunOutput

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CheckRunOutput
    The interface Check run output. Includes all the details in the report
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • title

        Optional<String> title()
        The title of the check run.
        the string
      • summary

        Optional<String> summary()
        The summary of the check run. This parameter supports Markdown.
        the optional
      • text

        Optional<String> text()
        The details of the check run. This parameter supports Markdown.
        the optional
      • images

        List<CheckRunImage> images()
        Adds images to the output displayed in the GitHub pull request UI.
        the list
      • annotations

        List<Annotation> annotations()
        Adds information from your analysis to specific lines of code. Annotations are visible on GitHub in the Checks and Files changed tab of the pull request.
        the list
      • annotationsCount

        Optional<Integer> annotationsCount()
        The count of annotations. Used on response objects.
        the optional
      • annotationsUrl

        Optional<String> annotationsUrl()
        Annotations URL, used on response objects.
        the optional
      • check

        default void check()
        Automatically validates the maximum length of properties.

        GitHub does not validate these properly on their side (at least in GHE 3.2) and returns 422 HTTP responses instead. To avoid that, let's validate the data in this client library.