

package calc

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. calc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Abelian[T] extends Commutoid[T]

  2. trait Bijection[T, S] extends AnyRef

    A bijective function between values of two types T and S.

    A bijective function between values of two types T and S.

    A bijection maps every element of type T into exactly one element of type S, and every element of type S into exactly one element of type T. It is a function and its inverse bundled together. Additionally, it has the property that b.inv(b.apply(x)) == x and b.apply(b.inv(x)) == x.

    Note: Bijection is specialized. Boxing is avoided for primitive values if both the source type and the target type are integers, longs or doubles.

  3. trait Commutoid[T] extends Monoid[T]

  4. implicit final class DoubleOps extends AnyVal

  5. implicit final class FloatOps extends AnyVal

  6. trait Injection[T, S] extends AnyRef

    An injective function between values of two types T and S.

    An injective function between values of two types T and S.

    In mathematics, an injection maps elements of type T into exactly one element of type S, and can map some elements of type S into one element of type T. An injection is undefined for some values in S. Here, an injection may also be undefined for some elements in T. An injection is a partial function and its partial inverse bundled together.

    For example, a mapping from natural numbers to twice their value forms an injection 1 -> 2, 2 -> 4, 3 -> 6 and so on. The inverse is not defined for every natural number -- 2 is mapped to 1, but 3 is not mapped to anything.

    Additionally, it has the property that b.inv(b.apply(x)) == x. If b.inv is defined for x, then b.apply(b.inv(x)) == x.

    Note: Injection is not specialized, and neither is the standard library PartialFunction class.

  7. implicit final class IntOps extends AnyVal

  8. implicit final class LongOps extends AnyVal

  9. trait Monoid[T] extends AnyRef

  10. class ReactRandom extends AnyRef

    Reactive random value.

    Reactive random value.

    It can be used as a regular random generator that produces random values:

    val r = new ReactRandom(1L)

    Or, as a reactive random value, by subscribing to events produced when emit is called:

    val evens = % 2 == 0)

    Above, evens contains random values.

Value Members

  1. object Abelian

  2. object Bijection

    Contains factory methods for bijection instances.

  3. object Commutoid

  4. object Injection

    Contains factory methods for injection instances.

  5. object Monoid

  6. val Pif: Float

  7. final def euclid(p: XY, q: XY): Double

  8. final def manhattan(p: XY, q: XY): Int

  9. final def max(a: Float, b: Float): Float

  10. final def max(a: Double, b: Double): Double

  11. final def min(a: Float, b: Float): Float

  12. final def min(a: Double, b: Double): Double

  13. final def nextPow2(num: Int): Int

  14. object structure

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
