Interface Calendars

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Calendars
    • Method Detail

      • toBuddhistDate

        BuddhistDate toBuddhistDate​(long epoch,
                                    java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Buddhist calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toBuddhistDate

        BuddhistDate toBuddhistDate​(java.util.Date date,
                                    java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Buddhist calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toBuddhistDate

        BuddhistDate toBuddhistDate​(CalendarDate date)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Buddhist calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toGregorianDate

        GregorianDate toGregorianDate​(long epoch,
                                      java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Gregorian calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toGregorianDate

        GregorianDate toGregorianDate​(java.util.Date date,
                                      java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Gregorian calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toGregorianDate

        GregorianDate toGregorianDate​(CalendarDate date)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Gregorian calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toISO8601Date

        ISO8601Date toISO8601Date​(long epoch,
                                  java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the ISO-8601 calendar, with ISO week data.
      • toISO8601Date

        ISO8601Date toISO8601Date​(java.util.Date date,
                                  java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the ISO-8601 calendar, with ISO week data.
      • toISO8601Date

        ISO8601Date toISO8601Date​(CalendarDate date)
        Convert a date time into a date in the ISO-8601 calendar, with ISO week data.
      • toJapaneseDate

        JapaneseDate toJapaneseDate​(long epoch,
                                    java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Japanese calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toJapaneseDate

        JapaneseDate toJapaneseDate​(java.util.Date date,
                                    java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Japanese calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toJapaneseDate

        JapaneseDate toJapaneseDate​(CalendarDate date)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Japanese calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toPersianDate

        PersianDate toPersianDate​(long epoch,
                                  java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Persian calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toPersianDate

        PersianDate toPersianDate​(java.util.Date date,
                                  java.lang.String zoneId)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Persian calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • toPersianDate

        PersianDate toPersianDate​(CalendarDate date)
        Convert a date time into a date in the Persian calendar, with locale-specific week data.
      • formatDateRaw

        java.lang.String formatDateRaw​(CalendarDate date,
                                       DateRawFormatOptions options)
        Formats a date-time value to string using a raw date-time pattern. Warning: You should not use this for general formatting.
      • timeData

        TimeData timeData()
        Return information about the locale's preferred and allowed time cycles.
      • timeZoneIds

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> timeZoneIds()
        Return an array containing the official TZDB timezone identifiers.
      • resolveTimeZoneId

        java.lang.String resolveTimeZoneId​(java.lang.String zoneId)
        Resolve a timezone id / alias to the official TZDB identifier.
      • timeZoneInfo

        TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfo​(java.lang.String zoneId)
        Return additional information for a timezone id, including the localized exemplar city.