

package connector

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait FunctionInventory extends DataSourceRegister

  2. sealed trait GenerateConnectorOptions extends AnyRef

  3. trait NativeFunctionExecutor extends AnyRef

    Interface for data sources which are able to execute functions (native or user defined) natively

  4. trait NativeScan extends PushDownable

    A BaseRelation that can execute the whole logical plan without running the query on the Spark cluster.

  5. sealed trait PushDownable extends AnyRef

    Interface for asking whether the datasource is able to push down an isolated logical plan.

  6. trait SQLLikeQueryProcessorUtils extends AnyRef

  7. trait SQLLikeUDFQueryProcessorUtils extends AnyRef

  8. trait TableInventory extends GenerateConnectorOptions

    Interface including data source operations for listing and describing tables at a data source.

  9. trait TableManipulation extends GenerateConnectorOptions

    Interface including data source operations for Table manipulation like CREATE/DROP EXTERNAL TABLE
