Interface TeamUpdate

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TeamUpdate
    Request to create a team within a given organisation
    • Method Detail

      • name

        String name()
        The name of the team.
      • description

        Optional<String> description()
        The description of the team.
      • privacy

        Optional<String> privacy()
        The level of privacy this team should have. For a non-nested team: secret - only visible to organization owners and members of this team. closed - visible to all members of this organization. Default: secret For a parent or child team: closed - visible to all members of this organization. Default for child team: closed Can be one of: secret, closed
      • notification_setting

        Optional<String> notification_setting()
        The notification setting the team has chosen. The options are: notifications_enabled - team members receive notifications when the team is @mentioned. notifications_disabled - no one receives notifications. Default: notifications_enabled Can be one of: notifications_enabled, notifications_disabled
      • parent_team_id

        Optional<String> parent_team_id()
        The ID of a team to set as the parent team.