Class Subscription.BillingThresholds

    • Constructor Detail

      • BillingThresholds

        public BillingThresholds()
    • Method Detail

      • getAmountGte

        public java.lang.Long getAmountGte()
        Monetary threshold that triggers the subscription to create an invoice.
      • getResetBillingCycleAnchor

        public java.lang.Boolean getResetBillingCycleAnchor()
        Indicates if the billing_cycle_anchor should be reset when a threshold is reached. If true, billing_cycle_anchor will be updated to the date/time the threshold was last reached; otherwise, the value will remain unchanged. This value may not be true if the subscription contains items with plans that have aggregate_usage=last_ever.
      • setAmountGte

        public void setAmountGte​(java.lang.Long amountGte)
        Monetary threshold that triggers the subscription to create an invoice.
      • setResetBillingCycleAnchor

        public void setResetBillingCycleAnchor​(java.lang.Boolean resetBillingCycleAnchor)
        Indicates if the billing_cycle_anchor should be reset when a threshold is reached. If true, billing_cycle_anchor will be updated to the date/time the threshold was last reached; otherwise, the value will remain unchanged. This value may not be true if the subscription contains items with plans that have aggregate_usage=last_ever.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object