Class Source.Owner

    • Constructor Detail

      • Owner

        public Owner()
    • Method Detail

      • getAddress

        public Address getAddress()
        Owner's address.
      • getEmail

        public java.lang.String getEmail()
        Owner's email address.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Owner's full name.
      • getPhone

        public java.lang.String getPhone()
        Owner's phone number (including extension).
      • getVerifiedAddress

        public Address getVerifiedAddress()
        Verified owner's address. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • getVerifiedEmail

        public java.lang.String getVerifiedEmail()
        Verified owner's email address. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • getVerifiedName

        public java.lang.String getVerifiedName()
        Verified owner's full name. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • getVerifiedPhone

        public java.lang.String getVerifiedPhone()
        Verified owner's phone number (including extension). Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • setAddress

        public void setAddress​(Address address)
        Owner's address.
      • setEmail

        public void setEmail​(java.lang.String email)
        Owner's email address.
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Owner's full name.
      • setPhone

        public void setPhone​(java.lang.String phone)
        Owner's phone number (including extension).
      • setVerifiedAddress

        public void setVerifiedAddress​(Address verifiedAddress)
        Verified owner's address. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • setVerifiedEmail

        public void setVerifiedEmail​(java.lang.String verifiedEmail)
        Verified owner's email address. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • setVerifiedName

        public void setVerifiedName​(java.lang.String verifiedName)
        Verified owner's full name. Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • setVerifiedPhone

        public void setVerifiedPhone​(java.lang.String verifiedPhone)
        Verified owner's phone number (including extension). Verified values are verified or provided by the payment method directly (and if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object