Interface Event

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Event
    Issue event resource. Records various events that occur around an issue or pull request. This is useful both for display on issue/pull request information pages and also to determine who should be notified of comments.
    • Method Detail

      • id

        Integer id()
        The Integer ID of the event.
      • url

        URI url()
        The API URL for fetching the event.
      • actor

        User actor()
        The User object that generated the event.
      • event

        String event()
        Identifies the actual type of Event that occurred.
      • commitId

        String commitId()
        The String SHA of a commit that referenced this Issue.
      • commitUrl

        URI commitUrl()
        The GitHub API link to a commit that referenced this Issue.
      • createdAt

        GitHubInstant createdAt()
        The timestamp indicating when the event occurred.