Interface Numbers

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Numbers
    • Method Detail

      • adjustDecimal

        Decimal adjustDecimal​(Decimal num)
        Adjusts a decimal number using the given options.
      • formatDecimal

        java.lang.String formatDecimal​(Decimal n)
        Formats a decimal number to string.
      • formatDecimalToParts

        java.util.List<Part> formatDecimalToParts​(Decimal n)
        Formats a decimal number to an array of parts.
      • formatDecimalToParts

        java.util.List<Part> formatDecimalToParts​(Decimal n,
                                                  DecimalFormatOptions options)
        Formats a decimal number to an array of parts.
      • formatCurrency

        java.lang.String formatCurrency​(Decimal n,
                                        CurrencyType code)
        Formats a currency value to string.
      • formatCurrencyToParts

        java.util.List<Part> formatCurrencyToParts​(Decimal n,
                                                   CurrencyType code)
        Formats a currency value to an array of parts.
      • getCurrencySymbol

        java.lang.String getCurrencySymbol​(CurrencyType code)
        Returns the currency symbol of the given width.
      • getCurrencyDisplayName

        java.lang.String getCurrencyDisplayName​(CurrencyType code)
        Returns the display name of the currency.
      • getCurrencyPluralName

        java.lang.String getCurrencyPluralName​(Decimal n,
                                               CurrencyType code)
        Returns the pluralized display name of the currency.
      • getCurrencyFractions

        CurrencyFractions getCurrencyFractions​(CurrencyType code)
        Return the currency fraction info for a given currency code.
      • getCurrencyForRegion

        CurrencyType getCurrencyForRegion​(java.lang.String region)
        Return the currency code to use for a given region.
      • getPluralCardinal

        PluralType getPluralCardinal​(Decimal n)
        Returns the plural cardinal category of the given decimal number.
      • getPluralOrdinal

        PluralType getPluralOrdinal​(Decimal n)
        Returns the plural ordinal category of the given decimal number.