Package com.streamsets.pipeline.api.base

package com.streamsets.pipeline.api.base
Convenience Data Collector API classes
  • Class
    Base ChooserValues implementation for enums.
    Field processor implementation providing empty Data Collector lifecycle methods and convenience methods for subclasses.
    Processor implementation providing empty Data Collector lifecycle methods and convenience methods for subclasses.
    Push Source implementation providing empty Data Collector lifecycle methods and convenience methods for subclasses.
    Source implementation providing empty Data Collector lifecycle methods and convenience methods for subclasses.
    Stage implementation providing empty Data Collector lifecycle methods and convenience methods for subclasses.
    Target implementation providing empty Data Collector lifecycle methods and convenience methods for subclasses.
    Error codes produced by the Data Collector where there is a stage configuration issue.
    Exception a stage can throw when a specific record should go to the error pipeline.
    The RecordExecutor is an convenience Executor that handles one record at the time (instead of batch) and has a built-in record error handling for the stage 'on record error' configuration.
    The RecordProcessor is an convenience Processor that handles one record at the time (instead of batch) and has a built-in record error handling for the stage 'on record error' configuration.
    The RecordTarget is an convenience Target that handles one record at the time (instead of batch) and has a built-in record error handling for the stage 'on record error' configuration.
    The SingleProcessor is an convenience Processor that handles writes all records to a single output stream.
    Data Collector(SingleLaneProcessor) stages receive an instance of a SingleLaneBatchMaker to write to the pipeline the records they create or process.
    The SingleLaneRecordProcessor is an convenience Processor that handles one record at the time (instead of batch) and has a built-in record error handling for the stage 'on record error' and writes all records to a single output stream.