

package newman

Linear Supertypes
NewmanPrivate, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. newman
  2. NewmanPrivate
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ApacheHttpClient extends HttpClient

  2. class ETagAwareHttpClient extends HttpClient

    an HttpClient that respects ETag headers and caches

  3. class FinagleHttpClient extends HttpClient

  4. type FutureValidation[Fail, Success] = Future[Validation[Fail, Success]]

  5. type Header = (String, String)

  6. type HeaderList = NonEmptyList[(String, String)]

  7. type Headers = Option[HeaderList]

  8. trait HttpClient extends AnyRef

  9. implicit class Identity[Id] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  10. trait NewmanPrivate extends AnyRef

  11. type RawBody = Array[Byte]

  12. class ReadCachingHttpClient extends HttpClient

  13. implicit class RichURL extends AnyRef

  14. class SprayHttpClient extends HttpClient

Value Members

  1. object ApacheHttpClient

  2. object Constants

  3. object ETagAwareHttpClient

  4. object Exceptions

  5. object FinagleHttpClient

  6. object HeaderList

  7. object Headers extends Serializable

  8. object RawBody extends Serializable

  9. implicit val RawBodyMonoid: Monoid[RawBody]

  10. object ReadCachingHttpClient

  11. object SprayHttpClient

  12. package caching

  13. package concurrent

  14. package dsl

  15. package enumeration

  16. package jsonscalaz

  17. package request

  18. package response

  19. package serialization

Inherited from NewmanPrivate

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
