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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


adapter(Class<T>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
adapter(Type) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
Returns a JSON adapter for type, creating it if necessary.
adapter(Type, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
adapter(Type, Class<? extends Annotation>...) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
adapter(Type, Set<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
adapter(Type, Set<? extends Annotation>, String) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
add(JsonAdapter.Factory) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
add(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
add(Type, JsonAdapter<T>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
add(Type, Class<? extends Annotation>, JsonAdapter<T>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
addLast(JsonAdapter.Factory) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
addLast(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
addLast(Type, JsonAdapter<T>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
addLast(Type, Class<? extends Annotation>, JsonAdapter<T>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
arrayOf(Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Returns an array type whose elements are all instances of componentType.


BEGIN_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
The opening of a JSON array.
BEGIN_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
The opening of a JSON object.
beginArray() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the beginning of a new array.
beginArray() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Begins encoding a new array.
beginFlatten() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Cancels immediately-nested calls to JsonWriter.beginArray() or JsonWriter.beginObject() and their matching calls to JsonWriter.endArray() or JsonWriter.endObject().
beginObject() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the beginning of a new object.
beginObject() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Begins encoding a new object.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
A JSON true or false.
boxIfPrimitive(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
build() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi.Builder


canonicalize(Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Returns a type that is functionally equal but not necessarily equal according to Object.equals().
collectionElementType(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Returns the element type of this collection type.
com.squareup.moshi - package com.squareup.moshi
Moshi is modern JSON library for Android and Java.
com.squareup.moshi.internal - package com.squareup.moshi.internal
create(Type, Set<? extends Annotation>, Moshi) - Method in interface com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter.Factory
Attempts to create an adapter for type annotated with annotations.


DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR_MARKER - Static variable in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
delegate() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NonNullJsonAdapter
delegate() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NullSafeJsonAdapter


EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
END_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
The closing of a JSON array.
END_DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
The end of the JSON stream.
END_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
The closing of a JSON object.
endArray() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the end of the current array.
endArray() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Ends encoding the current array.
endFlatten(int) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Ends nested call flattening created by JsonWriter.beginFlatten().
endObject() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is the end of the current object.
endObject() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Ends encoding the current object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.GenericArrayTypeImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.WildcardTypeImpl
equals(Type, Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Returns true if a and b are equal.


failOnUnknown() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Returns a JSON adapter equal to this, but that throws a JsonDataException when unknown names and values are encountered.
failOnUnknown() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns true if this parser forbids skipping names and values.
fromJson(JsonReader) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NonNullJsonAdapter
fromJson(JsonReader) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NullSafeJsonAdapter
fromJson(JsonReader) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Decodes a nullable instance of type JsonAdapter from the given reader.
fromJson(String) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Decodes a nullable instance of type JsonAdapter from the given string.
fromJson(BufferedSource) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Decodes a nullable instance of type JsonAdapter from the given source.
FromJson - Annotation Interface in com.squareup.moshi
fromJsonValue(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Decodes a Java value object from value, which must be comprised of maps, lists, strings, numbers, booleans and nulls.


generateAdapter() - Element in annotation interface com.squareup.moshi.JsonClass
True to trigger the annotation processor to generate an adapter for this type.
generatedAdapter(Moshi, Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Loads the generated JsonAdapter for classes annotated JsonClass.
generatedJsonAdapterName(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Resolves the generated JsonAdapter fully qualified class name for a given JsonClass-annotated clazz.
generatedJsonAdapterName(String) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Resolves the generated JsonAdapter fully qualified class name for a given JsonClass-annotated className.
generator() - Element in annotation interface com.squareup.moshi.JsonClass
An optional custom generator tag used to indicate which generator should be used.
GenericArrayTypeImpl(Type) - Constructor for class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.GenericArrayTypeImpl
getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
getFieldJsonQualifierAnnotations(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
this is no longer needed in Kotlin 1.6.0 (which has direct annotation instantiation) and is obsolete.
getGenericComponentType() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.GenericArrayTypeImpl
getGenericSupertype(Type, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Returns the generic supertype for supertype.
getIndent() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Returns a string containing only whitespace, used for each level of indentation.
getLowerBounds() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.WildcardTypeImpl
getOwnerType() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
getPath() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns a JsonPath to the current location in the JSON value.
getPath() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Returns a JsonPath to the current location in the JSON value.
getRawType() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
getRawType(Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
getSerializeNulls() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Returns true if object members are serialized when their value is null.
getUpperBounds() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.WildcardTypeImpl


hashCode() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.GenericArrayTypeImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.WildcardTypeImpl
hasNext() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns true if the current array or object has another element.
hasNullable(Annotation[]) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Returns true if annotations has any annotation whose simple name is Nullable.


ignore() - Element in annotation interface com.squareup.moshi.Json
If true, this field/property will be ignored.
indent(String) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Return a JSON adapter equal to this, but using indent to control how the result is formatted.
isAnnotationPresent(Set<? extends Annotation>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
isKotlin(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
isLenient() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns true if this parser is liberal in what it accepts.
isLenient() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Returns true if this writer has relaxed syntax rules.
isPlatformType(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Returns true if rawType is built in.


Json - Annotation Interface in com.squareup.moshi
Customizes how a field is encoded as JSON.
JsonAdapter<T> - Class in com.squareup.moshi
Converts Java values to JSON, and JSON values to Java.
JsonAdapter() - Constructor for class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
JsonAdapter.Factory - Interface in com.squareup.moshi
jsonAnnotations(Annotation[]) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
jsonAnnotations(AnnotatedElement) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
JsonClass - Annotation Interface in com.squareup.moshi
Customizes how a type is encoded as JSON.
JsonDataException - Exception in com.squareup.moshi
Thrown when the data in a JSON document doesn't match the data expected by the caller.
JsonDataException() - Constructor for exception com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException
JsonDataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException
JsonDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException
JsonDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.squareup.moshi.JsonDataException
JsonEncodingException - Exception in com.squareup.moshi
Thrown when the data being parsed is not encoded as valid JSON.
JsonEncodingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.squareup.moshi.JsonEncodingException
jsonName(String, Json) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
jsonName(String, AnnotatedElement) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
JsonQualifier - Annotation Interface in com.squareup.moshi
Annotates another annotation, causing it to specialize how values are encoded and decoded.
JsonReader - Class in com.squareup.moshi
Reads a JSON (RFC 7159) encoded value as a stream of tokens.
JsonReader.Options - Class in com.squareup.moshi
JsonReader.Token - Enum Class in com.squareup.moshi
A structure, name, or value type in a JSON-encoded string.
jsonValue(Object) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes the value which may be a string, number, boolean, null, map, or list.
JsonWriter - Class in com.squareup.moshi
Writes a JSON (RFC 7159) encoded value to a stream, one token at a time.


lenient() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Returns a JSON adapter equal to this, but is lenient when reading and writing.
lookupDefaultsConstructor(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Reflectively looks up the defaults constructor of a kotlin class.


missingProperty(String, String, JsonReader) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Moshi - Class in com.squareup.moshi
Coordinates binding between JSON values and Java objects.
Moshi.Builder - Class in com.squareup.moshi


name() - Element in annotation interface com.squareup.moshi.Json
The name of the field when encoded as JSON.
name(String) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes the property name.
NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
A JSON property name.
newBuilder() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
Returns a new builder containing all custom factories used by the current instance.
newParameterizedType(Type, Type...) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Returns a new parameterized type, applying typeArguments to rawType.
newParameterizedTypeWithOwner(Type, Type, Type...) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Returns a new parameterized type, applying typeArguments to rawType.
nextAdapter(JsonAdapter.Factory, Type, Set<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
nextAnnotations(Set<? extends Annotation>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Checks if annotations contains jsonQualifier.
nextBoolean() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the boolean value of the next token, consuming it.
nextDouble() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the double value of the next token, consuming it.
nextInt() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the int value of the next token, consuming it.
nextLong() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the long value of the next token, consuming it.
nextName() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the next token, a property name, and consumes it.
nextNull() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Consumes the next token from the JSON stream and asserts that it is a literal null.
nextSource() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the next value as a stream of UTF-8 bytes and consumes it.
nextString() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the string value of the next token, consuming it.
NO_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
nonNull() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Returns a JSON adapter equal to this JSON adapter, but that refuses null values.
NonNullJsonAdapter<T> - Class in com.squareup.moshi.internal
NonNullJsonAdapter(JsonAdapter<T>) - Constructor for class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NonNullJsonAdapter
NULL - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
A JSON null.
nullSafe() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Returns a JSON adapter equal to this JSON adapter, but with support for reading and writing nulls.
NullSafeJsonAdapter<T> - Class in com.squareup.moshi.internal
NullSafeJsonAdapter(JsonAdapter<T>) - Constructor for class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NullSafeJsonAdapter
nullValue() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes null.
NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
A JSON number represented in this API by a Java double, long, or int.


of(String...) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Options
of(BufferedSink) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Returns a new instance that writes UTF-8 encoded JSON to sink.
of(BufferedSource) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns a new instance that reads UTF-8 encoded JSON from source.


ParameterizedTypeImpl(Type, Type, Type...) - Constructor for class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
peek() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the type of the next token without consuming it.
peekJson() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns a new JsonReader that can read data from this JsonReader without consuming it.
promoteNameToValue() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Changes the reader to treat the next name as a string value.
promoteValueToName() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Changes the writer to treat the next value as a string name.


readJsonValue() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the value of the next token, consuming it.
removeSubtypeWildcard(Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
If type is a "? extends X" wildcard, returns X; otherwise returns type unchanged.
resolve(Type, Class<?>, Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
rethrowCause(InvocationTargetException) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
Throws the cause of e, wrapping it if it is checked.


selectName(JsonReader.Options) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
If the next token is a property name that's in options, this consumes it and returns its index.
selectString(JsonReader.Options) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
If the next token is a string that's in options, this consumes it and returns its index.
serializeNulls() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Returns a JSON adapter equal to this JSON adapter, but that serializes nulls when encoding JSON.
setFailOnUnknown(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Configure whether this parser throws a JsonDataException when JsonReader.skipValue() is called.
setIndent(String) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Sets the indentation string to be repeated for each level of indentation in the encoded document.
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Configure this parser to be liberal in what it accepts.
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Configure this writer to relax its syntax rules.
setSerializeNulls(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Sets whether object members are serialized when their value is null.
setTag(Class<T>, T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Assigns the tag value using the given class key and value.
setTag(Class<T>, T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Assigns the tag value using the given class key and value.
skipName() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Skips the next token, consuming it.
skipValue() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Skips the next value recursively.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
A JSON string.
strings() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Options
Returns a copy of this Option's strings.
subtypeOf(Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Returns a type that represents an unknown type that extends bound.
supertypeOf(Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.Types
Returns a type that represents an unknown supertype of bound.


tag(Class<T>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader
Returns the tag value for the given class key.
tag(Class<T>) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Returns the tag value for the given class key.
toJson(JsonWriter, T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NonNullJsonAdapter
toJson(JsonWriter, T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NullSafeJsonAdapter
toJson(JsonWriter, T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Encodes the given value with the given writer.
toJson(BufferedSink, T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
toJson(T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Encodes the given value into a String and returns it.
ToJson - Annotation Interface in com.squareup.moshi
toJsonValue(T) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonAdapter
Encodes value as a Java value object comprised of maps, lists, strings, numbers, booleans, and nulls.
toString() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NonNullJsonAdapter
toString() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.NullSafeJsonAdapter
toString() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.GenericArrayTypeImpl
toString() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
toString() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.WildcardTypeImpl
typeAnnotatedWithAnnotations(Type, Set<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
typeArguments - Variable in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl
Types - Class in com.squareup.moshi
Factory methods for types.
typesMatch(Type, Type) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util


unexpectedNull(String, String, JsonReader) - Static method in class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util
UNSET_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface com.squareup.moshi.Json
The default value of
Util - Class in com.squareup.moshi.internal
Util.GenericArrayTypeImpl - Class in com.squareup.moshi.internal
Util.ParameterizedTypeImpl - Class in com.squareup.moshi.internal
Util.WildcardTypeImpl - Class in com.squareup.moshi.internal
The WildcardType interface supports multiple upper bounds and multiple lower bounds.


value(boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes value.
value(double) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes value.
value(long) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes value.
value(Boolean) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes value.
value(Number) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes value.
value(String) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Encodes value.
value(BufferedSource) - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Writes source directly without encoding its contents.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.squareup.moshi.JsonReader.Token
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
valueSink() - Method in class com.squareup.moshi.JsonWriter
Returns a BufferedSink into which arbitrary data can be written without any additional encoding.


WildcardTypeImpl(Type[], Type[]) - Constructor for class com.squareup.moshi.internal.Util.WildcardTypeImpl
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form