Class SubscriptionSchedule.Phase

    • Constructor Detail

      • Phase

        public Phase()
    • Method Detail

      • getCoupon

        public java.lang.String getCoupon()
        Get ID of expandable coupon object.
      • setCoupon

        public void setCoupon​(java.lang.String id)
      • getCouponObject

        public Coupon getCouponObject()
        Get expanded coupon.
      • setCouponObject

        public void setCouponObject​(Coupon expandableObject)
      • getDefaultPaymentMethod

        public java.lang.String getDefaultPaymentMethod()
        Get ID of expandable defaultPaymentMethod object.
      • setDefaultPaymentMethod

        public void setDefaultPaymentMethod​(java.lang.String id)
      • getDefaultPaymentMethodObject

        public PaymentMethod getDefaultPaymentMethodObject()
        Get expanded defaultPaymentMethod.
      • setDefaultPaymentMethodObject

        public void setDefaultPaymentMethodObject​(PaymentMethod expandableObject)
      • getAddInvoiceItems

        public java.util.List<SubscriptionSchedule.AddInvoiceItem> getAddInvoiceItems()
        A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the first invoice for this phase.
      • getApplicationFeePercent

        public java.math.BigDecimal getApplicationFeePercent()
        A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account during this phase of the schedule.
      • getBillingCycleAnchor

        public java.lang.String getBillingCycleAnchor()
        Possible values are phase_start or automatic. If phase_start then billing cycle anchor of the subscription is set to the start of the phase when entering the phase. If automatic then the billing cycle anchor is automatically modified as needed when entering the phase. For more information, see the billing cycle documentation.

        One of automatic, or phase_start.

      • getBillingThresholds

        public Subscription.BillingThresholds getBillingThresholds()
        Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period.
      • getCollectionMethod

        public java.lang.String getCollectionMethod()
        Either charge_automatically, or send_invoice. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.

        One of charge_automatically, or send_invoice.

      • getDefaultTaxRates

        public java.util.List<TaxRate> getDefaultTaxRates()
        The default tax rates to apply to the subscription during this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • getEndDate

        public java.lang.Long getEndDate()
        The end of this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • getItems

        public java.util.List<SubscriptionSchedule.PhaseItem> getItems()
        Subscription items to configure the subscription to during this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • getProrationBehavior

        public java.lang.String getProrationBehavior()
        If the subscription schedule will prorate when transitioning to this phase. Possible values are create_prorations and none.

        One of always_invoice, create_prorations, or none.

      • getStartDate

        public java.lang.Long getStartDate()
        The start of this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • getTransferData

        public Subscription.TransferData getTransferData()
        The account (if any) the associated subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
      • getTrialEnd

        public java.lang.Long getTrialEnd()
        When the trial ends within the phase.
      • setAddInvoiceItems

        public void setAddInvoiceItems​(java.util.List<SubscriptionSchedule.AddInvoiceItem> addInvoiceItems)
        A list of prices and quantities that will generate invoice items appended to the first invoice for this phase.
      • setApplicationFeePercent

        public void setApplicationFeePercent​(java.math.BigDecimal applicationFeePercent)
        A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account during this phase of the schedule.
      • setBillingCycleAnchor

        public void setBillingCycleAnchor​(java.lang.String billingCycleAnchor)
        Possible values are phase_start or automatic. If phase_start then billing cycle anchor of the subscription is set to the start of the phase when entering the phase. If automatic then the billing cycle anchor is automatically modified as needed when entering the phase. For more information, see the billing cycle documentation.

        One of automatic, or phase_start.

      • setBillingThresholds

        public void setBillingThresholds​(Subscription.BillingThresholds billingThresholds)
        Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period.
      • setCollectionMethod

        public void setCollectionMethod​(java.lang.String collectionMethod)
        Either charge_automatically, or send_invoice. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.

        One of charge_automatically, or send_invoice.

      • setDefaultTaxRates

        public void setDefaultTaxRates​(java.util.List<TaxRate> defaultTaxRates)
        The default tax rates to apply to the subscription during this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • setEndDate

        public void setEndDate​(java.lang.Long endDate)
        The end of this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • setItems

        public void setItems​(java.util.List<SubscriptionSchedule.PhaseItem> items)
        Subscription items to configure the subscription to during this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • setProrationBehavior

        public void setProrationBehavior​(java.lang.String prorationBehavior)
        If the subscription schedule will prorate when transitioning to this phase. Possible values are create_prorations and none.

        One of always_invoice, create_prorations, or none.

      • setStartDate

        public void setStartDate​(java.lang.Long startDate)
        The start of this phase of the subscription schedule.
      • setTransferData

        public void setTransferData​(Subscription.TransferData transferData)
        The account (if any) the associated subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
      • setTrialEnd

        public void setTrialEnd​(java.lang.Long trialEnd)
        When the trial ends within the phase.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object